My female boss treats me like her sexual puppet. She hisses “strip” and I’m expected to dance to her tune. She calls me into her office and instigates sex on the desk.

She texts me at weekends and I’m expected to drop everything and head for her flat. I never know if I’m coming or going and constantly feel grubby and used.

Now she says she wants more regular sex from me, and she’ll make it worth my while.

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She’s suggesting I give up my girlfriend, dump my mates and move into her neighbourhood. She’ll give me whatever cash is needed to make it happen.

Basically, she wants me on tap in order to satisfy her voracious sexual needs. She openly tells me that she’s gorgeous and hot and that I’m lucky she’s interested in me.

She want to up the sex – and says she'll make it 'worth my while'
She want to up the sex – and says she'll make it 'worth my while'

But what about my life and my career? When did I turn into this cheap schlong for hire?

We first became intimate on a training weekend. Now she’s got her hooks in me and isn’t willing to let go.

I’ve told her that I’m in a loving relationship, but all she does is slag off my girlfriend and call her a gold digger.

This is hard for me to take because my girl couldn’t be sweeter if she tried; she’s the polar opposite of my grasping, money obsessed boss and that’s the attraction.

My girlfriend knows nothing of what I have to endure on a daily basis, and I live in fear of my nasty boss contacting her and spitefully revealing our sexual history.

The other problem is that my colleagues now treat me like a social outcast. Everyone knows what’s going on and I know they have various, crude, nicknames for us.

How have I got myself down this hole?

JANE SAYS: Do not allow yourself to be ground down or intimidated. Your boss may be spoilt, entitled and power crazed but she has to understand that no means no. If you’re not interested in sleeping with her again, then she has to back off.

I suggest you get in first and tell your girlfriend everything, right now. Then, make a note of everything that has happened so far.

Your pushy boss has to hear that you find this game tiresome and insulting. You’re in a relationship with someone you love very much and aren’t interested in having extra sex with anyone else. Ask her, as a professional and a mature human being to stop pestering you and to leave you alone.

Tell her that you respect her as a boss but aren’t interested in taking your relationship any further than that.

If she threatens to blackmail you or give you the sack, then that takes things to whole new level.

At that point you’ll have to think about talking to her boss and/or your HR department.

Ultimately you must make sure to learn from any past mistakes you’ve made.

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