'I miss Dorinda and Bethenny!' Wendy Williams talks RHONY drama... after plunging ratings spark a huge behind-the-scenes shakeup for Bravo

Wendy Williams thinks bringing back Real Housewives Of New York alums Dorinda Medley and Bethenny Frankel could help boost the reality show's dismal ratings this season.

The hostess got in the middle of the Bravo drama during the Hot Topics segment of her show on Thursday, telling audiences she thinks star Eboni K. Williams is only partially to blame for season 14, which fans say she made 'too woke.' 

Earlier on Thursday, however, Eboni, who is the first Black woman to appear on the Bravo show, passed the buck to show producers, saying they're the ones who decide what makes it on the show and what is left out in editing.

Wendy could see both sides, telling audiences 'I agree [with Eboni] but if Eboni is only saying the same thing in every single scene, then that's all you're gonna see from Eboni.'

Wendy's way: Wendy Williams offered her take on the drama behind-the-scenes on the Real Housewives Of New York, which just paused reunion shoots due to dismal ratings this season

Wendy's way: Wendy Williams offered her take on the drama behind-the-scenes on the Real Housewives Of New York, which just paused reunion shoots due to dismal ratings this season

Ready to return? Wendy suggested RHONY veterans Dorinda Medley and Bethenny Frankel (above in 2019) come back

Ready to return? Wendy suggested RHONY veterans Dorinda Medley and Bethenny Frankel (above in 2019) come back

She then went on a brief tangent about her lunch before saying she misses some of the shows alums like Bethenny Frankel and Dorinda Medley, who left after season 11 and 12, respectively.

'I miss Bethenny and I miss Dorinda,' Wendy said, adding: 'I want that Housewives Of New York to get it together and I don't know how they're gonna do it.'

Wendy's take comes after three people behind the scenes at RHONY told DailyMail.com they were shocked to see Eboni kick the blame to producers, with one pointing out: 'Blaming production is the worst thing you can possibly do.' 

'First it was Ramona and Luann who Eboni said she had issues with - so what is it Andy Cohen's fault now or Lisa Shannon's (from Shed, the production company)?

'Our network and production company take good care of us. They want our show to succeed. Andy takes all of our calls and cares about us and our show,' the source explained. 

'We all want Eboni to be a success. The fact is EVERY woman who joins an existing cast is hazed to some extent. This did not happen to Eboni. The cast and crew were excited to have Eboni on the show and really made sure she became a fast friend and colleague.

'It seems like Eboni is on a mission to take the show down. Speaking on the record to slam producers is shocking to me. Shocking.

Sort of: Williams half defended Eboni K. Williams, who said show producers are responsible if the plots are boring after facing blame for a season some fans say is 'too woke'

Sort of: Williams half defended Eboni K. Williams, who said show producers are responsible if the plots are boring after facing blame for a season some fans say is 'too woke'

What's on tape: Wendy could see both sides, telling audiences 'I agree [with Eboni] but if Eboni is only saying the same thing in every single scene, then that's all you're gonna see from Eboni'

What's on tape: Wendy could see both sides, telling audiences 'I agree [with Eboni] but if Eboni is only saying the same thing in every single scene, then that's all you're gonna see from Eboni' 

Time for a renaissance? 'I miss Bethenny and I miss Dorinda,' Wendy said of the Bravo show's current drama. 'I want that Housewives Of New York to get it together and I don't know how they're gonna do it'

Time for a renaissance? 'I miss Bethenny and I miss Dorinda,' Wendy said of the Bravo show's current drama. 'I want that Housewives Of New York to get it together and I don't know how they're gonna do it'

'She wants Ramona demoted, if not fired and now she's going after production. This is not going to end well. Bring on the very much delayed reunion.'

Last week the Bravo show recorded its lowest rated episode of all-time, earning only 764,000 live viewers. (The only episodes rated lower were the 'secrets' recap episodes for season seven and 12.) 

And yesterday word emerged that RHONY is delaying the reunion shoot until at least September and also pushing back season 14 filming back to 2022. 

An insider told DailyMail.com exclusively: 'All hell is breaking loose behind the scenes at the Real Housewives of New York. While the cameras are down, the drama is continuing.' 

The cast – which currently features Luann de Lesseps, Ramona Singer, Sonja Morgan, Leah McSweeney and Williams - has been informally advised that taping of a new season will not occur until early in 2022 rather than late 2021 as planned.

Blame game: RHONY insiders are shocked that star Eboni K. Williams has blamed the show's plummeting ratings on producers after getting backlash for trying to tackle complicated conversations about race on the Bravo reality romp

Blame game: Three people behind the scenes at RHONY told DailyMail.com they were shocked to see Eboni kick the blame to producers, with one pointing out: 'Blaming production is the worst thing you can possibly do' 

Chaos behind the scenes: The Real Housewives of New York - featuring Sonja Morgan, Leah McSweeney, Ramona Singer, Eboni K. Williams and Luann de Lesseps - is in turmoil amid nosediving ratings

Dismal: Last week the Bravo show recorded its lowest rated episode of all-time, earning only 764,000 live viewers 

A spokesperson for Bravo had no comment when contacted by DailyMail.com on Wednesday.

The insider continued: 'The cast is completely divided and the women are not getting along with each other.

'Filming ended with all of the women as friends, but as soon as the show started airing, Eboni K. Williams went to war against her cast mates – particularly Ramona and Luann and the audience is switching off week after week.' 

The source continued: 'Our viewers don't want to be lectured to. They want a fun show – tipsy, middle aged women with money fighting about petty stuff. Yes – let's talk about the important issues facing our nation – but this cannot be the center of our show.

'It's not what our show is, but week after week, scene after scene, everyone is being schooled by a former Fox News host.' 

Fans reacted to news of plummeting RHONY ratings online this week.

Sick of it: The source said 'Our viewers don't want to be lectured,' adding people are irritated by 'being schooled by a former Fox News host.' Eboni is seen with former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly above

Sick of it: The source said 'Our viewers don't want to be lectured,' adding people are irritated by 'being schooled by a former Fox News host.' Eboni is seen with former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly above 

While some accused her of 'making everything about race,' she also drew positive reactions from viewers for tackling the topic. 

The lawyer was accused of being 'too preachy' and 'woke' after another episode where she took on the role of educator despite the cast — and social media fans — not having an interest in hearing what she had to say.

Eboni pointed out the racial micro-aggressions she faced throughout Season 13 as she's encouraged the four white women on RHONY to reassess their ways with words and dive deeper into different cultures.

'I expected white uncomfortability. I did not expect the number of black folks to be so uncomfortable by my presence on the show,' Eboni told The Breakfast Club in June. 

Earlier in the season, Eboni was forced to explain the harsh realities surrounding the angry black woman trope when LuAnn accused her of flying off the handle at a lunch in the backyard of her Sag Harbor home.

Shortly after the lesson, friend of the cast Heather Thomson thought she was handing Eboni a compliment when she noted the talk show host was very 'articulate,' only for Williams to describe the patronizing comment as a 'micro-aggression'.  

One fan wrote to Williams: 'After watching this last episode so many ignorant people do not appreciate your approach. I literally have enjoyed you on every episode.. continue to ignore the bs..you gave what needed to be gave!!'

One fan wrote to Williams: 'After watching this last episode so many ignorant people do not appreciate your approach. I literally have enjoyed you on every episode.. continue to ignore the bs..you gave what needed to be gave!!'

Yikes: Fans have taken to Twitter with harsh criticism for Eboni's woke approach as she attempted to educated the women on her everyday experiences as a black woman in a white world

Yikes: Fans have taken to Twitter with harsh criticism for Eboni's woke approach as she attempted to educated the women on her everyday experiences as a black woman in a white world

Maybe! One fan simply asked: 'It's a bit much EVERY scene tho?? I don't have a racist bone in my body but your a bit much'

Maybe! One fan simply asked: 'It's a bit much EVERY scene tho?? I don't have a racist bone in my body but your a bit much'

During a trip to Salem, Massachusetts, Eboni said she was all about sharing girl talk as long as she knew that there wasn't anyone in the group 'aligned with white supremacy.'

And fans have taken to Twitter with harsh criticism for Eboni's woke approach as she attempted to educated the women on her everyday experiences as a black woman in a white world.

One fan wrote to Williams: 'After watching this last episode so many ignorant people do not appreciate your approach. I literally have enjoyed you on every episode.. continue to ignore the bs..you gave what needed to be gave!!'

Another user took a lower road with the comment: 'Why do you make everything about race? Just enjoy your friends' as another labelled her 'Boring and preachy.'

Tough talks: Earlier in the season, Eboni was forced to explain the harsh realities surrounding the angry black woman trope when LuAnn accused her of flying off the handle at a lunch in the backyard of her Sag Harbor home

Tough talks: Earlier in the season, Eboni was forced to explain the harsh realities surrounding the angry black woman trope when LuAnn accused her of flying off the handle at a lunch in the backyard of her Sag Harbor home

'I'm an educated black woman but, it's overkill,' @simplylericka wrote. 'She can share our experiences when it's receptive to an open audience. Ramona or Lu aren't marching for BLM and that's fine. Eboni is great for this platform, but it's okay to relax.'

'You came on the RHONY not the View or the Talk,' @cps7253 wrote. 'You want to be taken seriously find a proper platform to "promote" how "woke" you (and Leah) are ..because this isn't it ..you were bullying those ladies by doing your best to set them up so you can knock them down.' 

One fan simply asked: 'It's a bit much EVERY scene tho?? I don't have a racist bone in my body but your a bit much.'

Eboni noted on The Breakfast Club: 'People want to harp on the blackness of it all. black people are feeling like I'm making them cringe. I'm making them uncomfortable. And I'm messing up their good, entertaining time.'

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