Wendy Williams reveals the 12th season of her syndicated talk show will return September 21

More than four months after production shut down on hundreds of film and television productions, due to COVID-19, Wendy Williams has a return date.

The 56-year-old talk show host took to her Instagram on Monday afternoon, sharing a photo of her eating from a bowl of watermelon while revealing her show returns September 21.

Williams did not clarify if September 21 is when production will begin on the 12th season of her show, or if that's when new episodes will start airing. 

Wendy's return: More than four months after production shut down on hundreds of film and television productions, due to COVID-19, Wendy Williams has a return date

Wendy's return: More than four months after production shut down on hundreds of film and television productions, due to COVID-19, Wendy Williams has a return date

'The 12th season of WENDY starts SEPTEMBER 21!!!' the syndicated talk show host began.

'I can’t wait to get back to all of YOU and to my AMAZING staff and crew!!!' she added in her upbeat statement.

'I’m sooo excited to bring you silly, funny, glamour and hopefully brighten your day during these crazy times that we’re all living in…even if for just an hour,' Williams added.

New season: 'The 12th season of WENDY starts SEPTEMBER 21!!!' the syndicated talk show host began

New season: 'The 12th season of WENDY starts SEPTEMBER 21!!!' the syndicated talk show host began

'I miss you and can’t wait to get back in my purple chair and show you what we did to the set. I LOVE you for watching!' she concluded. 

The Wendy Williams Show shut down production in mid-March, as the coronavirus continued to spread, but she did film some shows from home.

The show was shut down indefinitely for Williams to focus on her health issues related to Graves disease, with Williams revealing in June why she stopped filming from home in a video to her fans.

Love: 'I miss you and can¿t wait to get back in my purple chair and show you what we did to the set. I LOVE you for watching!' she concluded

Love: 'I miss you and can’t wait to get back in my purple chair and show you what we did to the set. I LOVE you for watching!' she concluded

'Hi! It's me from home, and hopefully for not too long... I'm waiting for the state of New York to say that we as a show can go back,' Williams said.

'No we have 200 people in our audience, we'll never have that again, but I want to go back to doing our show. Nothing makes me happier than to be Wendy on The Wendy Show...' Williams continued.  

'You know what I mean? I got the love, and the boyfriends, and all that kinda stuff. I'm in my house... but what I want the most, is to be with you. I miss you. I miss you a lot,' she added. 

Wendy from home: 'Hi! It's me from home, and hopefully for not too long... I'm waiting for the state of New York to say that we as a show can go back,' Williams said

Wendy from home: 'Hi! It's me from home, and hopefully for not too long... I'm waiting for the state of New York to say that we as a show can go back,' Williams said

Williams announced in 2018 that she had been diagnosed with the autoimmune disorder that leads to an overactive thyroid.

She also explained why she was reticent to film from her home, but added she is a 'natural' and was 'born' to be in front of the camera.

'I've got closets galore right? I pull out a robe and you know, sit in my chair and I've got my stuff around me and I'm a natural. It's like I am born to do exactly what I'm doing. So, this is not a stretch for me,' she added. 

Diagnosed: Williams announced in 2018 that she had been diagnosed with the autoimmune disorder that leads to an overactive thyroid

Diagnosed: Williams announced in 2018 that she had been diagnosed with the autoimmune disorder that leads to an overactive thyroid

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