Wendy Williams says she's DONE filming 'at home' editions of her talk show after health battle... wants New York state to let them back in studio

  • Wendy Williams recently put her daytime chat show on hold to deal with health issues related to Graves' disease
  • On Wednesday, she told fans she no longer wants to film the '@Home' version of the show remotely from her apartment in New York 
  • She explained: 'I'm waiting for the state of New York to say that we as a show can go back.' 
  • A spokesperson confirmed: 'The goal is to be back in studio as soon as we are allowed. If that is delayed until later in the year, we may revisit the @ Home shows.' 

Wendy Williams is officially over doing the '@ Home' editions of her talk-show.

On Wednesday, Williams, 55, addressed fans from her New York apartment on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook where she explained why she's putting a stop to the remote filming of the daytime show.

'Hi! It's me from home, and hopefully for not too long... I'm waiting for the state of New York to say that we as a show can go back,' Williams said, who recently put the show on hold to deal with health issues related to Graves' disease. 

Enough: Wendy Williams says she's DONE filming 'at home' editions of her talk show and wants NY state to let them go back to the studio (pictured in a video posted Wednesday to fans)

Enough: Wendy Williams says she's DONE filming 'at home' editions of her talk show and wants NY state to let them go back to the studio (pictured in a video posted Wednesday to fans) 

'No we have 200 people in our audience, we'll never have that again, but I want to go back to doing our show. Nothing makes me happier than to be Wendy on The Wendy Show...' Williams continued.

'You know what I mean? I got the love, and the boyfriends, and all that kinda stuff. I'm in my house... but what I want the most, is to be with you. I miss you. I miss you a lo

'The goal is to be back in studio as soon as we are allowed,' a show spokesperson confirmed to Deadline. 'If that is delayed until later in the year, we may revisit the @ Home shows.'

Health battle: Williams recently took time off the show for her issues relating to Graves disease

Health battle: Williams recently took time off the show for her issues relating to Graves disease

Spirited: The 55-year-old seemed to have a spring in her step in the lively video on Wednesday

Spirited: The 55-year-old seemed to have a spring in her step in the lively video on Wednesday

In May, it was revealed the show would be put on hold indefinitely due to Williams' health struggles.

'Recently, Wendy has been dealing with symptoms from her Graves' disease which is causing fatigue. In consultation with her doctor and as a precautionary measure, she will be taking some time off as she continues to receive treatment,' a statement shared via her syndicated show's official Twitter account read. 

The TV personality announced in early 2018 she had been diagnosed with the autoimmune disorder that leads to an overactive thyroid. 

For the fans: Wendy posted her video with a heart emoji telling viewers she missed them

For the fans: Wendy posted her video with a heart emoji telling viewers she missed them

Williams had previously expressed her concerns about doing her television show from home.

In an interview to CNN Williams talked about why she was reluctant to film The Wendy Williams Show from her apartment in New York City when the coronavirus pandemic forced everyone out of the studio. 

In it, she explained she didn't want to go ahead with the at-home version of the show at first, as she considers her space at home sacred, but also because she didn't like the idea of seeing other TV personalities 'looking disgusting' she laughed, adding: 'I'm just saying.' 

Had enough: Wendy previously expressed her concerns about TV stars working from home and 'looking disgusting'

Had enough: Wendy previously expressed her concerns about TV stars working from home and 'looking disgusting' 

A slew of rival talk shows including The View, The Talk, and LIVE with Kelly and Ryan have seen their hosts present from their homes amid the current pandemic. 

However, Williams adds in the interview that she's a 'natural' and was 'born' to be in front of the camera.  

She explained: 'I've got closets galore right? I pull out a robe and you know, sit in my chair and I've got my stuff around me and I'm a natural. It's like I am born to do exactly what I'm doing. So, this is not a stretch for me.'

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