Jamie Foxx and Tina Fey ponder life and death from the Great Beyond in trailer for Disney Pixar's afterlife film Soul

Jamie Foxx has played the likes of Ray Charles and Daddy Warbucks on the big screen.

But his latest role takes him to uncharted territories, as he navigates the afterlife in Pixar's Soul.

He comes to terms with life and death in a new trailer for the film, which premieres June 19.

Leading soul: Jamie Foxx comes to terms with life and death in a new trailer for the Pixar film Soul, which premieres June 19

Leading soul: Jamie Foxx comes to terms with life and death in a new trailer for the Pixar film Soul, which premieres June 19

It opens on a little glowing blue man as he falls through a black void and lands in a completely dark unfamiliar place.

As he happens upon another group of blue people, he reveals that his name is Joe Gardner and he's a middle school band teacher in New York City.

It then shows Joe in human form on what he called the best day of his life, which would also turn out to be the last.

The pianist nails his audition for a jazz quartet, taking to the streets immediately after to celebrate.

Afterlife: It opens on a little glowing blue man as he falls through a black void and lands in a completely dark unfamiliar place

Afterlife: It opens on a little glowing blue man as he falls through a black void and lands in a completely dark unfamiliar place

Music man: As he happens upon another group of blue people, he reveals that his name is Joe Gardner and he's a middle school band teacher in New York City

Music man: As he happens upon another group of blue people, he reveals that his name is Joe Gardner and he's a middle school band teacher in New York City

Best day ever: It then shows Joe in human form on what he called the best day of his life, which would also turn out to be the last

Best day ever: It then shows Joe in human form on what he called the best day of his life, which would also turn out to be the last

Last day ever: The pianist nails his audition for a jazz quartet, taking to the streets immediately after to celebrate before falling into an open storm drain

Last day ever: The pianist nails his audition for a jazz quartet, taking to the streets immediately after to celebrate before falling into an open storm drain

But during his elated celebration, he forgets to look where he's walking, falling down an open storm drain.

Once he realizes that he's on his way to the Great Beyond, he panics and tries to escape his fate. 

Joe then finds himself in a place called the Great Before, where new souls develop their personalities before going to earth.

New friends: As he tries to return to his body, he befriends a 22 (voiced by Tina Fey), a new soul who's resistant to becoming human

New friends: As he tries to return to his body, he befriends a 22 (voiced by Tina Fey), a new soul who's resistant to becoming human

Joys of life: Replaying moments from his life, he tries to sell 22 on some of the joys of living on Earth

Joys of life: Replaying moments from his life, he tries to sell 22 on some of the joys of living on Earth

As he tries to return to his body, he befriends a 22 (voiced by Tina Fey), a new soul who's resistant to becoming human.

Replaying moments from his life, he tries to sell 22 on some of the joys of living on Earth. 

When he finally catches up to his unconscious body in a hospital bed, Joe and 22 fall through a vortex that presumably takes him back home.  

Big adventure: When he finally catches up to his unconscious body in a hospital bed, Joe and 22 fall through a vortex that presumably takes him back home

Big adventure: When he finally catches up to his unconscious body in a hospital bed, Joe and 22 fall through a vortex that presumably takes him back home

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