'Those tears were real': Kate Ritchie breaks down recalling her final scenes with Ray Meagher on Home and Away after working together for 20 years

Home and Away celebrated its 30th anniversary on Tuesday night with a one-hour special, Home and Away: Endless Summer.

And perhaps the most touching part of the documentary was the story behind Kate Ritchie's farewell scene with longtime co-star Ray Meagher, which aired in 2008.

Reminiscing about her goodbye with Ray, who plays Alf Stewart, the 39-year-old actress confessed their final scenes weren't acting and the tears were genuine.

'Those tears were real': On the soap's 30th anniversary special, Kate recalled her emotional final scenes with Ray (pictured) after working together for 20 years
'Those tears were real': On the soap's 30th anniversary special, Kate recalled her emotional final scenes with Ray (pictured) after working together for 20 years

'Those tears were real': On Tuesday night's 30th anniversary special, Kate Ritchie (right)  recalled her emotional final scenes with Ray Meagher (left) on Home and Away after working together for 20 years

The pair's farewell scene took place on a beach and involved Kate's character, Sally Fletcher, saying a heartfelt goodbye to Alf.

'I can tell you wholeheartedly that those scenes on the beach with Sally and Mr. Stewart saying goodbye to each other were Kate and Ray,' Kate revealed.

In another segment from Endless Summer, Ray was asked if it was 'tough to see [Kate] go' after watching her grow up on the show.

The 74-year-old veteran actor became tearful and was left momentarily speechless.

Emotional: Kate and Ray's farewell scene (pictured) took place on a beach in 2008 and involved Kate's character, Sally Fletcher, saying a heartfelt goodbye to  Alf Stewart
Emotional: Kate and Ray's farewell scene (pictured) took place on a beach in 2008 and involved Kate's character, Sally Fletcher, saying a heartfelt goodbye to  Alf Stewart

Emotional: Kate and Ray's farewell scene (pictured) took place on a beach in 2008 and involved Kate's character, Sally Fletcher, saying a heartfelt goodbye to Alf Stewart

After composing himself, Ray admitted it was difficult to say goodbye to Kate after working with her for 20 years, adding that she was a 'big part' of the show.

Kate also revealed in the documentary that she and Ray had their own private farewell after filming their final scenes together.

She recalled how Ray said he was 'proud' of her after working alongside her for two decades.

'Ray said that he's so proud of me, and that he values the fact that I'm not a little girl anymore,' she fondly remembered. 

'He's seen me grow and mature, and [told me] he's very happy to call me his friend. It was worth working 20 years for, I reckon.' 

'Proud': Kate also revealed in the Home and Away: Endless Summer documentary that she and Ray had their own private farewell after filming their final scenes together

'Proud': Kate also revealed in the Home and Away: Endless Summer documentary that she and Ray had their own private farewell after filming their final scenes together

Kind words: 'Ray said that he's so proud of me, and that he values the fact that I'm not a little girl anymore,' Kate fondly remembered. 'He's seen me grow and mature, and [told me] he's very happy to call me his friend. It was worth working 20 years for, I reckon'

Kind words: 'Ray said that he's so proud of me, and that he values the fact that I'm not a little girl anymore,' Kate (pictured) fondly remembered. 'He's seen me grow and mature, and [told me] he's very happy to call me his friend. It was worth working 20 years for, I reckon'

Shortly after the Home and Away special aired, the Nova FM radio host thanked her fans for their 'kind' and 'generous' comments.

'Thank you to everyone who watched along tonight and bothered to comment so kindly and generously,' she wrote on Instagram.

'You didn't need to or have to but you did. And in a world where it seems only the unkind like to comment it was beautifully comforting.

'For some [Home and Away] provided a family you never had, for others it taught you to speak English when first arriving in this wonderful country of ours and for the rest it perhaps taught you didn't have to be the prettiest or most popular girl at school to be happy and loved.'

'In a world where it seems only the unkind like to comment it was beautifully comforting': After the Home and Away special aired, Kate (left) thanked fans for their  'generous' comments

'In a world where it seems only the unkind like to comment it was beautifully comforting': After the Home and Away special aired, Kate (left) thanked fans for their 'generous' comments

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