A no-nonsense life coach, Toffolo's lovely muffins, and a new tattoo his sister Louise thought looked like a 'c*ck' helped Sam Thompson get over his heartache on Made In Chelsea, by JIM SHELLEY

Made In Chelsea reminded us that although the cast are universally regarded as pretty, vacant, idiots they should not be under-estimated.

This week’s episode illustrated that Sam Thompson and Ryan Libbey for example were far, far, dumber than any of us had assumed. Hard to believe it’s true, like everything else on this show.

But the visit ‘Little Sammy T’ and ‘The Ry-Man’ paid to a tattoo parlour set a new record for stupidity even for MiC.

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Sam Thompson gets inked: Made In Chelsea reminded us that although the cast are universally regarded as pretty, vacant, idiots they should not be under-estimated

Sam Thompson gets inked: Made In Chelsea reminded us that although the cast are universally regarded as pretty, vacant, idiots they should not be under-estimated

They each left the studio adorned by a small piece of art that acted as a huge symbol of the way they had been permanently scarred – partially by the women they thought were the big loves of their lives (Lucy Watson’s Sister and much smaller Louise Thompson) but more profoundly by the series’ evil puppet-masters at E4.

Sadly, Louise’s human sex doll Ryan and her brother Sam ‘the trendy Trump’ were such simpletons they were lambs to the slaughter.

Messing with their heads for our entertainment and amusement was one thing (or two), encouraging them to start tattooing other characters’ names on their wrists and inner biceps was just cruel.

Mind you it was funny though.

To be fair, Sam was clearly in crisis.

Bad choice? Sam¿s life was in such disarray he was getting advice on love and life from Louise Thompson, his sister

Bad choice? Sam’s life was in such disarray he was getting advice on love and life from Louise Thompson, his sister

For a start, he had turned down Alex Mytton’s idea of a trip to Tuscany to help Sam get over his break-up. (Olivia Bentley, her new boyfriend Digby, and even his sister reluctantly/bravely still went.)

Sam’s life was in such disarray he was getting advice on love and life from Louise Thompson, his sister.

‘This is hadulthood now-how-now-brown-cow,’ she stated sagely, trying to sound as posh as the other gals. ‘Hi was twent-air fy-hi-fy-hive when I went through my break hup with Alik. I’ve come hout the other side but it is a lawng process.’

Harry was less sympathetic.

‘Sam, look, dude, get your balls back and come on holiday!’ he purred.

‘I don’t have any balls mate,’ Sam admitted.

Proudlock ‘Proudlock’ Proudlock III had a more sympathetic solution: lots of High Fives, ‘positive vibes’, and repeated cries of ‘yeah baby !’

‘Let’s bring him back man !’ he encouraged Louise. ‘We’ve got this !’

Oh dear: The visit ¿Little Sammy T¿ and ¿The Ry-Man¿ paid to a tattoo parlour set a new record for stupidity even for MiC

Oh dear: The visit ‘Little Sammy T’ and ‘The Ry-Man’ paid to a tattoo parlour set a new record for stupidity even for MiC

Positive vibes: Proudlock ¿Proudlock¿ Proudlock III had a more sympathetic solution: lots of High Fives, ¿positive vibes¿, and repeated cries of ¿yeah baby!¿

Positive vibes: Proudlock ‘Proudlock’ Proudlock III had a more sympathetic solution: lots of High Fives, ‘positive vibes’, and repeated cries of ‘yeah baby!’

He arranged for Sam to see a Life Coach that was so professional he conducted the session as part of Made In Chelsea - much as Spencer Matthews’ poor psychiatrist had done.

‘Can you stop sounding like a little girl? Can you stop sounding like a baby?!’ the Life Coach snarled after Sam babbled that he was still in love with Lucy Watson’s Sister.

Much like Harry, it was the state of Sam’s testicles that most concerned him.

‘Can you please find your balls again?! Do you think she was the only amazing woman out of three or four billion women on the planet?!’

He demanded Sammy (aged 25) stopped living with Louise and remove the romantic tattoo he had bearing his beloved’s name (‘Lucy Watson’s Sister’).

‘But it’s the only thing I have left of her !’ Sam pleaded. It was to no avail. (It was not only in the script but in his contract.)

A tattooist covered up the tribute with what looked like an oily black puddle with a fluffy fringe.

‘Wart is it?’ Louise frowned. ‘A feather?’

Not a good look: A tattooist covered up the tribute with what looked like an oily black puddle with a fluffy fringe 

Not a good look: A tattooist covered up the tribute with what looked like an oily black puddle with a fluffy fringe 

‘Of course it’s a feather!’ spluttered Sam, as if people everywhere had tattoos of feathers, or anyone had ever wanted one.

‘I’m not going to lie,’ Louise tittered. ‘When you rolled up your sleeve, that bit at the end looks like a c*ck!’

It was true. Sam had literally branded himself as a c*ck. Unfortunate but at least his dates in the future couldn’t say they weren’t warned.

It was hard to imagine a worse tattoo than this but impressively Ryan managed it by having the name of his girlfriend tattooed on his wrist: the word ‘Louise.’

‘Oh my god that’s not real!’ she squealed more in horror and panic than delight. ‘That’s not real. That’s not real. Are you serious?!’

‘That’s not rubbing off!’ he grinned, rubbing it as if sub-consciously giving it a try.

The Ry-Man seemed gloriously untroubled by the fact that only a few weeks ago Louise had been on the brink of breaking up with him, telling anyone who would listen that they didn’t have sex any more and he was boring. (The very idea !)

He obviously didn’t watch Made In Chelsea.

Phallic: ¿I¿m not going to lie,¿ Louise tittered. ¿When you rolled up your sleeve, that bit at the end looks like a c*ck!¿

Phallic: ‘I’m not going to lie,’ Louise tittered. ‘When you rolled up your sleeve, that bit at the end looks like a c*ck!’

Otherwise he wouldn’t have been taken in when earlier Louise had claimed she would love to have a tattoo of his name ‘On the sole of my foot!’

At least this would have been appropriate: signifying how down-trodden he was.

‘I’d be so-ho-ho happ-air if you gawt a tatt-whoo of a letter L,’ she hinted.

Incredibly, horribly, Ryan took the bait.

‘Oh Bubb! That is so intense!’ she stuttered, trying to come to terms with his ‘romantic’ gesture but with her forehead sweating, cheeks glistening (on her face that is), and becoming more orange than ever.

‘That is a statement right there!’ the Ry-Man beamed triumphantly.

No one could deny this was one thing he was right about: a statement that proclaimed ‘I AM STUPID!’

These were the other Top 10 Dumbest moments from this week’s show

Horrified: ¿Oh my god that¿s not real!¿ she squealed more in horror and panic than delight. ¿That¿s not real. That¿s not real. Are you serious?!¿

Horrified: ‘Oh my god that’s not real!’ she squealed more in horror and panic than delight. ‘That’s not real. That’s not real. Are you serious?!’

1. Toffolo’s lovely muffins

‘I brought you some Hope You’re Feeling Bedder muffins!’ Toff, the tiny toff told Thompson, presenting him with a basket of two dozens muffins she had definitely made herself.

2. Louise’s plans for her house after her brother moved (next door)

‘I’m going to turn your bedroom into a stud-air,’ she tiny academic revealed. We look forward to seeing her ‘librar-air’ soon.

3. Proudlock’s belief in the power of the High Five

‘That was a really awful High Five. Look at the elbow. That’s how you get a really good High Five. You’ve got to remember that.’

A lesson that will guide Louise through life.

‘I want you to give me your loudest ‘yeah-baby !’ MiC’s spiritual guru told Sam. And Jamie. And, well, anyone he couldn’t get away in time.

4. Olivia’s new ‘romance’

‘We were just talking about the trip to Tuscany. It will be fun. It’s a bit weird though because I don’t actually really know you !’

Well she said it.

Olivia said of her new beau: 'It¿s a bit weird though because I don¿t actually really know you!¿

Olivia said of her new beau: 'It’s a bit weird though because I don’t actually really know you!’

5. Mimi’s hideous New Look: a combo of a silver puffa and a lot of botox – a like permanently surprised 10 year old

‘Aluminium is not really my style !’ Sophie drawled.

6. Fred’s naïve view of Sophie

‘I can’t imagine her being nasty to anyone,’ the man that his new ‘girlfriend’ called ‘Freddie Mouse’, confirming that like Sammy T and The Ry-Man he was even dumber than he looked.

7. Sophie’s feminist fantasy

‘You know what I always wanted? To put myself in a cat position and then put a glass table over myself, when I was naked yah...’

Easily arranged.

8. Frankie Gaff’s new attitude

The new feminist Frankie: 'Now I just say: yeah to everything', she boldly declared 

The new feminist Frankie: 'Now I just say: yeah to everything', she boldly declared 

‘I’ve become more of a Yes person. Before I was ‘No, no, no !’ Now I just say: yeah to everything.’

Frankie’s idea of playing hard to get.

9. Harry and Frankie’s date

‘Me and Harry went truffle hunting - that was our date !’ Frankie enthused.

‘Each to their own !’ Olivia Bentley just shrugged.


10. Alex Mytton’s view of Harry & Frankie’s flirting

‘Actually the amount of time this has been going on and where Jamie and Frankie are at the moment this has to happen now.’

We know how he feels. 

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