Over before it even began? Scheming Brandi Glanville causes an EXPLOSIVE argument between Amelia Lily and Sam Thompson after re-entering CBB ... as she tells singer she's 'coming across as desperate'

She teased him about meeting her parents on Wednesday night's episode - leaving him bewildered after their flirty display throughout the series so far. 

And in scenes to air on Celebrity Big Brother on Thursday night, Amelia Lily and Sam Thompson engage in their first explosive bust-up - hinting that their possible romance could well be over before it even began. 

The argument in fuelled by evicted housemate Brandi Glanville, who re-enters the house on the Channel 5 series, and immediately informs the former X Factor star that the MIC hottie isn't that into her -causing her to come across as 'desperate.'

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Lovers tiff! In scenes to air on CBB on Thursday night, Amelia Lily and Sam Thompson engage in their first explosive bust-up - hinting that their romance could be over before it even began
Lovers tiff! In scenes to air on CBB on Thursday night, Amelia Lily and Sam Thompson engage in their first explosive bust-up - hinting that their romance could be over before it even began

Lovers tiff! In scenes to air on CBB on Thursday night, Amelia Lily and Sam Thompson engage in their first explosive bust-up - hinting that their romance could be over before it even began

Causing chaos: The argument in fuelled by evicted housemate Brandi Glanville, who re-enters the house on the Channel 5 series, and immediately informs the former X Factor star that the MIC hottie isn't that into her -causing her to come across as 'desperate'

Causing chaos: The argument in fuelled by evicted housemate Brandi Glanville, who re-enters the house on the Channel 5 series, and immediately informs the former X Factor star that the MIC hottie isn't that into her -causing her to come across as 'desperate'

As the dramatic scene begins to unfold, Brandi is seen taking Amelia to one corner in the garden.  

The teaser clips begins with a confused Amelia asking: 'Is that what he said... that he's not feeling it?'

Making things clearer, the American beauty reveals: 'It's coming across that way. I just don't what you to come across as desperate, because you're not.'

With her hesitation building up, Amelia asks her: 'Why would he say that s*** to me?'

'He told me all those things and also told me what he needs to sort out when he gets out of here, which is fine - but if hes not feeling it... okay cut off!' she warns. 

'Why would he say that s*** to me?' As the dramatic scene begins to unfold, Brandi is seen taking Amelia to one corner in the garden - leaving Amelia confused 

'Why would he say that s*** to me?' As the dramatic scene begins to unfold, Brandi is seen taking Amelia to one corner in the garden - leaving Amelia confused 

Brandi advises her: 'Just read my eyes, don't!' - leaving Amelia to vent: 'Wow, what a p****!'

Brandi advises her: 'Just read my eyes, don't!' - leaving Amelia to vent: 'Wow, what a p****!'

Amelia them storms inside to an unassuming Sam: 'What have you said because I've been made to look like a mug now. Why you taking the p*** out of me?'

Amelia them storms inside to an unassuming Sam: 'What have you said because I've been made to look like a mug now. Why you taking the p*** out of me?'

'I'm told you've been saying things in the diary room about me!' Amelia confronts Sam over Brandi's claims 

'I'm told you've been saying things in the diary room about me!' Amelia confronts Sam over Brandi's claims 

Brandi advises her further: 'Just read my eyes, don't!' - leaving Amelia to vent: 'Wow, what a p****!'

Amelia them storms inside to an unassuming Sam: 'What have you said because I've been made to look like a mug now. Why you taking the p*** out of me?'

Sam quips back: 'Amelia, you're the last person i would take the p*** out of! When you look back you'll see. 

'I look like a tit. I look desperate apparently!' she states, to which he responds: 'That's not my words. 

'Well I'm told you've been saying things in the diary room about me!' Amelia says. 

Sam responds: 'I'm saying lovely things in the diary room about you!' 

'I'm not desperate!' It all gets too much to handle for Amelia as she breaks down in tears 

'I'm not desperate!' It all gets too much to handle for Amelia as she breaks down in tears 

Clearly frustrated, Sam states: 'My problem is with myself'

Clearly frustrated, Sam states: 'My problem is with myself'

Sam continues with his case: 'I've done nothing but say nice things to about you. I also have said if I don't know if i'm ready for a relationship. I've told you '

Sam continues with his case: 'I've done nothing but say nice things to about you. I also have said if I don't know if i'm ready for a relationship. I've told you '

Viewers will have to watch Thursday night's episode of Celebrity Big Brother to find out what happens next - as well as who got booted in the secret back door eviction

Viewers will have to watch Thursday night's episode of Celebrity Big Brother to find out what happens next - as well as who got booted in the secret back door eviction

Back in the house: Paul Danan was back in the CBB house on Thursday 

Back in the house: Paul Danan was back in the CBB house on Thursday 

Emotional reunion: The Channel 5 show's housemates were thrilled to see him again

Emotional reunion: The Channel 5 show's housemates were thrilled to see him again

Danan in the house! The original Love Island troublemaker was in his element 

Danan in the house! The original Love Island troublemaker was in his element 

It all gets too much to handle for Amelia as she breaks down in tears: 'I'm not desperate or anything like that. I think you're a really nice guy. Like I said to you in the hot tub earlier, you have made my experience.'

Clearly frustrated, Sam states: 'I say the same thing about you! My problem is with myself.'

Amelia responds: 'Then why am I getting told by everyone in here tonight that I'm the one who's all for you. I feel like a tit!'

Sam continues with his case: 'I've done nothing but say nice things to about you. I also have said if I don't know if i'm ready for a relationship. I've told you. '

Celebrations! Amelia Lily wrapped Paul up in a friendly hug

Celebrations! Amelia Lily wrapped Paul up in a friendly hug

Surprise, surprise: The housemates hid behind the sofa before jumping out

Surprise, surprise: The housemates hid behind the sofa before jumping out

Drama: Brandi, as well as other evicted housemates, will cause chaos as they re-enter the house for a short period 

Drama: Brandi, as well as other evicted housemates, will cause chaos as they re-enter the house for a short period 

Who will go? One of the remaining seven contestants will be given the boot in a secret eviction during the episode

Who will go? One of the remaining seven contestants will be given the boot in a secret eviction during the episode

Viewers will have to watch Thursday night's episode of Celebrity Big Brother to find out what happens next - as well as who got booted in the secret back door eviction. 

This comes after Sam panicked about his blossoming feelings for Amelia on Wednesday's Celebrity Big Brother - after she teased him about meeting her parents.

The Made In Chelsea star took to the Diary Room to confess he wanted their romance to 'slow down', and admitted he has 'so much to sort out' after the show - following his split from Tiffany Watson. 

'Slow down!': This comes after Sam panicked about his blossoming feelings for Amelia on Wednesday's Celebrity Big Brother - after she teased him about meeting her parents

'Slow down!': This comes after Sam panicked about his blossoming feelings for Amelia on Wednesday's Celebrity Big Brother - after she teased him about meeting her parents

The drama began when they were chatting in the garden with Derek and Shaun, and the blonde singer jokes: 'He knows I am besotted with him, I can't be arsed hiding it.'

Going on to discuss Friday's final however, Amelia then causes Sam to panic about their relationship, by telling him: 'You know what, I'm actually quite excited for my mum and dad to meet him on Friday.

'I'm gonna warn you Sam, they're pretty protective right now!' she laughed, before informing him he will have more of a 'hard time' winning over her mother.

Confused: The Made In Chelsea star confessed he wanted his romance with the blonde (above) to 'slow down', and admitted he has 'so much to sort out' after the show

Confused: The Made In Chelsea star confessed he wanted his romance with the blonde (above) to 'slow down', and admitted he has 'so much to sort out' after the show

However the words struck a cord in newly-single Sam, who went on to vent about how fast the romance was going in the Diary Room.  

He said: 'You know, she says she can't wait for me to meet her parents... and I sit there like, yeah, I will meet them and try to get them to like me, as you never know what will happen in the future.

'But at that moment I just thought, slow down!' 

Awkward: Amelia had caused Sam to panic during the episode, by telling him: 'You know what, I'm actually quite excited for my mum and dad to meet him on Friday'

Awkward: Amelia had caused Sam to panic during the episode, by telling him: 'You know what, I'm actually quite excited for my mum and dad to meet him on Friday'

Oh no! Reacting sheepishly however, the words struck a cord in newly-single Sam - who went on to vent about how fast the romance was going in the Diary Room

Oh no! Reacting sheepishly however, the words struck a cord in newly-single Sam - who went on to vent about how fast the romance was going in the Diary Room

Sam recently confirmed he had parted ways with long-term girlfriend Tiffany Watson - with the pair splitting for 'the summer' to do their own thing.

Alluding to the complex situation, he added: 'Amelia and I aren't there yet. I need to sort out so much in my head, and I can only do that on the outside.'  

The romance with Amelia no doubt complicated his feelings for Tiff, as the pair claimed they were splitting in order to enjoy some free time, before reconciling for good. 

Too fast: He said: 'I will meet them and try to get them to like me, as you never know what will happen in the future. But at that moment I just thought, slow down!'

Too fast: He said: 'I will meet them and try to get them to like me, as you never know what will happen in the future. But at that moment I just thought, slow down!'

Newly-single: Sam recently confirmed he had parted ways with long-term girlfriend Tiffany Watson, and admitted to Big Brother he needed to 'sort some stuff out' after the show

Newly-single: Sam recently confirmed he had parted ways with long-term girlfriend Tiffany Watson, and admitted to Big Brother he needed to 'sort some stuff out' after the show

The situation only added to awkwardness between Sam and Amelia on Wednesday - after the X Factor star admitted she thought she would be the next evicted, as the 'weak link' in the house.

Sam goes on to shower her with compliments - admitting she's funny and caring, before adding: ' You know what you are, you know who you are. I don't need to throw you compliments, I can't believe that you don't know how far you're going to go.' 

However while Amelia confessed she 'always doubts herself', Sam became frustrated at her - and admitted he felt she was just 'fishing for compliments'.

Clash: The situation only added to awkwardness between Sam and Amelia on Wednesday - after the MIC star claimed the blonde often 'fished' for compliments

Clash: The situation only added to awkwardness between Sam and Amelia on Wednesday - after the MIC star claimed the blonde often 'fished' for compliments

Not good enough: Amelia admitted to Sam she thought she would be the next evicted, leading Sam to compliment her 

Not good enough: Amelia admitted to Sam she thought she would be the next evicted, leading Sam to compliment her 

Calling her a 'diamond in the rough', at which Amelia laughed and asked him to carry on with his nice words, he said skeptically: 'See, you're fishing for it.   

'You should know you're amazing, pretty, intelligent, witty. You should know you're good at what you do and that you're immensely talented.

'These are all things that I know that you know, so I just don't really accept it when you stand her and you're like 'ohh', because no, you clearly know you are all those things, so there's no need to sit there.'

Amelia protested to his words - however Sam went on in doubt: 'I just don't know that I believe you, I feel like sometimes you say things that you know aren't true'. 

However while Amelia confessed she 'always doubts herself', Sam became frustrated at her and claimed he did not always belief her lack of self-esteem

However while Amelia confessed she 'always doubts herself', Sam became frustrated at her and claimed he did not always belief her lack of self-esteem

Not convinced: He said: 'I just don't know that I believe you, I feel like sometimes you say things that you know aren't true'

Not convinced: He said: 'I just don't know that I believe you, I feel like sometimes you say things that you know aren't true'

He later reflected on her behaviour in the Diary Room, stating:  'Amelia has this thing where she says everything negative about her. 

It kind of annoys me, you're near perfect mate, just shut up. I kind of just want to say, 'Amelia you must know, you're an all-round diamond so it annoys me, why do you put yourself down when you know you're not.'

Amelia had also revealed she felt like a 'third wheel' around Sam and Jemma, who affirmed their relationship as platonic. 

However Jemma later went on to admit that Sam was the person most attractive to her in the house personality-wise, during an Honesty Box challenge.  

Three's a crowd: Amelia had also revealed she felt like a 'third wheel' around Sam and Jemma Lucy (above), who affirmed their relationship as platonic

Three's a crowd: Amelia had also revealed she felt like a 'third wheel' around Sam and Jemma Lucy (above), who affirmed their relationship as platonic


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