'I kissed a girl, I'm sorry': Sam Thompson drops potential bombshell on girlfriend Tiffany Watson in Made In Chelsea... shortly after finally getting back together

Just last week Sam Thompson and Tiffany Watson rekindled their relationship in the most romantic of ways.

But their future now hangs in the balance, after Sam was forced into confessing he kissed another girl in the dramatic final scene of Monday night's Made In Chelsea.

As fireworks erupted in the sky around a stately home hosting a masquerade ball, Sam regretfully told his girlfriend how he kissed another woman on a night out in Nottingham.

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Fireworks: Tiffany Watson and Sam Thompson's future now hangs in the balance after Sam was forced into confessing he kissed another girl in the dramatic final scene of Monday night's Made In Chelsea
Bombshell: Sam pleaded with Tiff to understand and told her it was 'ages ago', but an emotional Tiff was clearly stunned by the news

Fireworks: Tiffany Watson and Sam Thompson's future now hangs in the balance after Sam was forced into confessing he kissed another girl in the dramatic final scene of Monday night's Made In Chelsea

Sheepishly, he explained: 'I'm so happy you haven't heard about this from anyone else.'

Before adding that it was up to Tiff to decide whether or not he had cheated.

'I went to Nottingham,' he admitted. 'I kissed a girl. I didn't tell you because at the time I didn't know how I felt.' 

He pleaded with her to understand and told her it was 'ages ago', but an emotional Tiff was clearly stunned by the news.

Walk away: After confessing he confessed another woman, Sam apologised and walked away leaving Tiff alone

Walk away: After confessing he confessed another woman, Sam apologised and walked away leaving Tiff alone

Is this the end? Sam turned his back on the party after coming clean about his kiss

Is this the end? Sam turned his back on the party after coming clean about his kiss

Do the right thing: Louise Thompson and her boyfriend Alik Alfus tried to persuade Sam to tell Tiff everything

Do the right thing: Louise Thompson and her boyfriend Alik Alfus tried to persuade Sam to tell Tiff everything

Calm before the storm: Moments after a candid talk with his sister and her boyfriend, Sam confessed all

Calm before the storm: Moments after a candid talk with his sister and her boyfriend, Sam confessed all

She responded: 'We've just started afresh. I've been completely honest with you and you ruin everything. I don't want to be with someone who's going to keep things from me.'

Sam could only say: 'I'm really sorry' before walking away, leaving Tiff alone.

The inevitable ending to the episode came after Jamie revealed to pals James Dunmore, Alex Mytton and Josh 'JP' Patterson that Sam had told him he had cheated on Tiff.

He explained: 'I think he's making an Armageddon of a mistake. Sam's cheated and he hasn't said that to Tiff. Sammy said to me that he had, I promise you.

What's going on? Tiff stumbled upon Jamie Laing and Sam arguing and demanded to know what it was about

What's going on? Tiff stumbled upon Jamie Laing and Sam arguing and demanded to know what it was about

Man to man: Jamie  and Sam had an argument outside a masquerade party over the latter's 'secret'

Man to man: Jamie and Sam had an argument outside a masquerade party over the latter's 'secret'

Explosive: The Made in Chelsea cast gathered to watch a firework display while Sam confessed all to Tiff

Explosive: The Made in Chelsea cast gathered to watch a firework display while Sam confessed all to Tiff

Alex then chipped in: 'If he has it's the worst thing you can do.'

Before Jamie responded: 'Mark my words, it's a disaster waiting to happen.'

As the episode went on, Jamie revealed to more people the information he had been entrusted with. 

While watching a carol service inside a church, he told Sam's sister Louise and suggested she speak with him to encourage him to tell Tiff.

At the siblings' house, Louise breached the subject while Sam served her up some homemade mulled wine.   

It's over: Alex Mytton told girlfriend Nicola Hughes that he wanted to have a break from their troubled relationship

It's over: Alex Mytton told girlfriend Nicola Hughes that he wanted to have a break from their troubled relationship

A long time coming: Alex said he had felt 's**t' about the couple's relationship for a long time

A long time coming: Alex said he had felt 's**t' about the couple's relationship for a long time

'Apparently you've said you've hooked up with someone?' she questioned.

Annoyed, Sam replied: 'He's (Jamie) such a b*****d. That's so annoying.'

However she pushed on, asking: 'Have you?'

'I have got zero guilt about anything', said Sam. 'The one thing that Tiff might possibly be angry about is when I just broke up with Millie, and I wanted to be with Tiff, now that weekend I went to Nottingham and kissed a girl.'

Despite his best efforts to explain the situation and his reasons for not telling Tiff, an unimpressed Louise told him he had no choice but to confess. 

And the episode reached its explosive crescendo when Louise and boyfriend Alik Alfus applied more pressure at the festive party.

Decision time: Louise Thompson got upset when boyfriend Alik Alfus began talking about their future at a party

Decision time: Louise Thompson got upset when boyfriend Alik Alfus began talking about their future at a party

Lovers' tiff: Alik told Louise about a candid conversation he had with his father about their relationship

Lovers' tiff: Alik told Louise about a candid conversation he had with his father about their relationship

Shortly afterwards, Jamie and Sam had an argument on the front steps of the sprawling property which got Tiff's attention.

Jamie demanded that Sam tell the truth and questioned why he had been lying about the kiss for so long.

Sam responded that it happened so long ago that in his head he hadn't done anything wrong.

And as their voices continued to rise and the argument got more heated, Tiff left the party and wanted to know why they were arguing.

The spat wasn't the only relationship under scrutiny in the explosive episode.

Alex finally called time on his relationship with Nicola Hughes after months of problems finally took their toll.

Boys' talk: Jamie told his pals that Sam had confessed to kissing another woman

Boys' talk: Jamie told his pals that Sam had confessed to kissing another woman

Sealed with a kiss: Little did Tiff know that Sam was hiding that he had kissed someone else 

Sealed with a kiss: Little did Tiff know that Sam was hiding that he had kissed someone else 

Things came to a head when Alex's ex Jess Woodley confronted Nicola about stopping Alex from speaking to her.

Incensed, Jess told Nicola she was 'weirded' out by her behaviour and called Alex pathetic.

And Alex told Nicola: 'I don't think Jess is the only issue we have. You know I have been feeling like really really s**t about the relationship for quite a while now.

'When, for example, the other day you kicked off about the Jess thing it makes me want to finish it. I think we need to spend some time apart for quite a bit.' 

Nicola responded: 'This is obviously something want to do. I'm not going to beg for you not to do this.

'I don't want to go on a break.' 

And Alik and Louise made it a hat-trick of relationship woes as they continued to struggle to find a solution to their long distance romance.

Alik's father Mitch had some strong words for his son as they discussed the couple's future in a New York office.

'Life is about choice,' explained Mitch. 'I don't think she's as committed as you think she is or you want it to be. If this is the one, make it the one. If it's not, then move on, because you can't keep doing this.'

During the show's finale, Alik told Louise about the conversation and appeared to be pushing for her to commit to a New York move.

However, his direct approach caught her off-guard and she became upset, claiming Alik was putting her in a 'horrible position'.

Happier times: Earlier in the episode Sam and Tiff couldn't stop smiling when discussing their relationship

Happier times: Earlier in the episode Sam and Tiff couldn't stop smiling when discussing their relationship



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