'I think we are done': Sam Thompson dumps Tiffany Watson after finding out she cheated on him in Made In Chelsea

He's been guilty of bad behaviour earlier in their relationship.

However, this time the tables were turned after Sam Thompson found out his girlfriend Tiffany Watson had kissed another man in Monday's episode of Made In Chelsea.

After Tiffany confessed her mistake during a rooftop party, Sam declared 'we are done' before storming off.

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'We are done': Sam Thompson dumps Tiffany Watson after finding out she kissed another man while she was in Hong Kong in July

'We are done': Sam Thompson dumps Tiffany Watson after finding out she kissed another man while she was in Hong Kong in July

Might wanna re-think that tattoo: Sam has Tiffany's initials on his bicep, which may be a bit awkward now

Might wanna re-think that tattoo: Sam has Tiffany's initials on his bicep, which may be a bit awkward now

The pair, who originally started dating last year, were separated over the summer while she spent time in Hong Kong.

While in Asia, Tiffany grew close to another man and ended up sharing a kiss with him, after admitting she was insecure about her romance with Sam.

Tiffany had been far from impressed after a friend spotted Sam being overly friendly with another woman in Raffles nightclub in Chelsea while she was away.

However, Sam insisted he hadn't kissed the woman and it was just messing around.

A heartbroken Sam admitted: 'I was literally gonna tell you I loved you'

A heartbroken Sam admitted: 'I was literally gonna tell you I loved you'

Love's young dream? Tiffany told Sam she loved him after her confession

Love's young dream? Tiffany told Sam she loved him after her confession

After a few weeks back in London, Tiff admitted to her sister Lucy and their pal Stephanie Pratt her error and they urged her to confess to Sam.

As Tiff was preparing to come clean, Sam was waxing lyrical about winning over her father Clive Watson and was preparing to finally say those three little words.

Approaching Tiff at the party overlooking St Paul's Cathedral, Sam said: 'Can we talk about how much your Dad likes me?'

When Tiffany brought up their difficulties when she was in Hong Kong, Sam brushed it off: 'It was something, but we got over it.'

It all started so well: Sam was thrilled he had met Tiff's father before her big confession

It all started so well: Sam was thrilled he had met Tiff's father before her big confession

Tough job: Sam and Lucy's boyfriend James Dunmore both met their girlfriends' father Clive Watson at the same time over a beer at his pub The Phene

Tough job: Sam and Lucy's boyfriend James Dunmore both met their girlfriends' father Clive Watson at the same time over a beer at his pub The Phene

However, Tiff elaborated: 'A few things you said to me made me feel insecure.

'It led me to be close with someone else... I kissed someone.

'It was just a kiss. I didn't want to keep it from you. It was really stupid.'

After initially looking like he was about to burst out laughing from the shock, Sam realised Tiff was telling him the truth, and started dropping the f-bomb.

A heartbroken Sam admitted: 'I was literally gonna tell you I loved you... I don't know what else to say.'

Friendly: Clive didn't appear the give the two men too much of a rough ride

Friendly: Clive didn't appear the give the two men too much of a rough ride

Loved up: Although her sister is heartbroken, Lucy's romance with James is going from strength to strength

Loved up: Although her sister is heartbroken, Lucy's romance with James is going from strength to strength

Tiff appealed for forgiveness: 'I don't want to break up. I know that's your decision. I am in love with you.'

However, it looked like Sam was in no mood to forgive, as he declared: 'I don't know what to say. Right now, I think we are done... yeah.'

Meanwhile, Sam and Tiff weren't the only ones staying the heartbreak hotel as Josh Patterson, aka JP, again told Alexandra 'Binky' Felstead he wasn't interested in dating her.

After their numerous hook-ups and frequent contact with each other, Binky was understandably feeling confused about JP.

Mixed messages: Josh 'JP' Patterson told Binky he wasn't interested in a relationship right now

Mixed messages: Josh 'JP' Patterson told Binky he wasn't interested in a relationship right now

JP apologised for his treatment of Binky in Los Angeles after he ended their 'situation' after sleeping with her.

He said: 'I owe you the biggest apology. The way I reacted was so unfair on you.'

A confused Binky replied: 'I thought we were seeing each other.'

However, JP shot her down, saying: 'Right now I can't commit to a relationship with you.'

After Binky admitted it wasn't fair that he still wanted to be friends with her, he hit back: 'You and I can't be together.'

Upset: Binky was clearly disappointed by JP's declaration

Upset: Binky was clearly disappointed by JP's declaration

A clearly disappointed Binky said: 'Do you not think you migth regret it someday?' before leaving him alone.

Meanwhile Jess Woodley and Jamie Laing's will-they-won't-they romance took a new turn after it was revealed they had slept together.

While Jamie clearly wanted to date Jess, she wasn't so sure.

Putting his heart on the line, Jamie gushed: 'We slept together, it obviously means something. You expect me to hide my feelings?

Flirty friends: Everyone in Chelsea seemed to have found out Jamie Laing and Jess Woodley had slept together a week earlier

Flirty friends: Everyone in Chelsea seemed to have found out Jamie Laing and Jess Woodley had slept together a week earlier

'My feelings are only going to go go stronger.'

However, Jess wasn't quite convinced about Jamie's boyfriend prospects: 'If I said I wanted you to me by boyfriend, saying I want this and I want this... you will fail.'

Jamie interjected: 'I say sweet... sweet... don't you want it?'

Then Jess admitted: 'Maybe.'

Jamie decided he needed to give her some space: 'You need to figure out what you want. I'm going to go away for a little bit and see how you feel about things.'

'You will fail': Jess isn't convinced Jamie would make a good boyfriend

'You will fail': Jess isn't convinced Jamie would make a good boyfriend

He's back! Ollie Locke returned to Made In Chelsea for a boat ride down the Thames with his BFF Binky

He's back! Ollie Locke returned to Made In Chelsea for a boat ride down the Thames with his BFF Binky

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