Ouch! Wendy Williams, 51, falls off stage and lands on her backside during live show... but quickly bounces back to her feet

Wendy Williams made an unforgettable grand entrance in the opening of her live show The Sit Down Tour...Too Real For Stand Up in Houston, Texas on Saturday night.  

After the curtains lifted to unveil the 51-year-old star, Wendy paraded herself in front of her fans and attempted to step off the stage but instead fell right off the edge of the platform.

However, the TV personality quickly brushed herself off and made an impeccable save after a man rushed to her side.

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Oh no! Wendy Williams fell off the stage in the opening of her show The Sit Down Tour...Too Real For Stand Up in Houston, Texas on Saturday night

Oh no! Wendy Williams fell off the stage in the opening of her show The Sit Down Tour...Too Real For Stand Up in Houston, Texas on Saturday night

Wendy was back on her feet in no time and flawlessly posed in front of the stage, to the delight of her fans.

The broadcaster took the incident and stride and comically addressed the fall when she returned to her chair.

'Shut the f**k up, okay? There's the fall that never happened!...put that on YouTube! Number one, this is like our seventh city on our twelve city comedy tour...

Cheers! Wendy was unveiled to the audience, seated on an immaculate white chair while clutching a full glass

Cheers! Wendy was unveiled to the audience, seated on an immaculate white chair while clutching a full glass

Misstep in action: Williams appeared to be stepping off the stage when the fall occurred
Misstep in action: Williams appeared to be stepping off the stage when the fall occurred

Misstep in action: Williams appeared to be stepping off the stage when the fall occurred 

'Number two, every stage is different! I didn't see that sh*t! I am twelve feet tall...but you caught it, right? Did you catch my 51-year-old recovery?'

Wendy is currently in the thick of her Sit Down Tour, which began in late July and will conclude in Chicago, Illinois on August 29.

Speaking of the concept of the show to Fox 6, Wendy said: 'I've been a broadcaster for 30 years of my life, and I've never cursed, I've never been fined by the FCC, they don't even know me on the radar. You know, I've been a good girl. 

Help is here: A man rushed to Wendy's side immediately after the incident

Help is here: A man rushed to Wendy's side immediately after the incident

A quick save! The 51-year-old was back on her feet in no time

A quick save! The 51-year-old was back on her feet in no time

'But, you know, we all that side of us that we let loose at the kitchen table, in the four walls of our house. So tonight, I'm inviting you, to my house....and I've got things to talk about and, you know, they're not jokes...I'm telling stories.'

During an interview with the Tampa Bay Times, she added: 'I definitely think that people who only watch the TV show don't know the real me...The real Wendy loves things a bit shorter and bit tighter. I also love razzle dazzle.'

For the past seven years, the star has won over audience members with her signature no-nonsense dialogue on her talk show, The Wendy Williams Show.

Now approaching its eighth season, the program also boasts two Daytime Emmy Award nominations.

Candid: For the past seven years, the star, pictured in New York in June, has won over audience members with her signature no-nonsense discussion on her talk show, The Wendy Williams Show

Candid: For the past seven years, the star, pictured in New York in June, has won over audience members with her signature no-nonsense discussion on her talk show, The Wendy Williams Show

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