Emotional Kate Garraway struggled to hold back her tears during a heartbreaking interview on Good Morning Britain on Thursday.

The presenter, 57, became visibly upset while she spoke to the parents of a teenager who had been killed at a party in one upsetting segment of the show.

Kate and co-host Rob Rinder, 46, conducted the interview on the ITV programme, as they welcomed Tara and Martin Cosser to the studio, whose son Charlie Cosser had tragically died last year aged 17 after being stabbed at a gathering in West Sussex.

The brave parents are now campaigning for tougher knife crime laws and father Martin said he has already 'done a number of talks' at schools.

Kate asked: 'And your own grief, you know the centre of that sort of stone that ripples out ... people react in different ways. How have you tried to manage the last year and what do you want people to know about how hard it is, really?'

Emotional Kate Garraway struggled to hold back her tears during a heartbreaking interview on Good Morning Britain on Thursday

Emotional Kate Garraway struggled to hold back her tears during a heartbreaking interview on Good Morning Britain on Thursday

The presenters welcomed Tara and Martin Cosser to the studio (pictured above), whose son Charlie Cosser had tragically died last year aged 17 after being stabbed

The presenters welcomed Tara and Martin Cosser to the studio (pictured above), whose son Charlie Cosser had tragically died last year aged 17 after being stabbed 

Tara explained: 'Martin and I grieve in very different ways. I feel comfort ... well, not comfort ... but I want to be at home. 

'You know that's where Charlie was, all my memories. That's too painful for Martin - he wants to escape. So you know we don't actually spend a huge [amount] of time together in the house.

'It's just a very, very lonely place because no one can possibly understand unless you've been through this.'

Rob went on to ask whether the parents still 'feel' that Charlie is there and whether there is 'still a connection like you want to go to your phone'. 

Tara replied: 'Absolutely. I still send him a message every morning to tell him I love him,' with Martin adding: 'I still open his door to see... I know he's not there but honestly it's so hard to ... I don't think even now knowing ... the way our life is now [...] it's all so crazy!'

Reflecting, Kate, who is sadly familiar with grief herself after her husband Derek Draper died in January, said: 'It doesn't feel real,' and seemed to wipe her eye as she got emotional.

In a heartbreaking final message on the show, Martin issued guidance to young people who carry knives:

'My message is it doesn't matter what your background is, it doesn't matter where you live - working class, affluent area. Everybody has a choice.

Reflecting, Kate, who is sadly familiar with grief herself after her husband Derek Draper died in January, said: 'It doesn't feel real,' and seemed to wipe her eye as she got emotional

Reflecting, Kate, who is sadly familiar with grief herself after her husband Derek Draper died in January, said: 'It doesn't feel real,' and seemed to wipe her eye as she got emotional

Charlie Cosser (pictured), 17, was stabbed three times in the chest at an end-of-term summer party at a £1.5 million farmhouse estate in Warnham, West Sussex, after a fight broke out

Charlie Cosser (pictured), 17, was stabbed three times in the chest at an end-of-term summer party at a £1.5 million farmhouse estate in Warnham, West Sussex, after a fight broke out

The presenter, 57, became visibly emotional while she spoke to the parents (pictured in May 2024)

The presenter, 57, became visibly emotional while she spoke to the parents (pictured in May 2024)

'When you make the choice to take a knife out and plunge it into an innocent human being and take their life, death is final. We have a life sentence.

'We were a normal family - a kind, happy family. Charlie was a normal boy and it has destroyed our world because someone made that choice.'

Kate, who seemed to choke back tears during the episode, is no stranger to grieving as her husband Derek Draper died aged 56 on January 3 following a long battle with COVID-19.

Derek was amongst the first wave of people to fall seriously ill with COVID-19 in the United Kingdom after testing positive as the country entered lockdown in March 2020.

He was one of the country's longest suffering COVID patients but never fully recovered and needed round-the-clock care after the virus left long-lasting damage to his internal organs.

Broadcaster Kate has spoken candidly about losing her husband and has also opened up about her perilous financial state, caused by spending so much on his care.

Kate has been hit with a £32,000 bill from liquidators for closing Derek's psychotherapy company after being crippled by a £700,000 tax bill

She has been ordered to pay the £32,000 flat fee as well as 40 per cent of assets recovered from psychotherapeutic company Astra Aspera.

Kate, who seemed to choke back tears during the episode, is no stranger to grieving as her husband Derek Draper died aged 56 on January 3 following a long battle with COVID-19

Kate, who seemed to choke back tears during the episode, is no stranger to grieving as her husband Derek Draper died aged 56 on January 3 following a long battle with COVID-19

Derek was amongst the first wave of people to fall seriously ill with COVID-19 in the United Kingdom after testing positive as the country entered lockdown in March 2020

Derek was amongst the first wave of people to fall seriously ill with COVID-19 in the United Kingdom after testing positive as the country entered lockdown in March 2020 

She recently paid tribute to her late husband again online after visiting his grave with her children on their first Father's Day since his death

She recently paid tribute to her late husband again online after visiting his grave with her children on their first Father's Day since his death

Kate has already been left £1.5million in debt from the cost of Derek's care and money owed to the taxman.

Now the liquidators are investigating the possibility of any other assets which could be used to pay off company debts, The Sun reported.

Kate previously revealed she resorted to withdrawing money from her pension pot to pay the huge bills from Derek's medical care.

In an ITV documentary in April, the star admitted she couldn't even afford to have the heating on in October.

She recently paid tribute to her late husband again online after visiting his grave with her children on their first Father's Day since his death.

Sharing a previously unseen photo of herself and Derek with their children, Darcey, 18, and Billy, 14, the Good Morning Britain presenter revealed the day began with a visit to the cemetery.

She wrote: 'So yesterday was one of those days the kids & I knew would be tough. The day when everyone wants to celebrate their daddy.

'We started by visiting Derek’s grave early - and talked about all the amazing things we loved about him, the daft things he did to make us laugh and all the things he has given us that we’ll never forget.'