Louise Thompson shares photos of her recovery as she spends quality time with son Leo after being hospitalised for the fourth time

Louise Thompson has shared photos of her recovery, after being hospitalised for the fourth time. 

The Made In Chelsea star, 33, took to Instagram on Tuesday where she posted snaps of herself spending quality time with her young son, Leo, whom she shares with her fiancé Ryan Libbey.

Alongside a slew of adorable shots of herself and her little boy strolling along together, Louise told her followers: 'Made it to the park at the end of the road. The world is moving at light speed but that doesn’t mean you have to keep up.' 


In another picture, the TV personality was seen looking cosy on a sofa with a blanket over her, while her brother and fellow reality star Sam Thompson was sat beside her. 

Louise recently spent two weeks in hospital after losing 'cups of blood' due to Ulcerative Colitis while in Antigua on a family holiday. 

Louise Thompson, 33, took to Instagram on Tuesday where she shared photos of her recovery, after being hospitalised for the fourth time
The Made In Chelsea star posted snaps of herself spending quality time with her young son, Leo, whom she shares with her fiancé Ryan Libbey.
In another picture, the TV personality was seen looking cosy on a sofa with a blanket over her, while her brother and fellow reality star Sam Thompson was sat beside her

Following her discharge after the 12-day stint, Louise was then admitted to hospital three times in one week over extreme pains, ultrasounds and check ins. 

Revealing that her friends and family have played a huge part of her recovery, she captioned her honest post: 'Things that helped me in H.

Louise previously revealed what has helped her get through her gruelling hospital stints as she said she has feeling feeling 'really s***'.

The mother-of-one shared a heartfelt post on Instagram updating her 1.4million followers on how she was feeling on Sunday afternoon.

Alongside an album of hospital pictures, Louise captioned her post with 31 tips that she would recommend when staying in hospital for a long period of time. 

'Before I press forward I just want to go back and talk about some nuggets that have helped me as an inpatient - Because yesterday afternoon someone* at the hospital said 'thank you so much for sharing all you do because it actually helps people'…

'The funny thing is I probably added the word 'actually' into that sentence in my own head because it still shocks me as to how much of an impact social media can have….or I could have… but her comment made me realise I need to keep talking,  even if it's for the minority of people…. Actually especially for the minority of people.


'I know by waxing lyrical about my problems I'm liable to extra scrutiny and am keen to stave off this narrative of 'poor me' or 'look at me i've spent time in hospital', given that there are a lot of people going through a lot of s**t, but I shouldn't invalidate my lived experience.

Louise previously revealed what has helped her get through her gruelling hospital stints as she said she has feeling feeling 'really s***' (pictured with fiancé Ryan Libbey)
The mother-of-one shared a heartfelt post on Instagram updating her 1.4million followers on how she was feeling
Louise has been incredibly open about her health struggles following the birth of her son Leo
Revealing that her friends and family have played a huge part of her recovery, she captioned her honest post: 'Things that helped me in H..

'I have been through a lot. It has been really s**t. I have been really bloody strong. 

And I have learnt a lot along the way. And now I want to educate people in a really simple way about the inevitable struggles that come with spending time in hospital. And also how pants lifelong chronic conditions can be.

'So I'm sharing this incase you or someone you know has to spend a bit of time here. (Could indeed be the joyful occasion of giving birth, doesn't always need to be doom and gloom)… but let me tell you - it really is the little things that help.

'It's basic stuff,' she noted before going on to write a list of 31 things.

Her open Instagram post comes after the star was admitted to hospital three times in one week in February .

Louise has been in and out of hospital since giving birth to Leo, two, following a traumatic birth that left her with PTSD. 

She was discharged following a 12-day stint earlier this week before she had to return days later for a check in and again 24 hours later for an ultrasound after her pain became unbearable.


Ryan shared a heartfelt post to his Instagram Stories during the end of February revealing that she returned to hospital over extreme pains.

Sharing a sweet post of the two of them in the back of a car, Ryan wrote: 'This little warrior is doing well, but the pain has ramped up in the last 48 hours.

'So we are back at the hospital for an ultrasound to check nothing there is nothing sinister happening.' 

Earlier that week, Louise informed fans she will be spending a lot of time in hospital going forward as she needs to return for 'weekly check ins'.

Taking to her Instagram Stories, the star shared a selfie and wrote: 'Big Steps. 1. First school run with the gang. 2. Then back to hospital for weekly check ins.'

Louise shared a sweet video earlier that week again of her son Leo visiting her in hospital after 12 days apart as she gave an update on her health. 

Taking to Instagram, Louise shared the moment they were reunited and how it gave her 'the motivational boost I needed' to get her home. 

She shared a Reel to her page alongside the words: 'I didn't see this peanut for 12 days. But a visit was just the motivational boost I needed to hurry my recovery on and get me home for good.

'More on children visiting hospital in the caption. Would love to learn your thoughts.' The Reel was sweetly set to Betty Who's I Love You Always Forever.

Her open Instagram post comes after the star was admitted to hospital three times in one week in February . The mum-of-one has been in and out of hospital since giving birth to Leo, two, following a traumatic birth that left her with PTSD

She added in a lengthy caption: 'One of the strange things about this whole experience has been navigating time spent in hospital with a little one at home.


'When Ryan was young(ish) … well we've now established he was about 8 years old - he saw his mum in hospital connected to lots of wires after a major back surgery and the memory still stings him to this day.

'Ryan's not very good with hospital. I don't judge him for it. That's one of the reasons why we thought long and hard about bringing Leo in to visit.' 

Louise said during her first seven days in hospital Leo wasn't allowed to visit but while she was in ITU a doctor recommended that it was good idea for her to see Leo when she was further along in her recovery. 

'This is going to sound horrendous but when I was, say, 'septic' post op I didn't think about Leo. I couldn't think about anything. I couldn't concentrate. Plus I was on Fentanyl for 5 days so I was drifting in and out,' she continued. 

'It was only as I started to feel a bit better that I could think more rationally and could weigh up the pros and cons.

'I'd facetimed him on one of the days and got a bit upset. I didn't want to show him lots of sadness. I didn't want to add any more confusion. 

'I didn't want to disrupt the challenges that Ryan was dealing with at home - my health uncertainty and the change to Leo's routine.

She was diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis during her last stint in hospital which is the inflammation of the lower end of the digestive system. The condition sadly has no cure, but can be effectively managed with time

'Leo was happy and busy at nursery several days a week. Lots of family rallied around to play with him. Things were really ok for him.


'I also reminded myself that some young parents go away for work or for holidays with their partners leaving their kids behind for a week or so anyway! That made me feel a lot better.'

Louise also shared an update on Instagram stories. She said: 'I wanted to let you know that I am actually doing really well recovering at home.

'(I keep touching my hair, aka, touching wood, whenever I say this to anyone that visits because I'm mindful I don't want to speak too soon and I don't want to jinx anything'. 

Louise, the elder sister of Sam Thompson, has faced series of health issues since the birth of Leo-Hunter in November 2021.

She was diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis during her last stint in hospital which is the inflammation of the lower end of the digestive system. The condition sadly has no cure, but can be effectively managed with time.

Before Louise's latest health scare, she was posting photos from her family trip with Ryan, Leo and her father to Antigua And Barbuda.

A post on January 28 featured a carousel of snaps of herself with little Leo, alongside which she wrote an emotive caption about 'learning to lean into and be grateful for those imperfect in-between moments because nothing lasts forever'.

Louise revealed a while after welcoming Leo that she and he nearly died during the traumatic labour

Louise revealed a while after welcoming Leo that she and he nearly died during the traumatic labour.

On December 23, 2021, Louise announced the birth of her son on her Instagram page and revealed she had been discharged from hospital to recover at home.


She said: '5 weeks ago I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy Leo-Hunter Libbey weighing in at 7lbs. Unfortunately it wasn't the easiest start for either of us. One ended up in NICU and the other ended up in ICU.'

Louise said that Leo recovered quickly, but she had to deal with 'many bad things', saying: 'To dance with death twice brings a whole new view of the world.'

In December, two years after Leo's birth, she reflected on the time since the traumatic series of events.

She said: 'Here's a reminder that a lot can change in a year. A lot can change in 6 months. Indeed a lot can change in a month but it's hard to witness the change until you create some sizeable distance from it.

'I'm crying writing this. I'm feeling very emotional today. I can't lie it feels nice to purge my pain. I encourage you to try writing and crying too.

'Sometimes it helps. But the main reason I'm writing this is because I really want you guys to know that you must keep moving forward. Don't give up. Because there will be a time when you will want to wear a pretty party dress again. You will shine again.'

The reality star announced last month she is releasing a book, Lucky, where she will tell the story of the near-death experience.

What is ulcerative colitis?

Ulcerative colitis is thought to be an autoimmune condition.

That means, the immune system goes wrong and starts to attack healthy tissue. 

The most popular theory is that the immune system mistakes harmless bacteria inside the colon as a threat and attacks the tissues of the colon, causing it to become inflamed.

However, it's unclear what causes the immune system to behave in this way. 

The UK Crohn's & Colitis UK charity reports at least 1 in every 227 people in the UK has been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. This amounts to around 296,000 people. 

Although it can develop at any age, it is most often diagnosed in people between 15 and 25 years old. 

It's more common in white people of European descent, especially those descended from Ashkenazi Jewish communities, and black people.

The condition is rarer in people from Asian backgrounds, although the reasons for this are unclear.

Both men and women seem to be equally affected by ulcerative colitis.

Source: NHS 


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