TV footy commentator James Brayshaw comes clean on why he was BANNED from getting Ubers

  • James Brayshaw was banned from Uber for six years 
  • He explained the bizarre situation on the radio 
  • Brayshaw is a popular commentator on Channel 9 

James Brayshaw has explained the reason why he was banned from using taxi app Uber for six years.

The popular TV personality, who commentates on footy for Channel 7 and Triple M, discussed the unusual situation that has arisen with the car riding service.

'What happened was I had a credit card that kept getting cancelled because they kept fraud alerts,' he said on Triple M's Saturday Rub.

'And then I booked an Uber while it was cancelled under fraud alert without realising and so they barred me. Six years barred from Uber.'

Isaac Smith, Brayshaw's Triple M colleague, quipped: 'You get less for murder.'

Typically, people convicted of murder in Australia must serve a minimum of 20 years in prison. 

Elsewhere, Brayshaw's close mate and fellow footy pundit Billy Brownless will undergo hernia surgery this week.

He caught radio listeners' attention while cheering on his horse running at Caulfield. 

James Brayshaw has revealed why he was banned from Uber for six years

James Brayshaw has revealed why he was banned from Uber for six years