
Our live coverage has now ended but for a full recap see below 

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Police dramatically return to national park in hunt for missing teenager after sighting in tourist spot turned out to be 'false alarm'

Police have returned to the mountains in north-west Tenerife to search for missing teenager Jay Slater, after a false report led to officers switching to the opposite side of the island to look for him.

Officers re-focused their efforts on the tourist resorts of Los Cristianos and Playa de Las Americas after receiving reports of an alleged sighting of the teen which turned out to be false.

They have now returned to the mountain area around Rural de Teno Park to look for him.


Search for Jay 'halted' in the mountains and switched to tourist resorts Los Cristianos and Playa de Las Americas

The search for missing teenager Jay Slater has been halted in the mountains in the north-west of Tenerife, as emergency teams switch to the other side of the island.

Police have today confirmed the search for the 19-year-old has moved to the south of Tenerife and the tourist resorts of Los Cristianos and Playa de Las Americas.

It comes after a huge operation involving helicopters, drones and sniffer dogs had been carried out in the area of Rural de Teno Park, Jay's last known location.

A spokesman for the Civil Guard said at 12.30pm local time: 'The search operation has moved to the south of the island. The search areas are Los Cristianos and Playa de Las Americas.'

The Civil Guard said this was down to the 'information that's been received' as the investigation has progressed.


Friend Lucy says she thinks Jay has been kidnapped

Lucy, who was with Jay the evening before he went missing, believes her friend has been kidnapped.

Responding to the misleading report of Jay being sighted on the opposite side of the island, Lucy said: 'Someone has given a false lead to the police saying he’s rang a taxi down to Los Cristianos.

'If this was the case he would have rang his mum or one of us. I know him well and he would not have us worrying.

'Someone is trying to deter the police from him being up there. I’m starting to think he’s been kidnapped.'


Police confirm they have resumed search at national park

Police have confirmed they have resumed searching for Jay in Teno Rural Park near Mascahe.

A spokesman for the Civil Guard told The Mirror: 'Officers have returned to the Masca area to continue with the search operation.'

Officers had re-focused their efforts on the tourist resorts of Los Cristianos and Playa de Las Americas after receiving reports of an alleged sighting of the teen.

However this later turned out to be false.


Friend Lucy claims the disappearance is 'suspicious'

Lucy, who was with Jay the evening before he went missing, told The Sun his disappearance is 'something weird' and 'suspicious'

Lucy Mae New


Mother of Jay Slater, 19, fears son 'has been taken against his will' after search for missing Brit thrown into chaos with 'false sighting

Jay Slater's mother is worried he has been taken 'against his will' as the chaotic search for the missing continues.

She added that the police leading the search had been 'very good'.


Mother's fears for Jay

Debbie Duncan flew to Tenerife in the Canary Islands Tuesday morning to search for her son.

Ms Duncan said she feared Jay had 'been taken against his will'.

Jay Slater is missing in Tenerife


Jay's final post revealed

The missing teenager posted a final picture at 7.30am on Snapchat from the house of 'two English lads' an hour before phoning his friend Lucy

Jay Slater posted a Snapchat image on the morning he went missing


Jay Slater's mother begs people to 'keep looking' as hunt for missing Brit is thrown into chaos after false sighting of teenager, 19, in tourist hotspot 'moves' focus away from mountainous region

Jay Slater's mother has begged people to 'keep looking' after the hunt for the missing teenager was thrown into chaos when a false sighting shifted the search.

The 19-year-old - who was on his first holiday with friends - is believed to have got into a car with 'two English lads' he met in the early hours of Monday and ended up at their accommodation in a national park about 40 minutes drive away.

The search was focused on the mountainous area of north-west Tenerife but earlier today police confirmed they moved to Los Cristianos and Playa de Las Americas, near to where the teenager was staying.

However, this was based on a false report from a member of the public and has since been moved back to the original radius.

It has wasted valuable time in the third day of the search for Jay, with temperatures in the area reaching 27 degrees.


Police keeping 'open mind' about Jay's disappearance

Police have today said they are keeping an 'open mind' about Jay's disappearance.

A Civil Guard spokeswoman in Tenerife said just before 11am local time before it emerged the search had shifted to the south of the island: 'We are still searching for the missing man.

'The search operation is being conducted by the Civil Guard and different units are participating.

'They include the helicopter unit, the cynological unit which uses dogs, the Greim mountain rescue and intervention unit, and citizen security patrols.

'The helicopter unit has one helicopter which has been participating in the search since it began on Monday.

'We’re not going to talk about the number of officers involved but it’s a large operation.

'When there’s a disappearance police always look at all options and investigate all the possibilities.

'In this case, no hypothesis has been ruled out as you’d expect at the start of any investigation.'


Drones used in the search for Jay

Drones are being used in the search for Jay Slater, as the Civil Guard has said it is doing 'everything possible' to trace the missing teenager.

A police helicopter is scouring the mountainous area which is said to be popular with hikers. Firefighters and mountain rescuers are also involved in the search.

A Civil Guard spokeswoman in Tenerife said: 'A specialist Mountain Rescue and Intervention Group called the Greim have been mobilised,' she said.

'A police helicopter is also out and focusing on the area around the village of Masca.

'Other emergency services including firefighters have also been mobilised. Everything possible is being done to try to find the missing man.'

Missing Jay Slater drone ITV News


Police reportedly stopping motorists in the area

According to the 'Jay Slater missing' Facebook page, police are stopping motorists as part of the search today.

Officers are reportedly showing motorists a photograph of Jay and asking if they have any information on his whereabouts. SLATER MISSING - ONLY OFFICIAL GROUPvideo shows police checking vans in Tenerife SLATER MISSING - ONLY OFFICIAL GROUPvideo shows police checking vans in Tenerife


Mother of teenager Jay Slater receives 'sickening' prank calls from hidden numbers

The mother of missing teenager Jay Slater has revealed she has received several prank calls from hidden numbers claiming they had taken her son and held him for ransom.

Debbie Duncan, who has flown to Tenerife to join in the search for her son, has told how twisted Brits with 'northern accents' had been phoning her with hidden numbers and claiming they had her son captive and were keeping him because he owed them money.

She said: 'Some of the phone calls I've been getting have been horrible. I just don't know why people would want to do things like this.

'I've been getting lots of prank calls. It's sickening. People ringing me and saying they've got Jay because he owes them money.

'But it's not putting me off and I want to keep this in the news because it's going to increase the chances of Jay being found safe and well which is obviously what we're praying for.'


'No news' yet on Jay's disappearance

An admin of the official Facebook group for Jay posted this morning that there is no news yet, but the search continues.

Rachel Louise Harg said: 'Hi everyone there still isn't any news on Jay we are still looking.'


Jay's step-father worries the teenager may have taken a 'wrong turn' on the walk back to his accommodation

Jay's stepfather Andy Watson, 63, said the family were worried Jay might have taken a wrong turn on the walk back to his accommodation.

Speaking to The Sun outside the family's home in Oswaldtwistle Mr Watson said: 'It's really worrying. It feels like a blur at the moment.

'Jay is very street wise and he's no mug but if it's it was dark and he had no touch on his phone he could have gone the wrong way and become more lost than he was.'

Jay Slater is missing in Tenerife


Coronation Street star Vicky Entwistle issues desperate appeal to help find Jay Slater after Brit, 19, goes missing after music festival in Tenerife

A Coronation Street star has issued a desperate plea to help find Jay Slater after the 19-year-old Briton went missing after a music festival in Tenerife.

Vicky Entwistle, who famously played Janice Battersby on the ITV soap, says she 'hope to God they find him' as she prays for the missing apprentice bricklayer's return.

Jay is the 55-year-old actress' godmother's grandson and she said she knows 'the authorities are pulling out all the stops to find him' and 'that gives us some hope he will be found'.


Jay Slater missing: Timeline of British teenager's disappearance

June 16 (Sunday evening)

Jay left the rave in South Tenerife with a group of people he met that day, telling Lucy he was staying with them at their apartment in an undisclosed location. One of the group had a hire car.

8.35pm: Jay is seen in the final Snapchat clip before his disappearance, wearing a grey t-shirt with a green stripe.

June 17

8.15am: Lucy said she received a panicked call from Jay in which he said his phone battery was only on one per cent, he was lost - and in desperate need of water.

He continued that he had missed the bus back and was attempting to walk back using a Maps app on his phone.

His phone location showed he was in a mountainous area of a national park some 10 hours' walk away from his accommodation.

8.50am: Jay's phone dies. Its last known location is believed to be somewhere in the Rural de Teno national park. Close to the PR-TF51 hiking trail above the small village of Masca.

June 18

2.30am: Jay's mother Debbie Duncan and step-dad Andy Watson, 63, are alerted to his disappearance when police officers knock on their door in the early hours of the morning. The officers advised that the best thing they could do was to get 'yourself out there'.

11.35am: Ms Duncan and Jay's brother Zak land in Tenerife after catching the first flight out of Manchester airport.

1.45pm: Specialist mountain rescue teams and helicopters are deployed in the search to find missing Jay.

2.30pm: Ms Duncan posts an appeal on Facebook updating that her son is still missing and pleading with other to come forward if they know any further information. Last night, the search focused on the Masca hamlet, in the municipality of Buenavista del Norte.

A Civil Guard spokesperson said that mountain rescue teams and helicopters have been deployed in the search to find missing Jay. A local resident, living in Tenerife, has printed out missing posters to put up around Adeje.

June 19

The search for Jay enters its third day today. A friend of Jay's has urged social media users not to speculate or share theories surrounding the teenager's disappearance.


Map showing Jay's last known location

A MailOnline map details the last known location of Jay Slater, which was registered in the Rural de Teno national park. It is a remote area in northwest Tenerife, more than ten miles from the popular resort of Guía de Isora.

The park is a 10-hour walk away from Jay's accommodation in the southern part of the island.

The 19-year-old made a phone call to his friend Lucy at around 8am on Monday morning.

Lucy said he sounded disorientated, was in desperate need of water and only had one per cent battery left on his phone.


Final Snapchat post of Jay Slater, 19, reveals Brit smiling night before he went missing in Tenerife - as worried pal reveals how disorientated teen called her from 'middle of nowhere'

A final Snapchat video of British teenager Jay Slater reveals he was smiling and laughing the night before he went missing in Tenerife.

On Sunday, Jay had attended the final day of a the three-day NRG festival at Papagayo Tenerife beach club in the island's south, near to his accommodation.

After the rave he left in a rented car with new friends to have 'a few beers'.

He disappeared after making a phone call to his friend Lucy at around 8am on Monday, in which he sounded disorientated, was in desperate need of water and only had one per cent battery left on his phone.


Jay Slater's final Snapchat before disappearing in Tenerife

A final Snapchat video of British teenager Jay Slater reveals he was smiling and laughing the night before he went missing in Tenerife.


Friend of Jay's urges strangers not to speculate over his disappearance

A friend of Jay's has urged social media users not to speculate or share theories surrounding the teenager's disappearance.

Writing on the Facebook group, Tasha Entwistle said: 'Have some heart for his mum in particular and keep your speculation OFF this group. Unless you are willing to do something more proactive to actually help.

She added: 'Please stop unless you’re going to help those that genuinely care and want this lad to be found safe and well. To everybody maintaining the positivity & the well wishes for the searchers. Keep going, his family needs it now more than ever.'

The Facebook post has received over 600 likes and 100 comments.


Facebook group launched to find Jay reaches 125,000 members

A public Facebook group set up by Jay's friends and family has reached 125,000 followers today.

Updates are being shared in the group by Jay's loved ones who have travelled to Tenerife to join the search.

Facebook users are offering advice on places to look on the island and offering their thoughts and prayers to Jay's family members.


Welcome to MailOnline's Jay Slater liveblog

Good morning, and welcome to MailOnline's latest Jay Slater missing liveblog today as the search continues to find the teenager, 19, who disappeared in Tenerife.

Friends and family members have flown over to the Canary Islands to join in with the search for Jay who has not been seen or heard from since Monday morning.

His last known location was in the mountainous area of Teno Rural Park, some 10 hours' walk away from his accommodation in the southern part of the island.

Jay's mother Debbie Duncan has said she is 'beside herself with worry' and a Facebook group has been launched to share updates.

Key Updates
  • Police dramatically return to national park in hunt for missing teenager after sighting in tourist spot turned out to be 'false alarm'
  • Mother of teenager Jay Slater receives 'sickening' prank calls from hidden numbers
  • Jay Slater missing: Timeline of British teenager's disappearance