Pampered pooch! Bearded collie Arran, six, found caked in mud after he went missing for two days before he was found by an army of fellow collies is having a regular wash and blow-dry to prepare for Crufts

  • Despite competing in dog shows, Arran the collie prefers to roll in mud puddles
  • A bearded collie has only won Best In Show once in Crufts' history, in 1989
  • Arran went missing in January prompting other Beardie owners to join together to find the adventurous, mud-loving pooch

Dog owner Madeleine Fear has her work cut out as she prepares her adventurous, mud-loving bearded collie dog for Crufts.

Arran's pampered and preened appearance is a far cry from the dishevelled state he was found in after he went missing in January.

The long-haired mutt's disappearance led to an army of fellow bearded collies to descend on the location and help search for 'one of their own.'

Arran the bearded collie is groomed by his owner Madeleine Fear in preparation for Crufts

Arran the bearded collie is groomed by his owner Madeleine Fear in preparation for Crufts

Intrepid Arran turned up safe and sound but caked in mud two days later.

Madeleine hasn't been able to stop Arran from rolling around in puddles and dirt while out for his walks.

So she is having to wash, blow-dry, and brush him on a regular basis as she gets him ready for his appearance at Crufts later this week.

Arran usually prefers to play and roll around in wet and muddy puddles

Arran usually prefers to play and roll around in wet and muddy puddles 

Arran, whose show name is Ceilmear Royal Marine, competes in dog shows throughout the year and qualified for Crufts in the postgraduate class at a championship show for bearded collies.

Despite all her hard work Madeleine is not expecting her now famous dog to take the top title.   

Arran's owner faces a daily battle to stop her beloved pooch getting matted fur

Arran's owner faces a daily battle to stop her beloved pooch getting matted fur

Intrepid Arran is happiest when running and playing in muddy puddles

Intrepid Arran is happiest when running and playing in muddy puddles

A bearded collie has only won Best In Show once in Crufts' history, in 1989

A bearded collie has only won Best In Show once in Crufts' history, in 1989

Bearded collies were originally bred as herding dogs in Scotland

Bearded collies were originally bred as herding dogs in Scotland

A bearded collie has only won Best In Show once in Crufts' history, in 1989 when Brenda White and her dog Potterdale Classic of Moonhill took the title.  

She said: 'Whenever we go to a show, it's just an opportunity to see all our friends. The dogs really enjoy it too.

'I loved Crufts ever since I was 12 years old and I remember watching it, desperate to go.

Arran and his owner Madeleine Fear as she dries him off another wet run

Arran and his owner Madeleine Fear as she dries him off another wet run

Arran is a descendant of the only bearded collie to have ever won Crufts

Arran is a descendant of the only bearded collie to have ever won Crufts

'That was the year Brenda White won Best in Show with a bearded collie, the only person to win overall with one.

'I knew then I wanted a bearded collie and I got my first one, Ceilidh, the next year.

'Brenda's dog was Arran's great-great-grandmother and I bred his mother and grandmother. Brenda was out looking for Arran with me when he went missing.

'It's such a strong community, one of the nicest breeds as you make life-long friends.

Arran's owner makes sure the bearded collie gets a daily blow-dry

Arran's owner makes sure the bearded collie gets a daily blow-dry

Arran's fur needs to be brushed everyday or his coat soon becomes unruly

Arran's fur needs to be brushed everyday or his coat soon becomes unruly

'Winning big at Crufts would be a lifetime ambition but I don't think I'm there yet - I'm just enjoying the ride.'

Madeleine, 43, said: 'Arran is a normal dog, showing only takes up about two per cent of his life.

'Being a dog comes before any show. Arran enjoys running through hedgerows and the forest, regardless of the damage it can cause to his coat. Because he likes running through hedgerows he gets covered in horse poo.

In January, Arran went missing for two days and fellow collie owners joined the dog-hunt

In January, Arran went missing for two days and fellow collie owners joined the dog-hunt 

Local collie owners all came together to find their beloved friend Arran when he was lost

Local collie owners all came together to find their beloved friend Arran when he was lost

'We wash his feet and beard to keep them white, but that's just general grooming.

'My dogs love it though, they fight to get up on the grooming table.'

When Arran ran off from a dog walker, Madeleine called on the tight-knit community of 'beardie' owners to help find him.

More than 40 beardie owners dropped what they were doing and travelled for miles to join the hunt. 

Crufts runs from March 5 to 8, with the overall Best In Show category announced on Sunday. 

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