Reform UK's general election manifesto promotes the party's policies with 'pictures of a German fishing vessel and a Slovenian family'

Reform UK's general election manifesto features pictures of a German fishing vessel and a Slovenian family, it has emerged.

Party leader Nigel Farage yesterday unveiled Reform's 'contract' with British voters ahead of polling day on 4 July.

The document outlines a programme of tax cuts, the scrapping of Net Zero targets and a 'freeze' on non-essential immigration.

It features pictures of the white cliffs of Dover and farming in Northumberland.

But Reform risked embarrassment after the manifesto was revealed to also include images of a fishing vessel in German waters and a family in Slovenia.

Party leader Nigel Farage yesterday unveiled Reform's 'contract' with British voters ahead of polling day on 4 July

Party leader Nigel Farage yesterday unveiled Reform's 'contract' with British voters ahead of polling day on 4 July

According to Channel 4's Fact Check , a picture on page 19 of the party's document is of a German-flagged vessel

According to Channel 4's Fact Check , a picture on page 19 of the party's document is of a German-flagged vessel

An image on page 16 of the manifesto shows a family of five in a field. It was revealed to have been taken from Getty Images, where the image's metadata states: 'Location: Slovenia.'

An image on page 16 of the manifesto shows a family of five in a field. It was revealed to have been taken from Getty Images, where the image's metadata states: 'Location: Slovenia.'

According to Channel 4's Fact Check, a picture on page 19 of the party's document is of a German-flagged vessel.

The website reported a listing for the image on Shutterstock, the photo library, is tagged as 'Germany' and notes: 'Shrimper at the North Sea not far from Helgoland.'

The image of the red fishing vessel is featured underneath Reform's pledge to 'renew our fishing industry and revive our coastal communities'.

An earlier image on page 16 of the party's manifesto appears to show a family of five in a field.

The picture was revealed to have been taken from Getty Images, where the image's metadata states: 'Location: Slovenia.'

It is featured in a section of the document in which Reform pledges to support British families through tax breaks for married couples.

The party also pledges to frontload child benefit from ages one to four to 'give parents the choice to spend more time with their children'.

A Reform spokesman said: 'Both are generic images, one an unidentifiable family, one a trawler. You know, we know, and anybody seeing our contract will know that.'