Is this the longest chip in the world? Schoolboy, nine, finds 10.3in whopper in bag of McCains

A nine-year-old school boy was gobsmacked to find a chip 'bigger than his head' in a bag of frozen McCains.

Oliver Baty, from Pegswood in Northumberland, was helping his mother Donna, 44, make dinner on Wednesday when he spotted the monster fry, measuring a whopping 10.3 inches in length.

His father Scott, 43, watched in awe as the mammoth chip 'stood up like a totem pole' in the family's air fryer.

He said:  'It was so massive Donna couldn't close the fryer lid. Oliver just grabbed it and ran into the sitting room and put the chip on his shoulder and it was bigger than his head.'

After young Oliver exclaimed that the chip 'must be a world record', Scott, who runs a mobile catering company, decided to get his tape measure out. 

Oliver Baty, from Pegswood in Northumberland, was helping his mother Donna, 44, make dinner on Wednesday when he spotted the mammoth chip

Oliver Baty, from Pegswood in Northumberland, was helping his mother Donna, 44, make dinner on Wednesday when he spotted the mammoth chip

The chip measures a whopping 10.3 inches or 26.2 centimetres in length

The chip measures a whopping 10.3 inches or 26.2 centimetres in length

The deep-fried delicacy measured 10.3 inches or 26.2 centimetres long.

Scott continued: 'We thought it might be two chips stuck together but we examined it and it was definitely one very, very long chip.

'I've never seen anything like ours, you can imagine the size of the potato it came from, it must have looked like a rugby ball.'

In disbelief, Scott Googled 'previous big chip' records.

He said: 'This is definitely longer than the others. There was one guy who had one that was supposedly 18 inches but I think that was fake.'

The colossal chip came from a 2.5kg bag of McCain Home Chips the family bought from Morrisons in nearby Morpeth.

Oliver, who is in Year 5 at Newminster Middle School, has so far refused to eat his generously sized chip and is keeping it safe in the freezer.

Speaking of his prized possession, Oliver said: 'I couldn't ever eat it. It's too precious.'

The Baty family have contacted Guinness World Records to determine whether or not they have battered the record for the world's biggest chip. 

The Baty family have contacted Guinness World Records to determine whether or not they have battered the record for the world's biggest chip

The Baty family have contacted Guinness World Records to determine whether or not they have battered the record for the world's biggest chip

A spokesperson for Guinness World Records told MailOnline: 'We don't monitor records for largest food items that have been found.

'Our large food record titles involve the creation of scaled-up versions of existing food stuffs. These record-breaking foods must be made in the same way as the ordinary sized versions, but on a grand scale. 

'Guinness World Records does not monitor incidents where people locate large versions of mass-produced foods.'

The current record for the title of largest molded potato chip is 11kg (24.2508 Ib) achieved by Chandresh Bayad, in Gujarat, India, on October 7, 2018.