• Did YOU see what happened? Email: poppy.gibson@mailonline.co.uk 

Armed police have been locked in a nine-hour stand-off in a quiet market town following reports of a man with a gun and the stalemate does not seem to be winding down.

Neighbours were told to stay indoors as dozens of officers, including many wearing masks and carrying weapons, descended on the cul-de-sac in Stanningley, near Leeds.

Ambulance crews and trained negotiators are also at the scene to try and reach a 'safe conclusion'.

Police were initially called to a domestic-related incident at a house on the sleepy street but quickly withdrew after a man at the address was seemingly in possession of a weapon.

A cordon has been set up and police have confirmed that the man is the only person at the home and there is no risk to the wider community.

Armed police pictured on the quiet street where a nine-hour stand-off has been plying out between a man who reportedly has a gun and specialist units

Armed police pictured on the quiet street where a nine-hour stand-off has been plying out between a man who reportedly has a gun and specialist units

Teams of officers gathering in the street in front of the house where the man was reportedly holed up in

Teams of officers gathering in the street in front of the house where the man was reportedly holed up in

Officers outside the house while the allegedly armed man was seen poking his head out of an upstairs window

Officers outside the house while the allegedly armed man was seen poking his head out of an upstairs window

Officers, including many wearing masks and carrying weapons, descended on the cul-de-sac in Stanningley, near Leeds which has been cordoned off

Officers, including many wearing masks and carrying weapons, descended on the cul-de-sac in Stanningley, near Leeds which has been cordoned off

The man inside the property who reportedly had a handgun. Officers entered into negotiations with him and confirmed that he was the only one inside the house

The man inside the property who reportedly had a handgun. Officers entered into negotiations with him and confirmed that he was the only one inside the house

A cordon has been set up around a house where a man has reportedly been wielding a handgun in a market town in Leeds

A cordon has been set up around a house where a man has reportedly been wielding a handgun in a market town in Leeds

Witnesses from the scene said they saw a man hanging out of an upstairs window at the house and drones have been spotted flying overhead.  

One resident who lives nearby told Leeds Live: 'They've just said it's an incident they won't say anything else.'

Another added: 'I've never seen anything like this before.