For a man taking the biggest gamble of his career, Rishi Sunak did not look lucky.

Moments after he arrived at the lectern in Downing Street to announce a snap election on July 4, the heavens opened and a protester at the gates began to blare out New Labour's theme tune, Things Can Only Get Better, on a massive sound system.

By the end of a lengthy speech, onlookers were deafened by the music and the Prime Minister was drenched, his suit ruined.

It was an inauspicious start.

One senior Tory described the moment as 'a catastrophe', adding: 'The speech was rambling and unfocused – and the images… he looked like he was drowning. After that we really are in a position where things can only get better.'

Insiders revealed that the PM had shunned suggestions about making the announcement indoors. 'He wanted to go out and talk to the country,' one said, adding: 'I think people will appreciate the determination it showed.' 

Cabinet Office staff members watched on from inside as Rishi Sunak was drenched by the rain

Plans for a snap election had been closely guarded and MPs were left stunned yesterday as rumours began to swirl around Westminster that the PM was preparing to roll the dice.

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The first clue came on his whirlwind trip to Austria on Tuesday when observers noted that Mr Sunak was in a buoyant mood. 'He was so chipper it was almost weird,' one said. 'It was like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.'

What almost no-one in Westminster knew at the time – including most of his most senior ministers and aides – was that the Prime Minister had made up his mind to end the phoney election campaign and trigger the real thing.


In fact, the trip to Vienna, which lasted less than 12 hours, now looks like a deliberate ruse to throw observers, including his own Cabinet, off the scent.

It meant that the usual Tuesday morning Cabinet meeting was postponed until Wednesday afternoon, shortly before the PM's regular weekly audience with the King, who has to give permission for an election to be called.

Suddenly the PM could consult his Cabinet and inform the King without having to make any obvious changes to his schedule to alert the outside world of his dramatic decision.

Rishi Sunak turns away after delivering his election speech at Downing Street on Wednesday
Later on, he launched the Conservative Party's election campaign at the Excel Centre in east London
Rishi Sunak hugs his wife Akshata Murty at the launch of the Tories' election campaign

Only when it emerged that Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron and Defence Secretary Grant Shapps were being recalled from abroad to attend the crunch Cabinet meeting did the rumours start to harden up.

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The subterfuge was designed to mask a bombshell decision which has been in the PM's mind for months, but which crystallised only in the past few days.

Most senior Tories believed the PM had abandoned the idea of a summer election after Tory plotters seeking to depose him threw in the towel following the local elections at the start of this month.

Received wisdom was that, with the threat to his leadership gone, Mr Sunak would seek to extend his reign to two years by delaying the poll until November in the hope 'something would turn up'.

But privately Mr Sunak and his chief-of-staff Liam Booth-Smith continued to harbour doubts about the wisdom of antagonising grumpy voters further by delaying the election. They also believed that springing a sudden election could throw an under-prepared Labour Party off guard. Behind the scenes, ministers were ordered to start work on manifesto plans two months ago.


Discussions went into overdrive in the wake of the local elections, which Tory strategists believe were less grim than the headline results suggested.

Other factors also came into play. Yesterday's sharp fall in inflation to 2.3 per cent allowed Mr Sunak to declare that the economic shocks of the past few years were now 'squarely in the rear-view mirror'.

Sources revealed that Sunak insisted on braving the rain as he gave his speech
Steve Bray blares out Labour's 1997 campaign song Things Can Only Get Better while Rishi Sunak gives his speech
Rishi Sunak cheers and laps up the applause as he launched his election campaign on Wednesday

'People just aren't listening at the moment,' one Tory source said. 'We have to get them to focus on the choice ahead and it's become increasingly obvious that the only way to do that is to call an election.' 

Another source close to the PM said: 'There's no perfect time to do this but he thinks it is better to create these dividing lines now and force people to make a choice.'

Jitters over small boats also played a part. The PM hopes the first deportation flight to Rwanda will take off before the election – and he is ready to overrule any attempt by the European courts to block it. But Tory strategists believe many more flights would be needed to stop the boats.

Another factor has been the debilitating impact of continuing Tory infighting, resignations and defections, which have led some senior figures to question whether they can even keep the show on the road until November.

In other words, the PM has become convinced that bad as things look now, they could be even worse by the autumn.

Allies admit it is a huge gamble but say the PM is 'feeling lucky' after some positive news on the economy. One said that even his beloved Southampton's play-off victory over West Brom last week had left him feeling 'on a winning streak'. But many jittery Tory MPs are feeling much less lucky and were bombarding No 10 yesterday afternoon with warnings about the risks of going for a snap election.


One former Cabinet minister said: 'I told them they were off their rockers to be thinking about a summer election. We are 20 points down, we need time to let the better economic news have an impact, we need another round of tax cuts and we need to get those flights off to Rwanda – that is critical. To go now is madness.'

Another senior Tory said it would be 'suicidal' to call an early election. But one Tory knight of the shires said: 'There is something going on that the polls are not picking up. Labour have a 1997-style lead but it does not feel like 1997. Yes, our people are grumpy with us. But they are not enthused by Keir Starmer and they are not switching to Labour in the way they did back then. It is closer than people think.'

The Tory knight, however, has announced he is standing down. Those Conservative MPs hoping to return after the election were last night struggling to find a silver lining in the rain clouds.


'Who do you trust?' Rishi Sunak launches Tory election campaign with attack on Labour's economic credentials hours after unveiling July 4 vote in a rainswept Downing Street despite some backbenchers saying early poll date is a 'death wish'

By Davild Wilcock, Deputy Political Editor, James Tapsfield, Political Editor and Greg Heffer, Political Correspondent 

Rishi Sunak kicked off the Tory general election campaign tonight with an attack on Labour's economic credentials, just hours after shocking Westminster with a July vote. 


The Prime Minister hauled his Cabinet to east London for a rally with party loyalists where he launched an attack on Sir Keir Starmer's record, asking: 'Who do you trust?'

Setting the tone for the campaign to come he and Home Secretary James Cleverly used the event to link Sir Keir to the policies and ideology of his predecessor Jeremy Corbyn.

After taking a drenching from the rain when he announced the election in Downing Street just after 5pm, Mr Sunak later bounded around the stage in front of his ministers, some of whom looked less than ecstatic to be in an election campaign this early in the year.

Watched by his wife Akshata Murty, Mr Sunak said: 'We have shown the country that it is only this Conservative Party that can deliver the economic stability, the foundation of our national success.'

He also repeated warnings that Labour would take the country 'back to square one', adding: 'We know the only certainty with Labour is they will run out of money and raise your taxes.'

After an extraordinary day of rumours, the premier has taken a massive gamble by announcing the date as Thursday, July 4 - despite Labour being miles ahead in the polls. 

A veteran Tory MP told MailOnline: 'The mood is funereal. It's like that scene at the end of Four Weddings and a Funeral. This is a disaster. Just look at the launch – it was a disaster.

'I've spoken to three people today and they have all said they're screwed. The mood is one of resignation.'


As the country gears up for a titanic showdown that could define a generation:

  • Jeremy Hunt has killed rumours he will quit the Commons, confirming he will stand for reelection in the 'marginal' new seat of Godalming & Ash;
  • The royal family is to postpone engagements 'which may appear to divert attention or distract from the election campaign', Buckingham Palace has announced;
  • Eyes are turning to whether Nigel Farage will re-enter the political fray, with fears Reform will split the right-wing vote. In a video tonight the Brexit champion said Mr Sunak had chosen 'suicide' and his launch had been 'farcical';
  • Boris Johnson has urged voters to back the Tories amid speculation he might appear on the General Election campaign trail;
  • The latest polls suggest Labour is on track for a massive Commons majority of 236. 
The Prime Minister hauled his Cabinet to east London for a rally with party loyalists where he launched an attack on Sir Keir Starmer's record, asking: 'Who do you trust?'
Watched by his wife Akshata Murty, Mr Sunak said: 'We have shown the country that it is only this Conservative Party that can deliver the economic stability, the foundation of our national success.'
A jubilant Sunak rallies his Tory troops as the premier kicked off the Conservatives election campaign tonight
Mr Sunak is congratulated by his wife, Akshata Murty, after launching the Tory party election campaign at the Excel Centre in London
Mr Sunak said it was the 'moment for Britain to decide' its future, whether he should stay as PM or Keir Starmer take over
Labour Party Leader Sir Keir Starmer arrives at his London home tonight after the general election was announced
Sir Keir pictured arriving home tonight. He has issued a statement saying he welcomed 'a moment the country needs and has been waiting'

As his suit became drenched, and with protesters playing the New Labour anthem of 'Things Can Only Get Better' in the background, Mr Sunak pointed to inflation being 'back to normal' and insisted he was 'stopping the boats'. 

'The question now is how and who do you trust to turn that foundation into a secure future... now is the moment for Britain to decide its future,' he said. 

Underlining global threats from Russia and China, Mr Sunak portrayed himself as the safe choice for voters. 'On July 5, either Sir Keir Starmer or I will be prime minister. He has shown time and time again that he will take the easy way out and do anything to get power,' he said.

'If he was happy to abandon all the promises he made to become Labour leader once he got the job, how can you know that he won't do exactly the same thing if he were to become prime minister?'

Minutes later, Sir Keir responded with his own statement saying he welcomed 'a moment the country needs and has been waiting'.

'A chance to change for the better your future, your community, your country,' he said.

'It will feel like a long campaign, I am sure of that, but no matter what else is said and done, that opportunity for change is what this election is about.'

Preparations are being made for a Conservative rally at the Excel centre later tonight with campaigning due to kick into overdrive.  


But before today the election had widely been expected in the Autumn, and the bombshell is threatening to set the Tory tinderbox ablaze, with MPs telling MailOnline that Mr Sunak has a 'death wish'. They warned that the Parliamentary party will go 'nuts' at the prospect of charging towards a disastrous defeat.

Mr Sunak bounded around the stage in front of his ministers, some of whom looked less than ecstatic to be in an election campaign this early in the year
Mr Sunak said: 'We have shown the country that it is only this Conservative Party that can deliver the economic stability, the foundation of our national success'
Ms Murty applauds her husband during his rallying cry as Mr Sunak takes a massive gamble on his political career
Michael Gove
Jeremy Hunt
Health Secretary Victoria Atkins smiled for the cameras as she walked into Downing Street
There is intense chatter this morning that Mr Sunak could spring a bold surprise, despite Labour being miles ahead in the polls

The July 4 date will require the planned half-term recess next week to be cancelled for the so-called 'wash up' of legislation. 

It will be the first July election since 1945, when Clement Attlee's Labour defeated Winston Churchill's Tories. 

Mr Sunak said: 'These uncertain times call for a clear plan and bold action to charter a course to a secure future.

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'You must choose in this election, who has that plan, who is prepared to take a bold action necessary to secure a better future for our country and our children?

'Now, I cannot and will not claim that we have got everything right. No government should, but I am proud of what we have achieved together, the bold actions we have taken and I'm confident about what we can do in the future.'

The Prime Minister listed increasing the state pension by £900, reducing taxes on investment and reforming education as among his Government's achievements.

He said: 'This election will take place at time when the world is more dangerous than it has been since the end of the Cold War.'

He highlighted Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, the tensions in the Middle East relating to the Israel-Hamas conflict, China's efforts to 'dominate the 21st century' and migration 'being weaponised by hostile states to threaten the integrity of our borders'.


'These uncertain times call for a clear plan and bold action to chart a course to a secure future,' he said.

'You must choose in this election who has that plan.'

Downing Street said in a statement: 'The Prime Minister has today asked His Majesty The King to proclaim the Dissolution of Parliament. His Majesty has been graciously pleased to signify that he will comply with this request.

'Parliament will be prorogued on Friday 24 May. Dissolution will take place on Thursday 30 May. 

'The General Election will take place on Thursday 4 July. The new Parliament will be summoned to meet on Tuesday 9 July, when the first business will be the election of the Speaker and the swearing-in of members, and the State Opening will be on Wednesday 17 July.'

The King met with Mr Sunak in person at Buckingham Palace for about 15 minutes during the afternoon, in place of his usual audience in the evening.

The rumours gathered pace after Mr Sunak hailed a 'major milestone' this morning with inflation tumbling to the lowest level in nearly three years.

First July election since 1945... which did not work out well for Tories 

The last general election held in July saw a Labour landslide in which Clement Attlee swept to power to oust Winston Churchill after the end of Second World War hostilities in Europe.

The 1945 election – which took place on July 5 – came within two months of VE Day and initiated a political transformation that saw the creation of the NHS and the building of social housing.

Parliament was dissolved only three weeks before Britons went to the polls, in contrast to the six weeks to go until July 4 this year.

The Labour Party gained a 145-seat majority and the Liberal Party leader, Archibald Sinclair, lost his seat.

The Conservatives lost 189 seats.

Clement Attlee, the Labour MP for Limehouse who replaced Winston Churchill as prime minister, introduced sweeping reforms such as the nationalisation of public utilities and the formation of the National Health Service.

A new generation of MPs who came to define 20th century British politics entered Parliament, including James Callaghan, Michael Foot and Harold Wilson.


At PMQs in the Commons at lunchtime, SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn said: 'Speculation is rife, so I think the public deserve a clear answer to a simple question. Does the Prime Minister intend to call a summer general election or is he feart?'


Mr Sunak replied: 'There is, Mr Speaker, spoiler alert, there is going to be a general election in the second half of this year.

'At that moment, the British people will in fact see the truth about the honourable gentleman opposite me, because that will be the choice at the next election Mr Speaker, a party that is not able to say to the country what they would do, a party that would put at risk our hard-earned economic stability, or the Conservatives that are delivering a secure future for our United Kingdom.'

Then it emerged Lord Cameron had cut short a trip to Albania to be back in time for the Cabinet meeting at 4.15pm, while Jeremy Hunt cancelled an appearance on ITV tonight.

Tories were furious at the prospect, with claims the chair of the powerful 1922 committee Graham Brady had agreed to accept text messages from people who want to voice no confidence in the leader. 

One former Cabinet minister said: 'There will be queues outside Graham Brady's door.' 

Another senior backbencher told MailOnline that they could attempt a coup to try to prevent the writ being moved to dissolve Parliament. 

This morning it emerged that headline CPI inflation fell from 3.2 per cent in March to 2.3 per cent last month - near the Bank of England's 2 per cent target.

The PM said the figures showed that his plan is working and 'brighter days are ahead'.

However, the drop, driven largely by easing energy prices, was less than the 2.1 per cent analysts had pencilled in - sparking concerns that the Bank of England might delay interest rate cuts. 

Core inflation, another key factor for Threadneedle Street as it mulls whether to ease the pain on mortgage-payers in June, also remained stubbornly high.


Meanwhile, separate official figures had public sector borrowing above estimates, raising questions about whether Mr Hunt will have room to cut taxes before the election. 

The latest Savanta poll gave Labour a 17-point lead over the Tories. According to Electoral Calculus, those numbers would produce a 236 majority for Keir Starmer. 

He would have 443 MPs, while the Conservatives would have just 124. That is compared to the 376 returned in Boris Johnson's 2019 landslide. 

The frenzy at Westminster came after more signs of infighting in the top ranks of the government, with a minister slamming Mr Sunak for hogging the limelight despite slumping popularity.

Johnny Mercer vented his frustrations in a bombshell memo written on his laptop, which was in full view of fellow train passengers as he travelled to London from Exeter.

He raged that No10 officials must stop 'placating' Mr Sunak and giving airtime to 'average' colleagues.

Mr Mercer demanded that more popular Cabinet ministers like Penny Mordaunt and Kemi Badenoch are instead given more media appearances.

Images of Mr Mercer's laptop screen were handed to The Times after being photographed by a passenger in the same carriage on 6 May - four days after the local elections.

But, as well as a focus on Mr Mercer's explosive words, there has also been a backlash within Tory ranks about the Plymouth Moor View MP's decision to travel bare foot on public transport.

Jeremy Hunt cancelled an appearance on ITV's Peston show tonight
Grant Shapps
Mel Stride

In his memo, the minister for veterans' affairs wrote: 'Political communication seems haphazard, un-themed and loose. We have average performers during important slots.


'How many people did (Transport Secretary Mark) Harper win over for us this weekend?

'Team in No 10 operating as though the PM is as popular in the polls as he was two years ago.

'It appears to be all about placating him/managing him/promoting him on social media.

'We are only going to get through this as a team. There are good, capable senior colleagues around the Cabinet table who people clearly like, who should see more air time and be more prominent.'

Polls of Conservative members showing that Business Secretary Ms Badenoch and Commons Leader Ms Mordaunt are more popular than Mr Sunak 'should not be ignored', Mr Mercer said.

Both Ms Badenoch and Ms Mordaunt are seen as potential Tory leadership contenders if the party loses the general election.

Mr Mercer, who has been an outspoken backer of Mr Sunak, also wrote that too many special advisers were 'overpromoted and underskilled' and had 'poor political judgments'.

He said that despite his access to No 10 and the Prime Minister, 'I don't feel part of the team'.

His efforts to persuade No 10 to allow veterans to use their IDs at polling stations had been blocked by special advisers, he said, adding: 'Feels like even I cannot have any impact on the grid/government comms.'

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