Appeals judges say states MUST pay for sex-change surgeries - West Virginia's AG vows to take fight to the Supreme Court

An appeals court has ruled that state health care plans must pay for sex-change procedures, a first-in-the-nation decision that looks destined for the Supreme Court.

The US Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond ruled 8-6 on Monday in the case against North Carolina's state employee health plan and West Virginia Medicaid.

Judge Roger Gregory, a Bill Clinton appointee, wrote in the majority opinion that 'coverage exclusions facially discriminate on the basis of sex and gender identity.'

West Virginia's Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said he would appeal the ruling.

Transgender surgeries, like this one in Boston, have divided opinion in the US and globally

Transgender surgeries, like this one in Boston, have divided opinion in the US and globally

Judge Roger Gregory said the state health plans 'facially discriminate on the basis of sex and gender identity'

Judge Roger Gregory said the state health plans 'facially discriminate on the basis of sex and gender identity'

'Decisions like this one, from a court dominated by Obama- and Biden-appointees, cannot stand,' he said in a statement.

'We'll take this up to the Supreme Court and win.'

Genspect, which advocates for trans care with fewer drugs and surgeries, called the ruling wrong-headed.


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'There is no justification for publicly funding these interventions, which lack quality evidence and cause harm,' the group said.

A spokesperson for North Carolina State Treasurer Dale Folwell, who oversees the state's health plan, said the agency was reviewing the decision.

During oral arguments in September, at least two judges said it's likely the case will reach the US Supreme Court.

The North Carolina state insurance plan provides medical coverage for more than 750,000 teachers, state employees, retirees, lawmakers, and their dependents.

It provides counseling for gender dysphoria and other diagnosed mental health conditions, but does not cover treatment 'in connection with sex changes or modifications and related care.'

In August 2022, a federal judge ruled West Virginia's Medicaid program must cover gender care for trans residents.

An original lawsuit filed in 2020 also named state employee health plans.

A settlement with The Health Plan of West Virginia in 2022 led to the removal of the exclusion on trans care in that company's Public Employees Insurance Agency plans. 

West Virginia 's Attorney General Patrick Morrisey says he'll fight the ruling to the top US court

West Virginia 's Attorney General Patrick Morrisey says he'll fight the ruling to the top US court

Connor Thonen-Fleck speaking in 2019 about West Virginia and North Carolina's refusal to cover certain health care for trans

Connor Thonen-Fleck speaking in 2019 about West Virginia and North Carolina's refusal to cover certain health care for trans

At oral arguments in September, attorneys for the state of North Carolina said its plan is not required to cover cross-sex hormones or surgery because being trans is not an illness.

They said not all trans people suffer from gender dysphoria, a diagnosis of distress over gender identity.

Before offering drugs or surgery, guidelines call for thorough psychological assessments to confirm gender dysphoria.

West Virginia attorneys said the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has declined to issue a national coverage decision on trans surgery.

State lawyers said West Virginia's policy is not a case of discrimination, either, but of a state trying to keep costs low.

Unlike North Carolina, the state has covered hormones and other trans drugs since 2017.

After the ruling, West Virginia plaintiff Shauntae Anderson, a trans black woman and West Virginia Medicaid participant, called her state's refusal to cover her care 'deeply dehumanizing.'

'This court ruling puts us one step closer to the day when Medicaid can no longer deny transgender West Virginians access to the essential healthcare that our doctors say is necessary,' Anderson said in a statement.

It's the second ruling in favor of trans rights this month from the 4th Circuit, a once-conservative court that has advanced trans rights.

Earlier this month, judges said a public middle school could not ban a trans 13-year-old from playing on the girls' track and field team.