Diabetic South Australian woman accused of poisoning parents with her own insulin: Raelene Polymiadis is granted bail

  • Woman accused of poisoning parents
  • Raelene Polymiadis granted bail 

A diabetic woman who allegedly murdered both her parents with her own insulin has been freed on home detention bail after a court found she would be at risk of hardship if she remained in custody.

On Tuesday, South Australian Supreme Court Justice Julie McIntyre granted Raelene Polymiadis' bid for bail, on the grounds that the treatment of her diabetes while in custody could cause her potential hardships.

The 62-year-old diabetic woman has been charged with two counts of murder over the deaths of her parents Brenda and Lynton Anderson, both 94, in 2022 and 2023.

On Tuesday, South Australian Supreme Court Justice Julie McIntyre granted Raelene Polymiadis' bid for bail, on the grounds that the treatment of her diabetes while in custody could cause her potential hardships

On Tuesday, South Australian Supreme Court Justice Julie McIntyre granted Raelene Polymiadis' bid for bail, on the grounds that the treatment of her diabetes while in custody could cause her potential hardships 

Lynton Anderson
Brenda Anderson

The 62-year-old diabetic woman has been charged with two counts of murder over the deaths of her parents Brenda and Lynton Anderson, both 94, in 2022 and 2023

Mrs Anderson died in hospital after being administered with insulin resulting in fatally low blood sugar, the court previously heard.

The court heard a year later, Mr Anderson was found unconscious on the floor of his home, with autopsy results revealing he too had been dosed with insulin, as well as a second tranquilliser-like substance later found in his home.

He died in hospital shortly after.

Ms Polymiadis was the last person to have seen her father alive, prosecutor Karen Ingleton previously told the court.

Ms Polymiadis will return to court in December.

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