Bruce Lehrmann to appear in explosive 7News Spotlight TV interview following scathing injury into how police and prosecutors handled his rape trial after Brittany Higgins allegations

  • Bruce Lehrmann to speak out over scandal
  • DPP Shane Drumgold quits after leaked report
  • ACT Chief Minister furious about the leak

Bruce Lehrmann is set unleash on the handling of his rape trail in an upcoming TV interview following an explosive a month-long inquiry into the case.

Former Judge Walter Sofronoff's 839-page report was formally released by the government on Monday - days after its scathing contents critical of ACT's Director of Public Prosecutions, Shane Drumgold, were widely described in the press.

The public probe was held to examine the conduct of police and prosecutors in Mr Lehrmann's rape trial, held in the ACT Supreme Court in October last year.

Brittany Higgins alleged he raped her in Parliament House when they were colleagues in 2019 - which he strongly denies.

The first trial was called off due to a rogue juror, before the charge was dropped entirely due to Ms Higgins' mental health.

Bruce Lehrmann has promised an explosive interview on Channel Seven following the fallout to his 2022 rape trial

Bruce Lehrmann has promised an explosive interview on Channel Seven following the fallout to his 2022 rape trial

At a media conference on Monday, the chief minister of the ACT slammed Mr Sofronoff for 'breaching his good faith' by releasing the Board of Inquiry report early and sharing it with journalists.

Mr Lehrmann told Daily Mail Australia details of the full saga will soon be revealed.

'I have plenty to say after today's mess of a press conference but I'll wait until I sit down with Liam Bartlett again this Sunday on 7News Spotlight,' he said.

The interview is set to focus on Mr Lehrmann's upcoming legal action against the ACT and his reaction to the 'damning' inquiry findings against the man who tried and failed to prosecute him, Mr Drumgold.

In advertisement for the program Mr Lehrmann says to camera; 'We knew were were being played, just not how badly'. 

Meanwhile, Minister Barr revealed he is examining what action to take against Mr Sofronoff.

He admitted releasing his report to two journalists - one at The Australian newspaper, and another at the ABC - under embargo, before the report was released by the territory's government. 

The chief minister of the ACT has slammed retired judge Walter Sofronoff (pictured) for 'breaching his good faith to me' by releasing his Board of Inquiry report into the Bruce Lehrmann trial early

The chief minister of the ACT has slammed retired judge Walter Sofronoff (pictured) for 'breaching his good faith to me' by releasing his Board of Inquiry report into the Bruce Lehrmann trial early

Britanny Higgins accused Mr Lehrmann of raping her in Parliament House when they were both Liberal staffers in 2019

Britanny Higgins accused Mr Lehrmann of raping her in Parliament House when they were both Liberal staffers in 2019 

Following the leaking of a damning report into his conduct Shane Drumgold resigned as ACT DPP

Following the leaking of a damning report into his conduct Shane Drumgold resigned as ACT DPP

The media outlets have declined to comment on their sources. 

Minister Barr said he was 'very clear' with Mr Sofronoff that his report would not be redacted or suppressed in any way.

'He breached his good faith to me by releasing that report ahead of getting it to who he was meant to under the legislation,' Mr Barr said. 

When asked if he would like to see Mr Sofronoff charged, Mr Barr said: 'We are considering our options, as I've outlined'.

Mr Barr said he had not received an apology from the retired judge. 

'He has sought to provide an explanation,' he added.

The ACT government has agreed to eight of 10 of the Board of Inquiry's recommendations and agreed in principle to two further matters. 

It found it was appropriate to prosecute the case, on the information available to ACT Policing and the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Drumgold. 

However, the report was scathing about Mr Drumgold's behaviour during the trial.

He has since stepped down.  

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