Princess Diana's private secretary Patrick Jephson says he WON'T pledge oath of allegiance to King Charles as he brands it 'un-British and divisive'

Plans to ask the public to pledge their allegiance to King Charles III during the Coronation are 'divisive', a former private secretary to Princess Diana warned today.

Patrick Jephson revealed that he would not be joining in with the first ever Homage of the People during the ceremony at Westminster Abbey this Saturday.

The pledge is a modern addition to the ancient ceremony that will see people across the UK and overseas realms invited to swear an oath of allegiance to Charles.

Mr Jephson was asked about the change during an appearance on ITV's Good Morning Britain today with presenters Susanna Reid and Richard Madeley.

Explaining his decision to Madeley, Jephson said: 'Well it's not a personal thing Richard, it just feels to me un-British.' Madeley said: 'I agree with you.'

And Jephson continued: 'And I think it's divisive - you know, from now on, did you take it, didn't you? Immediately we're off on a divided foot. It's not really very unifying.'

Madeley then said: 'It's also a bit embarrassing isn't it, to sit in your TV lounge and say it to the telly.'

And Jephson added: 'I think already there are thousands of people who serve the Crown without having to take any fancy oath of allegiance. They just get on with it in their lives.'

Madeley said: 'We just do don't that here, do you?'

Jephson continued: 'The armed forces, the emergency services. We don't need people to tell us you've got to say this.'

His comments come after Labour MP Clive Lewis told the Guardian that he thought the proposed oath would be 'either unwelcome or ignored by many'.

Republic, the anti-monarchist organisation, said it was 'an offensive and tone-deaf gesture that holds the people in contempt'.

But Transport Secretary Mark Harper told Sky News he would be swearing the oath and said MPs already pledge allegiance to His Majesty.

He said the Coronation would be a 'fantastic opportunity' and a 'great showcase for Britain around the world'.

Labour MP Shabana Mahmood agreed, saying it was a 'lovely idea to involve the people' and that the oath was a 'lovely touch'.


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Lambeth Palace said it was hoped the addition to the historic service will result in a 'great cry around the nation and around the world of support for the King' from those watching on television, online or gathered in the open air at big screens.

It replaces the traditional Homage of Peers in which a long line of hereditary peers knelt and made a pledge to the monarch in person.

A Lambeth Palace spokesman said the homage is 'very much an invitation rather than an expectation or request'. People might join in if that feels right for them as they would take part in the national anthem.

He added: 'It's simply an opportunity offered by the Archbishop so that, unlike previous coronations, those who wish to join in with the words being spoken by the Abbey congregation could do so in a very simple way.

'For those who do want to take part, some will want to say all the words of the homage; some might just want to say 'God Save The King' at the end; others might just want it to be a moment of private reflection.'

King Charles III and Queen Camilla during an audience with the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby in the 1844 Room at Buckingham Palace in London on September 10, 2022

King Charles III and Queen Camilla during an audience with the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby in the 1844 Room at Buckingham Palace in London on September 10, 2022

He added: 'For those who may wish to join in with the homage, we hope it's a moment of joy and celebration - both in the abbey, and in homes around the country and beyond.'

The liturgy - the words and actions of the coronation service - has been revealed after it was chosen in consultation with the King, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Government.

The Homage of the People was introduced to allow 'a chorus of millions of voices' to be 'enabled for the first time in history to participate in this solemn and joyful moment,' Lambeth Palace said.

The Archbishop will call upon 'all persons of goodwill in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of the other realms and the territories to make their homage, in heart and voice, to their undoubted King, defender of all'.

The order of service will read: 'All who so desire, in the abbey, and elsewhere, say together:

'All: I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.'

It will be followed by the playing of a fanfare.

The Archbishop of Canterbury will then proclaim 'God Save The King', with all asked to respond: 'God Save King Charles. Long live King Charles. May the King live for ever.'

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