He scoots, he scores! Furious neighbour rides scooter onto Dutch team's pitch… and they go on to LOSE vital relegation clash

  • The man interrupted the match between the Veenhuizen and Vitesse '63 teams
  • It's believed the neighbour was disturbed by fireworks set off by young fans

Video footage captured the moment a furious neighbour rides his scooter onto the football team's pitch, and they then go on to lose the vital relegation clash. 

Last Saturday, an amateur football match between Dutch teams Veenhuizen and Vitesse '63 was interrupted by a man riding his moped onto the grass.  

The angry man confronted the home team's coaches before speeding into the centre of the pitch and swerving in-between players before driving away. 

It is believed the disgruntled rider who lives near the pitch was disturbed by fireworks that had been set off by young fans in support of the team before the match. 

Once the man had left the pitch and the game resumed, home team Veenhuizen ended up 3-0 down, and lost the eighth-tier clash 4-1.

The football match between Dutch teams Veenhuizen and Vitesse '63 was interrupted by a man riding his moped onto the grass

The football match between Dutch teams Veenhuizen and Vitesse '63 was interrupted by a man riding his moped onto the grass

After confronting the home team's coaches, he sped into the centre of the pitch

After confronting the home team's coaches, he sped into the centre of the pitch

Club chairman Kees van der Leest told The Sun: 'It was annoying. We don't want to be a burden to anyone, but we have to monitor safety on the field.

'We know the neighbour. He played for us in his youth.

'We will talk with him. I think he acted out of emotion.

Mr van der Leest said that the club hope for a good relationship with their neighbours and hopes to eliminate any ill-will between the team and the man.

He added: 'We want a good relationship with him - we are neighbours after all.

'We are responsible as a board, and regret what happened, but the youngsters meant well.'

The chairman suggested that the unconventional disruption to the game might have 'influenced' the Veenhuizen team's concentration, leading to their loss. 

However, he also acknowledged that the Vitesse side showed a better understanding of the game. 

He was captured on video swerving in-between players on the pitch before driving away

He was captured on video swerving in-between players on the pitch before driving away

It is thought that neighbour's horse was disturbed by fireworks that had been set off by young fans in support of the team prior to the match

It is thought that neighbour's horse was disturbed by fireworks that had been set off by young fans in support of the team prior to the match

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