Injured Dan Walker reveals he can't use his left hand 'much' after ex-BBC presenter was hit by car while cycling in horror crash

TV journalist and ex-BBC star Dan Walker has revealed he has very limited use of his left hand after a horrific crash while cycling earlier this week.

The Channel 5 News presenter, was injured after he was hit by a car on a busy roundabout in Sheffield. 

Posting on social media Mr Walker, 45, told fans he 'can't do much with my left hand at the minute'.

South Yorkshire Police, who are investigating the crash, said that no arrests have been made and enquiries are ongoing.

Dashcam footage emerged showing the moment the broadcaster, 45, was hit while cycling on Monday morning, leaving him bloodied and bruised.

The 45-year-old former BBC Breakfast host said when he finally came to, he saw three paramedics looking down at him - along with the extremely overwhelmed driver

He tweeted this selfie of his swollen face after arriving home from hospital on Monday

Channel 5 presenter Dan Walker, 45, smashed into a car, flipped over and was knocked unconscious for 20 minutes after a crash while cycling

In footage from a car ahead, Walker's rear wheel can be seen catching the car's front wing, flipping the Strictly Come Dancing star over

Mr Walker revealed he could not use his left hand 'much' on instagram

Mr Walker revealed he could not use his left hand 'much' on instagram

Mr Walker told fans he had been overwhelmed by the reaction he had seen since the crash, taking to Instagram to say: 'People are so kind' and 'lots of lovely humans out there.'

He added he is now in the care of a 'gorgeous, furry, tired nurse' - his loving dog Winnie.

He previously posted photos of himself and his injuries as he thanked paramedics for their care. He described thinking he was going to die after the car ploughed into him on Monday. 

He has been sent gifts such as flowers, ice cream, saucepan ready meals and even a replacement pair of trousers after his were 'ruined' in the crash.

Photos from Mr Walker's Instagram show him in a Yorkshire ambulance with facial and hand injuries from the horror collision.

In a statement after the crash, the ex-BBC Breakfast journalist said: 'Blown away by all the lovely messages. Thank you.

'Just got home from hospital. Battered and bruised but - amazingly - nothing broken.

'Very thankful to still be here. I have no memory of anything and just remember coming round on the tarmac with paramedics & police around me.

'Thanks for all your kindness. Jamie & Shaun were so great in the ambulance - not sure I was making much sense.

'Thanks to Conor the copper, Charlotte in x-ray and Hannah (in blue) for being so considerate and brilliant in such a busy A&E.

'So thankful for our NHS'.

He added: 'The helmet I was wearing saved my life today so - if you're on a bike - get one on your head.

'Smashed my watch and phone, ruined my trousers, my bike is a mess but I’m still here.

Photos from Mr Walker's Instagram show him in a Yorkshire ambulance with facial and hand injuries from the horror collision

Walker thanked the two paramedics who treated him for the injuries before tweeting a picture of them from inside an ambulance. He said he was knocked out cold for 20 minutes

Walker on his bicycle and the black car were seen edging closer and closer before the crash that saw the presenter knocked out for 20 minutes

Walker on his bicycle and the black car were seen edging closer and closer before the crash that saw the presenter knocked out for 20 minutes

He was knocked out and narrowly avoided being run over by the car after he lay sprawled on the tarmac

He was knocked out and narrowly avoided being run over by the car after he lay sprawled on the tarmac

'Currently eating soup through a straw and being looked after by a gorgeous, furry, tired nurse at the end of the sofa.'

It comes as video footage from a vehicle in front of the accident showed Walker on his bicycle when the rear wheel caught a car's front wing.

As the car crashed into Walker, the father of three was sent sprawling onto the tarmac and narrowly avoided going under its wheels.

The Channel 5 presenter, who was on his way to the train station, had been cycling for 15 minutes when the crash took place.

Police and paramedics were called to the scene, on the junction of Moore Street and Hanover Way, at 8.36am on Monday. Walker has no memory of the crash and thanked his helmet for saving his life. 

The roundabout is said to be a notorious accident black spot. 

Dr Suzy Charman, executive director of the Road Safety Foundation, said: 'We know that cyclists and pedestrians are particularly vulnerable to being killed or seriously injured when they are struck by vehicles moving above 20mph which is why we are seeing lots of 20mph speed limits being put into place now.

'We are pleased that Dan's injuries appear minor, but this collision does illustrate the importance of either managing traffic speeds below 20mph where cyclists are expected to mix with motorised vehicles or providing segregated facilities where traffic speeds are higher. 

'I would advise cyclists to use segregated facilities where they are provided especially where traffic is moving above 20mph, but I think there is also an onus on those that provide facilities to make sure they are safe and convenient.

'We very much need to encourage active travel which brings health and environmental benefits, however we also need to provide convenient and safe facilities in order to realise those benefits.'

One restaurant worker half a mile from the accident scene said: 'It's a really big, busy roundabout with lots of traffic. He's luckily to have escaped serious injury.

'Dan comes in now and again with his family, he's a really nice guy. I'm glad he's now at home recuperating.' 

Walker tweeted a selfie of his swollen face and bloodied shirt from the back of an ambulance.

He later wrote on social media: 'I think I got hit by a car but was out cold for about 20 minutes. I have no memory of it.

'I can't believe I haven't broken anything or that it is so much worse. I came round on the tarmac with paramedics and police standing over me. I'm very thankful to still be here and just have a beast of a headache.'

Walker hosted BBC Breakfast from 2016 and took part in the 2021 series of Strictly Come Dancing, revealing he signed up for the show to do something 'fun' and have a 'giggle' after reporting on difficult news stories during the pandemic.

He also hosted Football Focus for 12 years, along with regular appearances on Match of the Day, the Grand National, Royal Ascot and the NFL Show.

Last year he replaced Sian Williams as the lead anchor for 5 News after she announced she was stepping down in April last year.

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