Ex-BBC presenter Dan Walker was knocked out cold for 20 MINUTES after he was hit by a car while cycling in horror crash: 'I'm very thankful to still be here'

Dan Walker was knocked out cold for 20 minutes after he was hit by a car while cycling in a horror crash.

The ex-BBC presenter, 45, was struck on his bike in Sheffield while travelling to the train station. However, he has no memory of the crash and thanked his helmet for saving his life.

He said: 'I think I got hit by a car but was out cold for about 20 minutes. I have no memory of it. 

'I can't believe I haven't broken anything or that it is so much worse. I came round on the tarmac with paramedics and police standing over me. I'm very thankful to still be here and just have a beast of a headache.' 

Walker thanked the two paramedics who treated him for the injuries before tweeting a picture of them from inside an ambulance. He said he was knocked out cold for 20 minutes

Dan Walker thanked the two paramedics who treated him for his injuries before tweeting a picture of them from inside an ambulance

He tweeted this selfie of his swollen and cut face, accompanied by a bloodied white shirt, after arriving home from hospital today

The ex-BBC presenter tweeted this selfie of his swollen and cut face and a bloodied white shirt after arriving home from hospital

The presenter previously posed for a selfie with his bicycle, believed to be the same bike he was using before the crash

The presenter previously posed for a selfie with his bike - which is believed to be the same one he was using before the crash

Posting a selfie of his swollen face on Instagram, he said he has 'no memory of anything'.

The former Strictly Come Dancing star added: 'Blown away by all the lovely messages. Thank you. Just got home from hospital. Battered and bruised but - amazingly - nothing broken. Very thankful to still be here.

'Thanks for all your kindness. Jamie & Shaun were so great in the ambulance - not sure I was making much sense. 

'Thanks to Conor the copper, Charlotte in x-ray & Hannah for being so considerate & brilliant in such a busy A & E.

'The helmet I was wearing saved my life today so - if you're on a bike - get one on your head. Smashed my watch & phone, ruined my trousers, my bike is a mess but I'm still here. 

Dan Walker leaving hospital after the crash on Monday

Dan Walker leaving hospital after the crash on Monday

Earlier, Walker tweeted three pictures from inside the back of an ambulance as he was treated for his injuries

Earlier that day, Walker tweeted three pictures from inside the back of an ambulance as he was treated for his injuries

'Currently eating soup through a straw and being looked after by this gorgeous, tired nurse'. 

Walker shared selfies of his bloodied face from the inside of an ambulance as he shared details of the crash on the outskirts of the city. 

As he returned home yesterday afternoon, his wife Sarah Walker told MailOnline: 'He's home and he's safe.

'It was a bit of a shock and very scary. He definitely won't be going into work tonight.'

The presenter regularly makes the two-mile trip from his home, where he lives with his wife and three children Susanna, Joe and Jessica, to the station to catch the train down to London.

But his wife said that he was 'out of it' when he took selfies alongside two Yorkshire Ambulance Service paramedics following the collision this morning.

Walker posted a series of pictures, including a selfie with a nurse, after returning home from hospital

Walker posted a series of pictures, including a selfie with a nurse, after returning home from hospital

The former BBC presenter took selfies of his bloodied face from the inside of an ambulance as he shared details of the frightening incident

The former BBC presenter took selfies of his bloodied face from the inside of an ambulance as he shared details of the frightening incident

Earlier, Walker tweeted: 'Bit of an accident this morning. Glad to be alive after getting hit by a car on my bike. Face is a mess but I don't think anything is broken.

'Thanks to Shaun and Jamie for sorting me out and the lovely copper at the scene. This is my [sic] smiling. Thankful for our NHS.'

Mrs Walker refused to say what injuries he had, but he appeared shaken and wobbly on his feet as he walked across the driveway and up the steps to his front door. 

When asked if he wanted to talk about the experience, his wife replied: 'Not for the time being thank you. He needs to rest.'

Walker has previously told of how he finds using taxis in London to be a 'nightmare' and instead commutes to work by bicycle.

Speaking in December, he said: 'I can go from Downing Street to St Pancras in about 15 minutes, and it's about 30 minutes in a taxi so although I feel like a bit of a geek sometimes, I'm very much enjoying it.'

'My trousers don't feel loose. My mince pies are probably offsetting the use of a bike.'

Social media users were quick to send their well-wishes, with TV colleagues also passing on their sympathy.

Walker says he 'smashed my watch & phone, ruined my trousers' and his bicycle is said to be a 'mess'

Walker says he 'smashed my watch & phone, ruined my trousers' and his bicycle is said to be a 'mess'

Cuts on the TV presenter's hand following the crash as he cycled to the train station

Cuts on the TV presenter's hand following the crash as he cycled to the train station 

Walker, pictured with a bicycle, has previously said he cycles because he finds taxis a 'nightmare'

Walker, pictured with a bicycle, has previously said he cycles because he finds taxis a 'nightmare'

Walker with professional dance partner Nadiya Bychkova on Strictly Come Dancing in 2021

Walker with professional dance partner Nadiya Bychkova on Strictly Come Dancing in 2021

Walker shared rare family snaps on a half term break to Rome with wife Sarah and their three children Susanna, Joe and Jessica last year

Walker shared rare family snaps on a half term break to Rome with wife Sarah and their three children Susanna, Joe and Jessica last year

Radio 2 DJ Jeremy Vine, who is also a regular cyclist, wrote: 'Dan, so sorry to hear this. Looks really painful. Hoping for a good recovery. Sending love.'

Strictly Come Dancing judge Motsi Mabuse wrote: 'Oh wow!!! Get well soon.'

Football Focus reporter Mark Clemmit said: 'Mate… Much love from us.'

Dr Punam Krishan added: 'Gosh! Glad you're ok, what a shock that must've been. Hope you feel better soon x'.

Former Notts County owner Alan Hardy responded: 'Simply awful, so sorry Dan. Hate my boys out cycling, I'm on tender hooks [sic] and this is why. Recover soon pal and hope it's just cuts and bruises.'

Walker hosted BBC Breakfast from 2016 and took part in the 2021 series of Strictly Come Dancing, revealing he signed up for the show to do something 'fun' and have a 'giggle' after reporting on difficult news stories during the pandemic.

He also hosted Football Focus for 12 years, along with regular appearances on Match of the Day, the Grand National, Royal Ascot and the NFL Show.

Last year he replaced Sian Williams as the lead anchor for 5 News after she announced she was stepping down.

He also presents a number of other shows on Channel 5 including Digging for Treasure. 

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