Grandmother, 69, is living in mould-infested home with water pouring from ceiling and no electricity 'after housing association failed to fix leak for 10 weeks'

  • Judith Long, 69, has been living with a devastating leak for more than 10 weeks
  • The leak has caused mould and damaged her electricity but has not been fixed
  • The grandmother said she has been 'very depressed' by the damage caused 

A West London grandmother has been left living in dire conditions after her housing association allegedly left a leak in her home for 10 weeks, resulting in horrific mould and unsafe conditions.

Judith Long, 69, has lived in her home in North Kensington for three and a half years, has had a leak in her ceiling for 10 weeks, which has had a devastating impact on her property.

The home is owned by Catalyst Housing, which describes itself as 'one of the UK's leading housing providers in London.' Judith claims that they've failed to take any serious action about the leak, however.

Judith has four daughters and 10 grandchildren that she hasn't been able to see because of the leak. She suffers from anxiety, depression and has ulcerative colitis which has worsened in recent weeks due to the stress she is experiencing living in horrific conditions.

Judith Long, 69, has had mould in her flat following a leak for more than 10 weeks

Judith Long, 69, has had mould in her flat following a leak for more than 10 weeks 

The grandmother said she is concerned for her health and depressed by the shocking condition of the flat

The grandmother said she is concerned for her health and depressed by the shocking condition of the flat 

Judith told MyLondon: 'It's made me very upset, very depressed still and also through the stress of it all I've got a really bad case of colitis going on at the moment'. 

She claims numerous visits by a surveyor have proved fruitless, and she says she has no idea when the problem will be resolved. Judith continued: 'The surveyors have been to see me several times but they haven't done anything at all. They come and then they go, they take photographs and then I don't hear anything anymore'.

The leak has not been stopped and Judith is fearful for her health. The mould is getting worse by the day and her electrics in the kitchen have water coming through them.

Her light switches have been disabled, making it impossible to see in the dark. She tells us she is prone to falls and her hallway has become a hazard due to excess water, claiming she's taken a fall multiple times. 

The water has also caused damage to the frame of her front door, making it nearly impossible to open.

'I keep struggling to open the front door. I haven't even got a smoke alarm anymore because they took that down and never came back. What can I do? I've tried everything. I've phoned them so many times.

The flat has been damaged by the leak, including the electricity and light switches

The flat has been damaged by the leak, including the electricity and light switches 

'One time they told me they couldn't get access to the flats above me. Then I said I thought after so many times that you've tried to get access you're allowed to get access yourselves because this is an emergency but nothing came of it. 

'I phoned my housing officer, asked her what to do and she told me to go through repairs, 'There's nothing I can do for you'.'

Following contact from MyLondon a Catalyst spokesperson said: 'We are very sorry it has taken so long to fix the problems in Ms Long's hallway. 

'This has been caused by a leak from a neighbouring property and we're trying to find somewhere else for her to stay while we finish the work and the walls dry out. We have arranged for the wall to be treated and painted, and a dehumidifier installed.'

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