EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden's lawyer who paid off $2 million of his overdue taxes flew to Serbia to spy on My Son Hunter movie set and interview cast and crew under false guise

  •  Kevin Morris said he was working on a documentary exposing Hunter Biden's corruption in order to gain access to the Serbian film set for My Son Hunter 
  • He lied, according to My Son Hunter filmmakers, in order to get on set 
  • Claimed he was now a retired attorney working on a documentary exposing corruption surrounding Hunter Biden 
  • According to audio of a conversation obtained by DailyMail.com, Morris said, 'corruption is corruption' 
  • The Hollywood attorney paid off $2 million in Hunter Biden's overdue taxes 
  • Despite claiming he is retired, Morris is an 'attorney and trusted adviser' to Hunter who is crafting a 'legal and media strategy' for the president's son

Entertainment attorney Kevin Morris (pictured), who paid off $2 million in Hunter Biden's overdue taxes, said he was working on a documentary exposing Hunter's corruption in order to gain access to the film set of My Son Hunter

Entertainment attorney Kevin Morris (pictured), who paid off $2 million in Hunter Biden's overdue taxes, said he was working on a documentary exposing Hunter's corruption in order to gain access to the film set of My Son Hunter

The lawyer who rescued Hunter Biden by paying his more than $2 million in overdue taxes flew on a private jet to Serbia in order to infiltrate and spy on the movie set for My Son Hunter, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal.

Kevin Morris, a Hollywood attorney and producer who works with, among others, the South Park creators and comedian Chris Rock, said he was in Serbia to film interviews with My Son Hunter producers as part of a documentary about Hunter Biden's corruption.

In several emails and conversations with film producers, Morris failed to disclose that he is representing and working on the legal and media strategy for President Joe Biden's son.

'Now that I know of his representation of Hunter Biden, his questions while they were filming suddenly make a lot of sense. I thought he was just making a documentary but now it appears he was deceptively spying for his client Hunter Biden,' producer Phelim McAleer said.

Morris claimed that he was retired from law and was working with two colleagues, who he said were production crew, on a documentary exposing Hunter's corruption.

When asked if the interest in the film had to do with politics of the matter, Morris said, 'Well of course it is but corruption is corruption,' according to audio of a conversation obtained by DailyMail.com. 

The three supposed documentary filmmakers, under this false guise, were given full access to My Son Hunter set over the source of several days, conducting interviews with producers and actors for the film and taping hours of footage for Morris' supposed documentary.

DailyMail.com has reached out to Morris for comment. 

Morris footed the more than $2 million overdue tax bill facing Hunter Biden, according to the New York Post. The entertainment attorney has also helped fund Hunter's lavish lifestyle, including covering rent and other expenses and assisting in selling his artwork.

Morris gained access to the film's set and filmed hours of interview under the guise of working on exposing Hunter Biden's corruption. It is now revealed that Morris is an 'attorney and trusted adviser' to Hunter (pictured April 18) who is helping craft his 'legal and media strategy'

Morris gained access to the film's set and filmed hours of interview under the guise of working on exposing Hunter Biden's corruption. It is now revealed that Morris is an 'attorney and trusted adviser' to Hunter (pictured April 18) who is helping craft his 'legal and media strategy'

The payoff of overdue taxes is to help Hunter avoid a prison sentence for tax avoidance.

The founder of entertainment law firm Morris Yorn Barnes Levine, who later won a Tony Award for co-producing the hit musical 'The Book of Mormon', has not publicly announced a relationship with President Biden's son.

But a CBS News report notes that Biden's criminal attorney, Christopher Clark, said that Morris is serving as an 'attorney and trusted adviser' to Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden remains under investigation with the Delaware grand jury for failing to pay taxes on time, along with a host of international financial dealings which intersected with his father's political life. Pictured: A photo recovered from his laptop shows Hunter with a crack pipe in his mouth as he sleeps

Hunter Biden remains under investigation with the Delaware grand jury for failing to pay taxes on time, along with a host of international financial dealings which intersected with his father's political life. Pictured: A photo recovered from his laptop shows Hunter with a crack pipe in his mouth as he sleeps

Morris' office also told a CBS reporter that the Hollywood lawyer is crafting a 'legal and media strategy' for Hunter.

Morris, 58, earned his fortune negotiating several licensing deals worth hundreds of millions of dollars for Matt Stone and Trey Parker - the creators of satirical cartoon South Park - while his entertainment law firm has represented the likes of Matthew McConaughey, Chris Rock, Ellen DeGeneres and Scarlett Johansson.

Morris is also a published author, having released a collection of short stories entitled 'White Man's Problems' in 2015, followed by a novel entitled 'All Joe Knight' in 2016.

Irish filmmaker and married couple McAller and Ann McElhinney are hoping the biopic My Son Hunter will shed light on the shady business dealings and partying lifestyle of Hunter, claiming the issue has been vastly underreported in mainstream media.

The cast and crew went to Serbia for filming.

According to My Son Hunter producers, Morris implied that his documentary further exposing corruption surrounding the first family was being produced by the same company for the South Park adult animation television series.

Morris is the legal brain behind the South Park team. He recently helped land them a $900 million steaming deal with MTV Entertainment Studios, which is owned by Paramount. He told McAleer that he retired from being a lawyer after negotiating that massive deal for South Park.

But recent reports and a confirmation from Morris' own firm confirm that he is not retired from law and instead is crafting the 'legal and media strategy' for Hunter Biden.

A CBS report claims Morris is 'conducting a forensic analysis and investigation into what happened to Hunter Biden's laptop — including how the device became public.'

Several media outlets denied the authenticity of the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden that became the center of scandals involving the president's son – including drug use and foreign business dealings.

Laurence Fox (pictured) is playing Hunter Biden in the upcoming film My Son Hunter, which was filmed in Serbia and is in post production

Laurence Fox (pictured) is playing Hunter Biden in the upcoming film My Son Hunter, which was filmed in Serbia and is in post production

Actors Fox (left) and John James (right) for the film My Son Hunter reenacted a photoshoot where then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden posed and interviewed with Popular Mechanics

Actors Fox (left) and John James (right) for the film My Son Hunter reenacted a photoshoot where then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden posed and interviewed with Popular Mechanics

The filmmakers claim that Morris was particularly interested in the contents of the movie – including what sources they had for their information and what they knew about how Hunter’s laptop came into the hands of media. 

Questions were asked during formal sit-down interviews, but also during dinners and in more casual settings.

McAleer fears that the supposed 'film crew' was recording off-the-record conversations.

'They seemed to never switch the camera off - now I know why,' McAleer stated. 'This was an information gathering exercise by a lawyer and his associates for their client.'

My Son Hunter is currently in post-production.

The film was directed by veteran Hollywood actor Robert Davi and stars British actor Lawrence Fox playing Hunter, John James as Joe Biden and former Mandalorian actor Gina Coranno.

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