US Health News


Making six simple lifestyle tweaks can cut your dementia risk, say experts - as diagnoses

Dementia, a condition where the function of the brain is impacted robbing sufferers of the memories and independence, is on the rise with a record number of cases diagnosed in England. However, experts say adopting six healthy lifestyle habits could slash your risk of developing the condition. It comes as data shows dementia cases are on rise. In England alone, the number of diagnoses has risen to 487,432 as of June this year, a rise of 12 per cent compared to January. Rising rates are thought to be down to a combination of an ageing population, increased awareness of symptoms leading to more people seeking a test, and increased prevalence of the risk factors that can lead to dementia.

Startling graphs show not getting enough sleep, or getting too much, can be DEADLY

While many like to snooze longer on weekends or pull all-nighters for an arduous work project, getting too much or too little of it can raise one's risk of developing heart attack , stroke, obesity , and death. Graphs depicting the harms of unhealthy sleep show a J or U-shaped curve, with risk starting high on the left with fewer hours of sleep, dipping in the middle with optimal sleep, and rising high toward the right with more sleep than is recommended.

Researchers say that a flu-like illness caused by fumes from burning nonstick pans hit its highest levels in decades in 2023. Long term effects of the inhaling these chemicals are unknown.

Researchers say they are 'extremely excited' about findings which indicate that thousands of proteins in a drop of blood can onset of many different conditions.

Dr Jason Singh, a physician who shares his expert tips and knowledge with his 96,000 followers on TikTok , uses the 'two towel method'.

Daily Mail health reporter goes vegan for a month after tests showed she was at risk for

I like to think I'm in decent shape - not great, but decent. However, a few weeks ago, a blood test revealed that I had high LDL (bad) cholesterol, high levels of fats called triglycerides, and high glucose. To test out if a vegan diet can really live up to its health halo, I went vegan for three weeks. Here's what happened.

If you lose weight without cutting down calories or working out more in the gym, it could be a sign of something more sinister. Experts warn to could be caused by diabetes, cancer or stress.

Researchers have discovered that those who think relationships grow through effort, instead, tend to maintain higher levels of satisfaction over the years.

How to beat the three types of hunger, by a diet expert who's written a smash-hit book on

Ultra-processed food can be hard to resist. Not only is it designed to be quick and convenient to eat, research shows that certain additives and flavour combinations can lead to addictive eating behaviours. Today, in the final part of my series to wean you off UPFs in just 30 days, we will look at - and tackle - the psychology behind these cravings. Humans are complex creatures and we eat for many reasons, not just for energy. So understanding why we are eating UPFs, even though we know they are bad for us, is just as important as understanding what we are eating. In my clinic, I usually divide the reasons we eat into three different types of hunger: head, heart and stomach hunger.

Prior research has suggested a link between endometriosis and ovarian cancer, but new findings found particularly severe endometriosis can significantly raise the risk of the disease.

Two men, in their 60s and 80s, have already died after the fungus - called R. fluvialis - invaded their blood. The disease was detected for the first time in Nanjing, eastern China.

A German man, 60, has likely been 'cured' of HIV after receiving a stem cell transplant, doctors announced. It's a medical milestone only achieved by six other people.

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Kansas college professor is hospitalized after bizarre chain reaction left him allergic to

A college professor (pictured) suffered a near-fatal allergic reaction to barbecue meat in what is believed to be one of the first cases of its kind. Kansas State professor Brian McCornack went into anaphylactic shock and was rushed to the ER hours after eating steak that was cooked on an outdoor grill. The devastating complication occurs when the body releases a flood of chemicals in response to an allergen, in this case a compound in red meat.

Teen boy in India dies from incurable brain virus as authorities race to track down 200 of

The 14-year-old school-child was diagnosed with Nipah virus in the country's southern state of Kerala, and died after suffering from a cardiac arrest. Officials are now monitoring 214 people for infection, 60 of which are thought to be at high risk of having also caught the virus.

A listeria outbreak across 12 states linked to sliced deli meats has killed two people and sickened more than two dozen others. The CDC s warning people to not eat meats bought at deli counters.

The patient underwent four rounds of maggot therapy - a treatment that may sound extreme, but is sometimes used by doctors to fight infection.

A 'hair-raising' surgery proved to be successful after doctor's in Ecuador removed two pounds of hair that accumulated in the stomach of a 24-year-old woman, who was eating her own hair.

The UK experts discovered found players who had been concussed had higher levels of proteins in their blood that may make them more prone to developing the diseases.

It's a shocking statistic that reveals medical sexism is still a dangerous issue in this country: while men are more prone to heart attacks, women have a higher risk of dying from one.

The patients were in Canada , where another ten people have also been sickened in the outbreak, nine of which were hospitalized - mostly in Ontario.

I've never touched a cigarette. So why was I diagnosed with 'death sentence' lung cancer

A Kentucky woman was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, despite never smoking and being physically active. Leah Phillips was just 43 years old in September 2019 when she came down with a dry, nagging cough. Two weeks later, doctors dismissed it as a 'post-viral cough' from a generic virus. A few days taking corticosteroids eased the cough, though it returned several weeks later, along with shortness of breath. A distance runner, Ms Phillips now had trouble keeping up with her jogging group and suffered a 'heaviness' in her chest. She was eventually diagnosed with stage four non-small cell lung cancer and given six months to live.

Experts warn a lack of activity can lead to a range of childhood health problems including obesity, vitamin D deficiency and mental health issues.


Ready meals, instant noodles, frozen chips, oven-ready pizzas - we all know we shouldn't be so reliant on convenience foods. But who has the time to cook every meal from scratch?

New York magazine stunned readers this week with a provocative cover showing both Presidential candidates standing on scales in nothing but their underwear.

The figures mark an eight-fold surge in just a decade. By contrast, just one in 80 were thought to have taken up the habit in England in 2013.

A tween tampon user contracted potentially deadly toxic shock syndrome after swimming in the Ozarks. The infection was caused by Staph from lake water.

The companies selling the products have been issued with warning letters and given 15 days to withdraw them from sale. Officials fear children could unwittingly consume them.

Doctors say antidepressants may have pushed Trump shooter Thomas Crooks over the edge - as

With details about former President Trump's would-be assassin now emerging, officials are learning that Thomas Matthew Crooks' violent behavior could have been driven by depression. Psychologists say that major depressive disorder, typically marked by hatred of oneself, can also be turned outward, resulting in violence committed against other people.

The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, was top-rated in eight specialties, including cancer care and cardiology, according to newly data report from US News and World Report.


A 35-year-old TikToker has eaten like both Presidents for a day - and says that neither eat like 'normal people'.

At least two people staying at a large migrant shelter in Brooklyn are reported to have measles, a highly contagious disease that threatens the health of every migrant and employee there.

Christian Owens (pictured), 41 from Wisconsin, ate a whole box of sweet rolls in 2018 while she slept, causing her to choke until her grandmother performed CPR to save her.

The Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children's Hospital has shuttered, following an outcry over claims that doctors there pushed puberty blockers and other procedures on minors.

By examining medical records of nearly 3m infants, researchers found those born with cytomegalovirus were 2.5 times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than children without CMV.

Why DO so many celebrities catch Lyme disease? As Serena Williams' husband is hit by the

Alexis Ohanian, Reddit co-founder and husband of tennis legend Serena Williams (far left) joins Bella Hadid (centre left), singer Justin Bieber (centre right), actor Ben Stiller (far right) and comic Amy Schumer (inset) in having the condition which is spread by ticks. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread by ticks and can cause general flu-like symptoms, including fatigue, headache, swollen joints and a fever, which can last for a few weeks, but for reasons not yet understood, some patients suffer for years. So why are so many of the rich and famous being diagnosed with it? Professor Paul Hunter, an expert in infectious diseases from the University of East Anglia, told MailOnline there could be some factors that make celebrities more vulnerable to Lyme disease.

Eating a bowl of fresh strawberries is such a simple, healthy pleasure. Or rather, it was until a recent alarming report revealed them to be top of the 'dirty dozen' fruit and vegetables.

A study appears to show doing some exercise in the hours before going to bed could help you sleep better.

People who cycle or walk to and from work have lower risks of mental and physical ill health compared to those who don't rely on these options, a large, long-term study suggests.

Over 70 million American adults have some type of disability, according to new data from the CDC. A disability can mean cognitive, vision, hearing, mobility, and several other types of disabilities.

Vancouver-based health startup Prenuvo claims its expensive MRI scans can detect cancer and other chronic diseases before symptoms start, though experts have slammed the technology as 'pointless.'


From hearing voices giving instructions to visit a doctor, mysterious cravings, and even a family pet's behaviour, these are the weirdest ways people have learned they have cancer.
