Jill Biden suggests she is not behind Joe's decision to stay in race


First lady Jill Biden on Monday suggested she is not behind President Joe Biden's determination to stay in the 2024 presidential race as the couple goes on the offensive to keep the Democratic party in line. She also lectured the press corps traveling with her on asking her questions about the president's standing with the party. 'Why are you screaming at me? You know me. Don't scream at me. Just talk,' the first lady said with a smile after she made an unscheduled stop at a coffee shop in Tampa, Fla.

First lady Jill Biden on Monday suggested she is not behind President Joe Biden's determination to stay in the 2024 presidential race as the couple goes on the offensive to keep the Democratic party in line. She also lectured the press corps traveling with her on asking her questions about the president's standing with the party. 'Why are you screaming at me? You know me. Don't scream at me. Just talk,' the first lady said with a smile after she made an unscheduled stop at a coffee shop in Tampa, Fla.

But she still didn't answer any questions about the president's health or Democrats' concerns about his ability to beat Donald Trump. The first lady is on a three-state tour to launch Veterans and Military Families for Biden. In her remarks, she emphasized the administration's committment to veterans and reassured the crowd President Biden is staying in the 2024 contest. 'For all the talk out there about this race, Joe has made it clear that he's all in,' she said.

But she still didn't answer any questions about the president's health or Democrats' concerns about his ability to beat Donald Trump. The first lady is on a three-state tour to launch Veterans and Military Families for Biden. In her remarks, she emphasized the administration's committment to veterans and reassured the crowd President Biden is staying in the 2024 contest. 'For all the talk out there about this race, Joe has made it clear that he's all in,' she said.

And, while she didn't directly address the rumors that she was behind his decision, she did indirectly hint to it. 'That's the decision he's made and just as he has always supported my career, I am all in too. I know you are too or you wouldn't be here today. And with four more years Joe will continue to fight for you,' she said. The crowds reacted with cheers, yelling variations of 'yes' and 'four more years.' Biden was greeted with friendly crowds at all three venues.

And, while she didn't directly address the rumors that she was behind his decision, she did indirectly hint to it. 'That's the decision he's made and just as he has always supported my career, I am all in too. I know you are too or you wouldn't be here today. And with four more years Joe will continue to fight for you,' she said. The crowds reacted with cheers, yelling variations of 'yes' and 'four more years.' Biden was greeted with friendly crowds at all three venues.

Voters at them told DailyMail.com that while they acknowledged the president's bad night at the debate, they were still backing him over Donald Trump. The venues were filled with cheering supporters, Biden-Harris signs and out pourings of affection for the first lady as she campaigned in the three battleground states.

Voters at them told DailyMail.com that while they acknowledged the president's bad night at the debate, they were still backing him over Donald Trump. The venues were filled with cheering supporters, Biden-Harris signs and out pourings of affection for the first lady as she campaigned in the three battleground states.

But there were protesters too - at all three stops. In North Carolina and Georgia, Trump supporters waved flags as the Jill Biden's motorcade drove by. In Florida , there were protesters of the president's policy in Gaza, with one sign reading 'Genocide Jill' - a play on the 'Genocide Joe' signs that have followed the president. Jill Biden's message matched Joe Biden's as the president spent Monday on the offensive, sending a letter to Congressional Democrats declaring he was staying in the race. He also held a call with donors, telling them he was 'done talking about the debate.'

But there were protesters too - at all three stops. In North Carolina and Georgia, Trump supporters waved flags as the Jill Biden's motorcade drove by. In Florida , there were protesters of the president's policy in Gaza, with one sign reading 'Genocide Jill' - a play on the 'Genocide Joe' signs that have followed the president. Jill Biden's message matched Joe Biden's as the president spent Monday on the offensive, sending a letter to Congressional Democrats declaring he was staying in the race. He also held a call with donors, telling them he was 'done talking about the debate.'

'We need to move forward. Look, we have roughly 40 days til the convention, 120 days til the election . We can't waste any more time being distracted,' Biden said, according to a recording obtained by Politico. Jill Biden led the charge on moving forward. She is one of the president's closest advisers and seen as one of the few people who could convince him to step down as the Democratic nominee. But she made it clear she was 'all in,' spending the day attacking Trump for his record on veterans and arguing the former president should not be in power.

'We need to move forward. Look, we have roughly 40 days til the convention, 120 days til the election . We can't waste any more time being distracted,' Biden said, according to a recording obtained by Politico. Jill Biden led the charge on moving forward. She is one of the president's closest advisers and seen as one of the few people who could convince him to step down as the Democratic nominee. But she made it clear she was 'all in,' spending the day attacking Trump for his record on veterans and arguing the former president should not be in power.

She told the military-heavy crowds that she and Joe Biden know what it's like to be in the armed services. Their late son Beau served in Afghanistan in the Delaware National Guard. 'This is personal for us. We know what it's like to connect with a lagging phone call from across the world, to smile through another holiday at the table. Let me ask you this: Does Donald Trump - does Donald Trump know what it's like?,' she said. She repeated the story of how Donald Trump called soldiers 'losers' and 'suckers' ¿ a story which Trump denies. 'He's evil,' she said in Georgia of the former president. 'He didn't want to be seen with injured veterans because it didn't look good for him. It's disgraceful. But it's not surprising,' she said.

She told the military-heavy crowds that she and Joe Biden know what it's like to be in the armed services. Their late son Beau served in Afghanistan in the Delaware National Guard. 'This is personal for us. We know what it's like to connect with a lagging phone call from across the world, to smile through another holiday at the table. Let me ask you this: Does Donald Trump - does Donald Trump know what it's like?,' she said. She repeated the story of how Donald Trump called soldiers 'losers' and 'suckers' – a story which Trump denies. 'He's evil,' she said in Georgia of the former president. 'He didn't want to be seen with injured veterans because it didn't look good for him. It's disgraceful. But it's not surprising,' she said.

She also warned what would happen if Trump returned to the White House. 'Donald Trump wakes up every morning thinking of one person and one person only: himself,' she said. And she specifically mentioned the recent Supreme Court ruling that presidents have immunity while they are in office. 'We know what Donald Trump is like as commander-in-chief. He dismissed the military community diminished. America's leader ship around the world. It could be worse this time. He said he wants to be a dictator from day one,' she said. She noted the recent Supreme Court decision that ruled presidents have immunity from official actions while in office. 'Our democracy cannot stand a Trump presidency with virtually no limits,' she warned. The Biden family has circled the wagons around the president.

She also warned what would happen if Trump returned to the White House. 'Donald Trump wakes up every morning thinking of one person and one person only: himself,' she said. And she specifically mentioned the recent Supreme Court ruling that presidents have immunity while they are in office. 'We know what Donald Trump is like as commander-in-chief. He dismissed the military community diminished. America's leader ship around the world. It could be worse this time. He said he wants to be a dictator from day one,' she said. She noted the recent Supreme Court decision that ruled presidents have immunity from official actions while in office. 'Our democracy cannot stand a Trump presidency with virtually no limits,' she warned. The Biden family has circled the wagons around the president.

Jill Biden and Hunter Biden are now acting as the president¿s gatekeepers. The president¿s sister, Valerie Biden Owens, is also standing by him. Owens ran Joe Biden¿s first Senate campaign and has been involved in every one of his campaigns since. She is his top political adviser. Jill, Hunter and Valerie are the three most important people in any decision Joe Biden makes about his future. He listens to them the most. They would need to give their blessing from him to exit the presidential race. They show no signs of doing so. The Biden clan gathered at Camp David last weekend for a pre-planned photo shoot with famed photographer Annie Leibovitz. But the main topic of conversation was Biden's disastrous debate performance against Trump. All the family urged Bien to stay in the race.

Jill Biden and Hunter Biden are now acting as the president’s gatekeepers. The president’s sister, Valerie Biden Owens, is also standing by him. Owens ran Joe Biden’s first Senate campaign and has been involved in every one of his campaigns since. She is his top political adviser. Jill, Hunter and Valerie are the three most important people in any decision Joe Biden makes about his future. He listens to them the most. They would need to give their blessing from him to exit the presidential race. They show no signs of doing so. The Biden clan gathered at Camp David last weekend for a pre-planned photo shoot with famed photographer Annie Leibovitz. But the main topic of conversation was Biden's disastrous debate performance against Trump. All the family urged Bien to stay in the race.

Jill Biden, in particular, points to all the family has had to endure during Joe Biden¿s time in the White House . She noted the prosecutor of Hunter Biden, NBC News reported, pointing out he could go to prison. The family ¿ and even some Republicans ¿ saw Hunter¿s prosecution on a 2018 gun purchase as too much over reach. Jill Biden argued now was the time to fight. There is another reason the Bidens are digging in their heels. The family, particularly Jill Biden, remembers how Joe Biden was forced out of the 1988 presidential race after a plagiarism scandal.

Jill Biden, in particular, points to all the family has had to endure during Joe Biden’s time in the White House . She noted the prosecutor of Hunter Biden, NBC News reported, pointing out he could go to prison. The family – and even some Republicans – saw Hunter’s prosecution on a 2018 gun purchase as too much over reach. Jill Biden argued now was the time to fight. There is another reason the Bidens are digging in their heels. The family, particularly Jill Biden, remembers how Joe Biden was forced out of the 1988 presidential race after a plagiarism scandal.

'In 1987, she saw him be forced out by the press, pundits and polls, and it was really a scarring experience for both of them,' Michael LaRosa, the first lady's former press secretary, told the New York Times. He said had discussed the 1988 episode multiple times with the first lady when he worked for her. 'I think they learned from that experience and they weren't going to have their hands forced like they were in 1987.'

'In 1987, she saw him be forced out by the press, pundits and polls, and it was really a scarring experience for both of them,' Michael LaRosa, the first lady's former press secretary, told the New York Times. He said had discussed the 1988 episode multiple times with the first lady when he worked for her. 'I think they learned from that experience and they weren't going to have their hands forced like they were in 1987.'

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