Biden's staff give him instructions on how to 'enter and exit a room'


President Joe Biden is given detailed instructions with pictures and large font instructing him on how to enter and leave venues ahead of planned events, it has emerged. A template provided to event staffers, and obtained by Axios, shows how Biden's aides prepare a short document with a photograph that depicts his precise route he needs to use to 'walk to the podium'. The template also reportedly included memos that showed the 'view from podium' and 'view from audience', which were also accompanied by photographs.

President Joe Biden is given detailed instructions with pictures and large font instructing him on how to enter and leave venues ahead of planned events, it has emerged. A template provided to event staffers, and obtained by Axios, shows how Biden's aides prepare a short document with a photograph that depicts his precise route he needs to use to 'walk to the podium'. The template also reportedly included memos that showed the 'view from podium' and 'view from audience', which were also accompanied by photographs.

The White House has claimed the short memos are 'basic approaches' that are critical to Biden's 'advance work' as president, adding that the same approached is also used by Vice President Kamala Harris' team. But some event staff have said they were 'surprised' by the memos and do not think a 'seasoned political pro' should need verbal and visual guidance on 'how to enter and exit a room'. The White House provides event staff with a template to use when preparing their instructions for Biden ahead of events, Axios reported.

The White House has claimed the short memos are 'basic approaches' that are critical to Biden's 'advance work' as president, adding that the same approached is also used by Vice President Kamala Harris' team. But some event staff have said they were 'surprised' by the memos and do not think a 'seasoned political pro' should need verbal and visual guidance on 'how to enter and exit a room'. The White House provides event staff with a template to use when preparing their instructions for Biden ahead of events, Axios reported.

The template, referred to by Biden's staff as 'advance work', uses large font and visual aids to show different views of the venue interior, including the President's entry and exit paths. A staffer who allegedly worked a Biden event in the last 18 months described the guidance as 'detailed verbal and visual instructions'. The worker, who claimed to be 'surprised' by the guidance, added: 'I staffed a simple fundraiser at a private residence, but they treated it like it was a NATO summit with his movements.' Biden's staff has seemingly downplayed the guidance, alleging that 'high levels of detail and precision are critical to presidential advance work ¿ regardless of who is president'.

The template, referred to by Biden's staff as 'advance work', uses large font and visual aids to show different views of the venue interior, including the President's entry and exit paths. A staffer who allegedly worked a Biden event in the last 18 months described the guidance as 'detailed verbal and visual instructions'. The worker, who claimed to be 'surprised' by the guidance, added: 'I staffed a simple fundraiser at a private residence, but they treated it like it was a NATO summit with his movements.' Biden's staff has seemingly downplayed the guidance, alleging that 'high levels of detail and precision are critical to presidential advance work — regardless of who is president'.

The White House told Axios the documents 'are basic approaches that are used by any modern advance team, including the vice president's office and agencies.' A spokesperson for Harris reportedly confirmed that she and her staff are briefed in a similar way at events, saying: 'These documents are standard logistical briefing materials and photos for any principal, including the vice president.' has approached the White House for comment.

The White House told Axios the documents 'are basic approaches that are used by any modern advance team, including the vice president's office and agencies.' A spokesperson for Harris reportedly confirmed that she and her staff are briefed in a similar way at events, saying: 'These documents are standard logistical briefing materials and photos for any principal, including the vice president.' has approached the White House for comment.

The event documents were made public on Sunday, the same day that Democratic lawmakers held a crisis call to discuss Biden's viability as their 2024 candidate amid growing concerns over their own political futures in November. On the call, at least five more Democratic lawmakers called on Biden, 81, to step aside, according to reports. And most agreed that Vice President Harris , 59, should be the nominee instead.

The event documents were made public on Sunday, the same day that Democratic lawmakers held a crisis call to discuss Biden's viability as their 2024 candidate amid growing concerns over their own political futures in November. On the call, at least five more Democratic lawmakers called on Biden, 81, to step aside, according to reports. And most agreed that Vice President Harris , 59, should be the nominee instead. 

Judiciary Ranking Member Jerry Nadler (pictured) and House Veterans' Affairs Committee Ranking Member Mark Takano are among those who expressed they want Biden to end his White House bid. Reps. Don Beyer, Adam Smith and Joseph Morelle, the top Democrat on the House Administration Committee, also said Biden is done for.

Judiciary Ranking Member Jerry Nadler (pictured) and House Veterans' Affairs Committee Ranking Member Mark Takano are among those who expressed they want Biden to end his White House bid. Reps. Don Beyer, Adam Smith and Joseph Morelle, the top Democrat on the House Administration Committee, also said Biden is done for.

Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries scheduled the call with caucus members as they prepare to head back to Washington, DC on Monday after breaking for the July 4 holiday. 'The s**t is going to hit the fan on Monday, when Congress returns,' a House Democrat said in a recent report. They added: 'People are scared about their own races. But they're also worried about the country, and about democracy.'

Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries scheduled the call with caucus members as they prepare to head back to Washington, DC on Monday after breaking for the July 4 holiday. 'The s**t is going to hit the fan on Monday, when Congress returns,' a House Democrat said in a recent report. They added: 'People are scared about their own races. But they're also worried about the country, and about democracy.' 

Sen. Mark Warner (pictured) is also organizing a group of Senate Democrats to discuss Biden's future, and is pushing to meet Monday evening. This comes after reports that Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) began organizing a group of Senate Democrats to discuss Biden's future.

Sen. Mark Warner (pictured) is also organizing a group of Senate Democrats to discuss Biden's future, and is pushing to meet Monday evening. This comes after reports that Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) began organizing a group of Senate Democrats to discuss Biden's future. 

Rep. Adam Schiff (pictured) told NBC's Meet the Press during a Sunday interview: 'The performance on the debate stage, I think, rightfully raised questions among the American people about whether the president has the vigor to defeat Donald Trump. And this is an existential race.'

Rep. Adam Schiff (pictured) told NBC's Meet the Press during a Sunday interview: 'The performance on the debate stage, I think, rightfully raised questions among the American people about whether the president has the vigor to defeat Donald Trump. And this is an existential race.' 

He should be mopping the floor with Donald Trump. Joe Biden is running against a criminal. It should not be even close. And there is only one reason why it is close ¿ and that's the president's age.' the California Democrat added. 'And what I would advise the president is seek out the opinions of people you trust. He's obviously talked to his family about this¿ but he should seek out people with some distance and objectivity. 'He should seek out pollsters who are not his own pollsters.' 'Take a moment to make the best informed judgment. And if the judgment is run ¿ then run and beat that SOB.'

He should be mopping the floor with Donald Trump. Joe Biden is running against a criminal. It should not be even close. And there is only one reason why it is close – and that's the president's age.' the California Democrat added. 'And what I would advise the president is seek out the opinions of people you trust. He's obviously talked to his family about this… but he should seek out people with some distance and objectivity. 'He should seek out pollsters who are not his own pollsters.' 'Take a moment to make the best informed judgment. And if the judgment is run – then run and beat that SOB.'

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