Federal employees who oppose Trump to be exposed before election


A group focused on exposing liberal bias of government officials is planning to release a list of names this summer of those that could be hostile towards Donald Trump 's border agenda. The American Accountability Foundation (AAF) received a $100,000 grant from the conservative Heritage Foundation in May to investigate the backgrounds, social media posts and commentary of high-ranking government employees.

A group focused on exposing liberal bias of government officials is planning to release a list of names this summer of those that could be hostile towards Donald Trump 's border agenda. The American Accountability Foundation (AAF) received a $100,000 grant from the conservative Heritage Foundation in May to investigate the backgrounds, social media posts and commentary of high-ranking government employees.

Tom Jones , a seasoned political operative and former Republican Hill aide, leads AAF in building the database of 'bureaucrats' that the organization feels 'can be expected to obstruct any future president's effort.' The goal of AAF's Project Sovereignty 2025 is to publish online a list of 100 government workers in late summer that a new administration might look at for reassignments or firings. Former President Trump has vowed to take a wrecking ball to the so-called deep-state bureaucracy if he wins a second term in 2024 ¿ and its likely lists like this could provide a roadmap.

Tom Jones , a seasoned political operative and former Republican Hill aide, leads AAF in building the database of 'bureaucrats' that the organization feels 'can be expected to obstruct any future president's effort.' The goal of AAF's Project Sovereignty 2025 is to publish online a list of 100 government workers in late summer that a new administration might look at for reassignments or firings. Former President Trump has vowed to take a wrecking ball to the so-called deep-state bureaucracy if he wins a second term in 2024 – and its likely lists like this could provide a roadmap.

'Americans saw how deep state bureaucrats made every effort to obstruct Donald Trump's agenda during his presidency, and we must ensure that that never happens again to any future conservative president,' Jones said in a statement provided to DailyMail.com. Specifically, the group is focused on exposing those in the Department of Homeland Security and other related agencies that might serve as roadblocks toward addressing the southern border crisis. 'For now we are looking at folks involved with immigration, mostly at DHS, but also in other agencies,' the AAF president said.

'Americans saw how deep state bureaucrats made every effort to obstruct Donald Trump's agenda during his presidency, and we must ensure that that never happens again to any future conservative president,' Jones said in a statement provided to DailyMail.com. Specifically, the group is focused on exposing those in the Department of Homeland Security and other related agencies that might serve as roadblocks toward addressing the southern border crisis. 'For now we are looking at folks involved with immigration, mostly at DHS, but also in other agencies,' the AAF president said.

He added: '[W]e are looking at the Department of Homeland Security because it has a large number of rotten bureaucrats.' The border remains at the top of right-leaning voters' minds ahead of November ¿ and Republicans are looking to capitalize on this ahead of the presidential election. Since President Joe Biden took office, nearly 8 million migrants were apprehended crossing the southern border illegally.

He added: '[W]e are looking at the Department of Homeland Security because it has a large number of rotten bureaucrats.' The border remains at the top of right-leaning voters' minds ahead of November – and Republicans are looking to capitalize on this ahead of the presidential election. Since President Joe Biden took office, nearly 8 million migrants were apprehended crossing the southern border illegally. 

Biden reversed nearly all of Trump's policies on illegal immigration when he took office in January 2021 and the implementation of more lax borders led to the House impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Jones and his group are relying on tips from conservative contacts, including government workers, to investigate left-leaning employees. The effort is focused on career officials who are not appointed by partisan administrations but are fixtures within the government and oftentimes transcend changes in presidencies.

Biden reversed nearly all of Trump's policies on illegal immigration when he took office in January 2021 and the implementation of more lax borders led to the House impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Jones and his group are relying on tips from conservative contacts, including government workers, to investigate left-leaning employees. The effort is focused on career officials who are not appointed by partisan administrations but are fixtures within the government and oftentimes transcend changes in presidencies.

The decision to publish the findings online in a sort of Republican blacklist is alarming some who feel it is a sort of doxxing that pro-Trump fanatics can use to attack government employees with liberal biases. 'It just seems as though their goal is to try to menace federal employees and sow fear,' American Federation of Government Employees Policy Director Jacqueline Simon told the Associated Press .

The decision to publish the findings online in a sort of Republican blacklist is alarming some who feel it is a sort of doxxing that pro-Trump fanatics can use to attack government employees with liberal biases. 'It just seems as though their goal is to try to menace federal employees and sow fear,' American Federation of Government Employees Policy Director Jacqueline Simon told the Associated Press .

Simon's union backs President Joe Biden's reelection effort. Conservatives have long felt that the federal workforce has grown too large and oftentimes oversteps its authority. This concern only heightened under Trump when multiple agencies and their highest officials came under fire. Specifically the Justice Department and FBI came under scrutiny for launching investigations that many claimed were a personal vendetta against the former president.

Simon's union backs President Joe Biden's reelection effort. Conservatives have long felt that the federal workforce has grown too large and oftentimes oversteps its authority. This concern only heightened under Trump when multiple agencies and their highest officials came under fire. Specifically the Justice Department and FBI came under scrutiny for launching investigations that many claimed were a personal vendetta against the former president.

'AAF's team is composed of campaign staffers who use the traditional tools of opposition research to educate the public about senior leaders in government, and the same tools we've been using to expose Biden cronies,' Jones detailed.

'AAF's team is composed of campaign staffers who use the traditional tools of opposition research to educate the public about senior leaders in government, and the same tools we've been using to expose Biden cronies,' Jones detailed.

'We are looking for indications that these senior bureaucrats will put their own personal leftist ideological agenda ahead of the policies of the elected president of the United States, thereby posing a threat to democracy.'

'We are looking for indications that these senior bureaucrats will put their own personal leftist ideological agenda ahead of the policies of the elected president of the United States, thereby posing a threat to democracy.'

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