Made In Chelsea's Sam Thompson admits he previously had chlamydia as he stars in a new awareness campaign - and says reality TV shows should include more safe sex storylines

  • Reality star Sam, 25, stars in new education film for Public Health England
  • During the clip he admits he once contracted chlamydia by not using condom
  • Said he was surprised to learn how easily young people can access condoms 

He stars in a show with story lines centred around casual hook ups and cheating, but Sam Thompson is hoping to spread a more responsible message to young fans by taking part in a new campaign.

The Made In Chelsea stalwart, 25, stars in Public Health England’s ‘Protect Against STIs’ campaign and admits in a new film that he previously contracted chlamydia.

'It was as a result of making the mistake of not using a condom when I slept with someone new,' he told Femail. 

'It was a really hard time for me, I had to face the embarrassment of telling a girl I really liked that I’d potentially given her an STI. 

'I was quite nervous to admit to everyone, but actually I think the more we talk about these things the better.'

'I think it just helps to show that nobody is perfect, and that anyone can have an STI which is why it’s so important to stay safe and use a condom.'

The younger brother of Louise Thompson said he'd also like to see sexual health more openly discussed on reality TV and social media. 

'I really think we need to start normalising the conversation around condoms and sexual health, so I think that the more people see condoms or hear talk about sexual health in their TV shows and on social media the better,' he said. 

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Reality star Sam Thompson, 25, who is one of the stalwarts of Made In Chelsea is starring in new education film for Public Health England

Reality star Sam Thompson, 25, who is one of the stalwarts of Made In Chelsea is starring in new education film for Public Health England

The long-standing Made In Chelsea star, pictured with Jamie Laing (left) and Alex Mytton (centre) said he'd like to see people talk more openly about safe sex on reality TV

The long-standing Made In Chelsea star, pictured with Jamie Laing (left) and Alex Mytton (centre) said he'd like to see people talk more openly about safe sex on reality TV

'From my experience in reality TV though, this hasn’t ever been a problem – the Big Brother house had a huge condom stash in all the bathrooms and all the bedrooms! 

'Not sure what they were hoping would happen – but at least they wanted us to be safe.' 

Sam, who previously dated his co-star Tiff Watson, meets health professionals in the short film to hear more about STIs. 

And we was shocked to hear that chlamydia can lead to serious complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease, infected and inflamed testicles, meningitis and septicaemia, while strains of gonorrhea are becoming resistant to antibiotics. 

The reality star admitted he previously caught chlamydia by having sex with a new partner without a condom 

The reality star admitted he previously caught chlamydia by having sex with a new partner without a condom 

Sam said the biggest surprise was learning how easy it is for young people to access free condoms 

Sam said the biggest surprise was learning how easy it is for young people to access free condoms 

'This experience has seriously opened my eyes to how common sexually transmitted infections are and how important it is to protect against STIs by using a condom,' he said.

'Even though young people are the age group most likely to catch an STI, it seems crazy that we’re the least likely to use condoms. 

'There are a number of different reasons why condoms aren’t always used by young people, but after speaking to the experts, it’s just not worth taking the risk. 

The younger brother of Louise Thompson had a three-year relationship with his former co-star Tiffany Watson 

The younger brother of Louise Thompson had a three-year relationship with his former co-star Tiffany Watson 

'I definitely didn’t used to be as confident about using or talking about condoms as I am now. 

'I think it’s something I’ve learnt over time and have become mature enough to realise how important it is to have safe, protected sex – and I also find it really attractive if a girl feels the same.'  

Sam is supporting Public Health England’s ‘Protect Against STIs’ campaign to highlight the importance of being sex smart and using condoms. Visit for more information



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