The artists next door! People share the wonderful and weird things they've caught their neighbours getting up to

There are a million and one things that make a home just right; a beautiful house, comfortable furniture and a nice area. 

But the people your share a street with can also play a big role in whether you bask in neighbourly heaven or hell.

From comical Halloween decorations to chandeliers in trees, this selection of pictures captured from around the world and handpicked by Bored Panda, will have you roaring with laughter. 

One picture shows the hilarious moment when someone decided to convert their garden chairs into skulls. The matching chairs, which were made to look scarily close to Halloween skulls, even had a matching table. 

Another picture captured a man setting up a BBQ outside the window of his flat. The man, who appeared to be on a fairly high level of the building, was seen using a shelf to balance his BBQ on top of, ensuring none of the smoke got inside. 

One picture shows the hilarious moment when someone decided to convert their garden chairs into skulls. The matching chairs, which were made to look scarily close to Halloween skulls, even had a matching table

One picture shows the hilarious moment when someone decided to convert their garden chairs into skulls. The matching chairs, which were made to look scarily close to Halloween skulls, even had a matching table 

Another heartwarming moment showed a neighbour who had set up a 'birthday book' for their dog, where passers-by could write birthday messages to the pooch. 

The pet's owner even left out a bucket of treats for those passing by with a cuddly friend of their own.

Here, FEMAIL looks at the funniest and most random of neighbourly antics... 

Fluffy neighbour, Sequoyah, had a treat box as well as a book for birthday wishes

Fluffy neighbour, Sequoyah, had a treat box as well as a book for birthday wishes

One person found the solution for obstructing trees to simply be to build around them as this fence shows

One person found the solution for obstructing trees to simply be to build around them as this fence shows

A tree is an unconventional spot for a chandelier but perhaps it serves dual purpose as wind chimes

A tree is an unconventional spot for a chandelier but perhaps it serves dual purpose as wind chimes 

Walking past their neighbours conservatory, one individual spotted a Dalek spying out intruders from the living

Walking past their neighbours conservatory, one individual spotted a Dalek spying out intruders from the living 

One individual set up an contraption outside their window so they could have a BBQ. An inventive solution to a no-garden problem

One individual set up an contraption outside their window so they could have a BBQ. An inventive solution to a no-garden problem

Fixing cars can be expensive. That's why this neighbour opted instead for a stick on plaster over the dent in their car

Fixing cars can be expensive. That's why this neighbour opted instead for a stick on plaster over the dent in their car

One way of expressing your artistic side is to paint your fence custom colours. A fitting look for what can only be assumed are a family of pianists

One way of expressing your artistic side is to paint your fence custom colours. A fitting look for what can only be assumed are a family of pianists 

A heartwarming scene of the neighbours' children parking in toy cars to watch a film from a projector

A heartwarming scene of the neighbours' children parking in toy cars to watch a film from a projector

An adorable makeshift home built into a tree. A good spot for a family of fairies, perhaps

An adorable makeshift home built into a tree. A good spot for a family of fairies, perhaps