I lived in London and it turned me into an alcoholic - there's a pub on every corner and I was scared of missing out

A man has sparked a debate on social media after claiming that living in London turned him into an alcoholic.

Adam Waithe, who has since relocated to Brighton, claimed that London's 'weird pub culture' fuelled his unhealthy relationship with alcohol because 'everywhere leads to the pub'.

'It's exciting at first, but then after years of doing it, you realise it's never going to stop. There's a pub on every corner,' he said in a viral TikTok video.

Adam believes that London fuels alcohol dependencies because of the rising costs of rent, which leaves people longing for escapism.

The video has amassed over 300,000 views, but users are conflicted over Adam's argument.

Adam Waith (pictured), who grew up in London but has since relocated to Brighton, has caused a storm online after he claimed that living in London made him an alcoholic

Adam Waith (pictured), who grew up in London but has since relocated to Brighton, has caused a storm online after he claimed that living in London made him an alcoholic 

Taking to the TikTok, Adam said: 'How living in London turned me into an alcoholic. There's a weird pub culture pressure in London. 

'Everything leads to the pub. Sun's out? Pub. Football on? Pub. Nan's died? Pub. British culture is all about going to the pub. 

'It's exciting at first, but then after years of doing it, you realise it's never going to stop. There's a pub on every corner. 

'And because there are hardly any alternative spaces to go to, if you don't attend the pub, you fear you'll miss out on things.' 

He went on to explain that since moving out of London and into the countryside around Brighton, his perception on London's drinking culture has changed.  

He said: 'Since moving to the countryside and having no booze, it's been eye opening how much London is focused on alcohol.  

'It's ironic because people who were born in the countryside, go to London for opportunities but end up in pub gardens like back home. 

'I get people could say "moderation, moderation". But when was the last time you actually moderated?

The content creator said that living in London fuels alcohol dependencies because residents are looking for escapism

The content creator said that living in London fuels alcohol dependencies because residents are looking for escapism 

He added that 'British culture is about going to the pub' regardless of whether the occasion is happy or sad

He added that 'British culture is about going to the pub' regardless of whether the occasion is happy or sad 

'London has literally become a place where we are crabs in a bucket all looking for peace and connection.' 

The content creator continued: 'It's a soulless city where money and status are the main focus, people trade their time for scraps and spend the scraps on escapism.'

'There's so little connection to nature that people have nowhere else to turn but the pubs.'

'It's easy to think it's all bliss because the football is on and the weathers nice but how many times can you do something and still enjoy it?

'It's like going on the same rollercoaster over and over again to get the adrenaline but you still end up in the same place where you started.'

'The price of alcohol in London is crazy, that and the price of rent and everything else, pushes people into addictions, it’s a pressurised system that will eventually pop.

He concluded: 'Remember, leaving your environment will open your eyes to what you're in.'

Users took to the comment section to share their thoughts on Adam's video, and many were divided

Users took to the comment section to share their thoughts on Adam's video, and many were divided 

While some have praised Adam's thoughts on London's drinking culture, they've proven to be controversial with other viewers.

One critic hit back with: 'So blame everything but yourself?'

A second added: 'I used to blame my corporate job. But after being alcohol free for eight months now, you can only blame yourself. Set boundaries.'

A third disagreed with Adam and wrote: 'The serve soft drinks at the pub, but you have to have a backbone'.

A fourth said: 'I had the same experience, moved back to the countryside, and felt I could breathe again. I fell into such a dark rut in London - ended up drinking two bottles of wine a night.'

Another added: 'I feel like this has more to do with the people you're around than anything, there so much to do in London.' 

Adam then replied: 'It's not about having little to do but the pressures that comes with it.'

'This was such a helpful and relatable post,' one supporter said. 'Thanks for sharing the truth.'

'Poetry right there my brother,' another replied. 'You speak the truth.'