A real poo-dunnit! Couple left horrified after someone defecated on the floor at their wedding reveal in podcast how their 'detective' friend is determined to find the culprit

It sounds like the stuff of nightmares, or at least a pre-big day stress dream - a guest defecates on the floor of the toilet at the wedding venue.

However, for one couple, it was a grim reality on the biggest day of their lives - and so impactful that they've turned the horrifying scenario into a hit podcast, entitled 'Who s*** on the floor at my wedding?'

Helen McLaughlin and Karen Whitehouse, from Chipping Norton, wed five years ago in Amsterdam but had their nuptials - which included a jazz band - tarnished by the trauma of a poo on the floor.  

The ensuing comedy podcast has since become so successful that one of the amateur sleuths charged with finding out exactly poo-dunnit - a friend of the couple - told Woman's Hour this week that it's unlikely the culprit will now ever come forward for fear of public shame. 

Helen McLaughlin, left, and Karen Whitehouse, right on their wedding day; the couple got the gift no-one would ever want after walking down the aisle in 2018 - a poo on the floor of the toilet at their wedding venue

Helen McLaughlin, left, and Karen Whitehouse, right on their wedding day; the couple got the gift no-one would ever want after walking down the aisle in 2018 - a poo on the floor of the toilet at their wedding venue 

Tongue firmly in cheek, 'detective’ Lauren Kilby told BBC Woman's Hour's Nuala McGovern: 'The problem is the more famous this gets, and the more people that listen to it, the less likely they are to go on the podcast and say "Hey, I defecated on the floor at your wedding"'. 

Brides McLaughlin and Whitehouse were spliced on August 11th, 2018, in the Dutch capital, with the sun shining and champagne flowing. 

However, their big day went awry just after guests had feasted on a lunch of lasagne and chocolate mousse. 

In an early episode of the podcast, Whitehouse tells listeners about the discovery no bride wants to make on their wedding day - that one of their friends, family or a staff member had left them a gift they really didn't want. 

The couple from Chipping Norton have since become stars of the award-winning podcast 'Who s*** on the floor at my wedding?'

The couple from Chipping Norton have since become stars of the award-winning podcast 'Who s*** on the floor at my wedding?'

The couple's friend Lauren Kilby (pictured) has since become chief unqualified detective on the case
She told BBC Woman's Hour host Nuala McGovern (pictured) that she may now never crack the case because the podcast has become too succcessful

The couple's friend Lauren Kilby, left, has since become chief 'unqualified' detective on the case - and the podcast 'Who s*** on the floor at my wedding?'  - but told BBC Woman's Hour host Nuala McGovern, right, that she may now never crack the case because the podcast has become too successful

Perfect day, except for... Karen, left, was so shocked when she discovered the 'matrimonial poo' that she didn't tell her wife Helen until the couple were back at their hotel after their nuptials

Perfect day, except for... Karen, left, was so shocked when she discovered the 'matrimonial poo' that she didn't tell her wife Helen until the couple were back at their hotel after their nuptials

She says: 'As soon as I opened the door to the ladies’, I saw a silhouette of this perfect, poo emoji-looking turd, really far away from the toilet cubicle. I stopped in my tracks. 

Trying to rationalise what had happened, Karen says: 'The first thing that struck me, was that it was early on in the evening, and people weren't drunk enough to really excuse that.

'But also, it was really far away from the toilet bowl and - sorry for the detail - was really firm. That struck me as not an accident. That was on purpose.'

The bride was so upset by the incident, which happened shortly after she had delivered her speech that she didn't tell her new wife about what happened until they were safely back at the hotel, and their guests had gone home.

The trio have seen more than a million people tuning into episodes of their award-winning podcast

The trio have seen more than a million people tuning into episodes of their award-winning podcast 

The 'matrimonial turd' has since sparked the podcast, with the couple enlisting the help of Kilby to try and track down exactly poodunnit. 

On Woman's Hour, Whitehouse revealed details of how they've since tried to hunt down the ‘poopetrator’. 

By way of detective work, the podcast has seen the trio sniffing the shoes of guests who'd attended the wedding and using a lie detector for interrogations. 

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