Raw vegan claims her body was left 'riddled with PARASITES' from eating meat - revealing she 'saw them come out of her in her stool' after detoxing from all animal products to 'cure her depression AND acne'

  • Larissa Arteaga, 28, from California, claims she witnessed bugs leave her body in her stool after she gave up meat and became a raw vegan
  • The holistic nutritionist took up a raw vegan diet in 2017 to improve her health after struggling when witnessing others around her eat dead animal bodies  
  • A raw vegan diet excludes all food of animal origin and requires food to be eaten completely raw or heated at temperatures below 104–118°F
  • Larissa claims that turning to a raw diet didn't just rid her body of parasites, it also boosted her energy levels, made her happier and got rid of acne 
  • Although there are many health benefits, a raw vegan diet may reduce fertility, promote an unbalanced diet, weaken muscles and bones

A woman has claimed she witnessed bugs leave her body in her stool after she gave up meat and became a raw vegan

Holistic nutritionist Larissa Arteaga, 28, from California, became a raw vegan to improve her health after struggling when witnessing others around her eat dead animal bodies.

Insisting that a lot of meat, especially raw meat and pork, harbor parasites, Larissa detoxed her body from animal products using herbal formulas after she became a strict raw vegan, witnessing the parasites coming out of her body when she went to the bathroom.

Larissa began her health journey almost 10 years ago, searching for a way to improve her health, as she was pre-diabetic with insulin resistance, high cholesterol, severe acne and depression

Larissa Arteaga, 28, from California, has claimed she witnessed the bugs leave her body in her stool after she gave up meat and became a raw vegan

Larissa Arteaga, 28, from California, has claimed she witnessed the bugs leave her body in her stool after she gave up meat and became a raw vegan

The holistic nutritionist became a raw vegan in 2017 to improve her health after struggling when witnessing others around her eat dead animal bodies

The holistic nutritionist became a raw vegan in 2017 to improve her health after struggling when witnessing others around her eat dead animal bodies

A raw vegan diet excludes all food of animal origin and includes raw or heated below 104 degrees foods
A raw vegan diet excludes all food of animal origin and includes raw or heated below 104 degrees foods

A raw vegan diet excludes all food of animal origin and notes that food should be eaten completely raw or heated at temperatures below 104–118°F

In 2017, Larissa discovered raw veganism following the end of a toxic relationship.

A raw vegan is similar to a vegan, and means not buying or using any animal-derived products, with the addition of not consuming any foods that have been raised to a temperature that destroys the enzymes. 

The surefire way to clear parasites? What is a raw vegan diet and what are the benefits 

  • A raw vegan diet excludes all food of animal origin and notes that food should be eaten completely raw or heated at temperatures below 104–118°F
  • It is usually rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted grains, and legumes
  • Instead of cooking, raw vegans juice, blend, soak, sprout, and dehydrate their food
  • A raw vegan diet may improve heart heart, aid in weight loss, and improve digestion
  • Although there are many health benefits, a raw vegan diet may reduce fertility, promote an unbalanced diet, weaken muscles and bones

Source: Healthline 


Larissa's diet mainly consists of fruits, salad, raw vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Larissa chose to become a raw vegan because she wanted to stop harming animals, instead surviving on a healthier diet and seeing great health results.

The raw vegan claims her newfound diet opened the way to spirituality as she now meditates daily, spends more time in nature and heals holistically. 

She is also mindful when purchasing hygiene products, avoiding anything with harsh chemicals.

After two weeks on a raw vegan diet, Larissa experienced relief from many of her health conditions, being able to come off medications, increase her energy levels and boost her mood.

Larissa discusses the impact the diet has had on her health.

'After only two weeks on this new lifestyle, I began experiencing immediate relief of my symptoms and eventually reversed all of my health conditions, got off medication, and have now been experiencing the best health of my life,' said Larissa.

'Increased energy levels, boosted mood and opening the path to my spiritual journey were other benefits I have experienced. 

'I was on the verge of becoming a diabetic and destined to be on medication for the rest of my life and struggling with acne for over a decade which lead to depression and I finally found relief to change all of that.

'The weirdest experience I've ever had was learning that most people that eat meat, especially raw fish and pork, are harboring parasites and really just how prevalent these creatures are without most people even knowing.

'In the beginning of my journey I did a lot of detoxing from eating animal products and took a herbal formula that helps rid the body of parasites and I saw them come out of me in my stool.

Larissa chose to become a raw vegan because she wanted to stop harming animals, instead surviving on a healthier diet and seeing great health results

Larissa chose to become a raw vegan because she wanted to stop harming animals, instead surviving on a healthier diet and seeing great health results

Larissa claims that turning to a raw diet didn't just rid her body of parasites, it also boosted her energy levels, made her happier and got rid of acne

Larissa claims that turning to a raw diet didn't just rid her body of parasites, it also boosted her energy levels, made her happier and got rid of acne

According to Beautiful on Raw, by eating an abundance of raw foods, you become a 'poor host' to parasites and can help your body 'get rid and stay rid' of them

 According to Beautiful on Raw, by eating an abundance of raw foods, you become a 'poor host' to parasites and can help your body 'get rid and stay rid' of them

'If you were ever a big sushi lover like myself, you most likely have these little guys inside of you. And they cause so many health issues.'

According to Beautiful on Raw, a natural beauty store that promotes detoxing your body with raw foods, by sticking to a raw diet, you have a 'better chance' of 'keeping a clean, alkaline bloodstream and a healthier intestinal terrain to discourage parasites from sticking around'. 

By eating an abundance of raw foods, you become a 'poor host' to parasites and can help your body 'get rid and stay rid' of them.  

Larissa's diet has caused some strain on her relationship with family and friends because she often tries to persuade them to shift their diets in hopes for a 'happier' life, however, many of the people around her refuse to change their lifestyle. 

'I started my health journey almost ten years ago, trying to find the answer to reverse my health issues that included pre-diabetes, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, severe acne, depression, EBV and many other inflammation-related issues,' said Larissa. 

'It wasn't until five-and-a-half years ago that I found the dietary answer to true health which is the raw vegan diet, high carb/ low fat/ whole foods.

'A raw vegan is someone who is vegan, first and foremost, and does not eat or buy any animal-derived foods or products, meat, dairy, eggs, leather, wool, products tested on animals.

'But under the term raw vegan, we also do not consume any foods that have been raised to a temperature that cook out the enzymes and many of the nutrients as well as the life-force-energy.

'A healthy raw vegan diet consists mostly of fruits during the day and a large salad for dinner with raw veggies, nuts and seeds.

Larissa's diet has caused some strain on her relationship with family and friends because she often tries to persuade them to shift their diets in hopes for a 'happier' life

Larissa's diet has caused some strain on her relationship with family and friends because she often tries to persuade them to shift their diets in hopes for a 'happier' life

Larissa loves lettuce wraps with guacamole, tomatoes, and other vegetables
Another favorite meal of hers is a kale salad with homemade dressing and tomatoes

Larissa loves lettuce wraps with guacamole, tomatoes, and other vegetables and a kale salad with homemade dressing and tomatoes

Larissa often enjoys a bowl of fruit such as grapes, papaya, and dragon fruit
The holistic nutritionist often eat fruits wraps with seaweed

Larissa often enjoys a bowl of fruit such as grapes, papaya, and dragon fruit; she often eats fruit wrapped in seaweed 

'It's an easy, delicious and healthy way to get all of the nutrients the human body needs without any excess of what we do not need.' 

Although there are many health benefits, a raw vegan diet may reduce fertility, promote an unbalanced diet, weaken muscles and bones, according to Healthline

The best raw foods that help you get rid and stay free from parasites

  •  cabbage 
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Pineapple
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Almonds
  • Figs 
  • Blackberries
  • Papaya
  • Pomegranate
  • Ginger
  • Hot peppers
  • Radishes
  • Coconut oil
  •  Cloves

Larissa initially became a raw vegan because she couldn't stand the thought 'harming and killing' animals, but stuck to it for the benefits she saw. 

'I became a vegan because I no longer believed it was okay to exploit, harm and kill animals for survival or health if I can actually be much healthier without eating animal products and actually heal my health issues.

'I stick to a raw vegan diet over standard vegan because I experience the greatest health results when I take grains, beans, and other foods that need to be cooked or processed out of my diet and I feel my best consuming mostly fruits and veggies and small amounts of nuts and seeds.

'Becoming raw vegan has changed everything for me because it taught me to focus more on self love and self respect.

Larissa also finds it quite traumatizing to see those close to her eating meat and consuming dairy, often being reminded of what the mother cows would go through to produce those dairy products and feeling uncomfortable seeing a dead body on a plate.

Larissa's mother has since changed to veganism four years ago, seeing an improvement in her health.

And because it has done wonders for her, she also shares her diet with her boyfriend and a community of friends.

'This started with ending a very unhealthy relationship I was in at the beginning of going vegan.' 

'It also opened up a gateway to spirituality which I now meditate daily and have seen a drastic improvement in my life because of this practice as well.

'I spend more time in nature and in the sun since I've learned that health is holistic and not reliant on just diet alone.

'I do also purchase more mindfully when it comes to other products that I buy other than food such as hygiene products and try to avoid anything containing toxic chemicals as much as possible.'

Larissa also said a raw vegan diet 'opened up a gateway to spirituality which I now meditate daily and have seen a drastic improvement in my life'

Larissa also said a raw vegan diet 'opened up a gateway to spirituality which I now meditate daily and have seen a drastic improvement in my life' 

She added  that teaching other about the benefits of a raw vegan diet is her 'purpose in this lifetime'

She added  that teaching other about the benefits of a raw vegan diet is her 'purpose in this lifetime' 

Although there are many health benefits, a raw vegan diet may reduce fertility, promote an unbalanced diet, weaken muscles and bones

Although there are many health benefits, a raw vegan diet may reduce fertility, promote an unbalanced diet, weaken muscles and bones

Larissa attempts to persuade others to turn to raw vegan diets because of how her diet has affected her and says she just wants the same for them, however it has affected her relationship with the people around her. 

What does a raw vegan eat in a day? Larissa's go to meals that she claims have changed her life 

Breakfast:  A melon salad with cantaloupe, watermelon, and honeydew

Lunch: Hand-picked figs and bananas with a side of seaweed fruit wraps that include watermelon and mango 

Dinner: Kale Cesar salad with tahini dressing and tomatoes 


'I just want to help anyone and everyone in my life who are struggling with their health or prevent them from developing these extremely common, yet extremely preventable health issues but not everyone wants to change for the better so this can be a little bit heart breaking,' she said.

'It is also pretty traumatizing for me now to be around friends or family who still eat meat and to see a dead body on their plate since I have a different way of looking at "meat" now or seeing someone consuming dairy, cheese, butter, and to be reminded of what those mother cows go through, look up "Dairy is Scary" on YouTube,.

'I have a lot of compassion and empathy towards all of these trillions of animals that humans are breeding are killing unnecessarily every year.

'I wouldn't say I've been abused or bullied but there will always be internet trolls if you put yourself out there online.

'Luckily I have mostly just experienced positive interactions online and the blessing of inspiring and changing many people's lives.

'I have an amazing mother who also went vegan about a year after I did and she drastically improved her health as well.

'I have an extremely supportive and loving boyfriend who is also raw vegan and thriving and I have an amazing community of friends that I have met in person and online through this vegan and raw vegan movement so I am very grateful and blessed.

'Even if I helped only one person change their diet which in turn would change their health, prevent them from developing the most common health conditions, and overall improve their mood, energy levels and life, that would be the best accomplishment but I am lucky to say that I have helped many and that is the most profound blessing I could ask for.

'It is truly my purpose in this lifetime.'

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