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Letters to the Editor |
Letters to the editor: Don’t force religious beliefs on others; attempted coup against GOP chair will fail; take a stroll on the Pearl Street Mall


We cannot force our religious beliefs on others

In a recent letter to the editor titled “People must accept right to life from conception,” the author references the Declaration of Independence while trying to support her extreme stance on abortion. I’m not sure how “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” precludes women from making choices about their bodies, but apparently, in some obscure way, she thinks it does. Indeed, I do agree that the abolishment of slavery is an event to be celebrated, but it appears the author would rather enslave women to the whims and beliefs of religious fanatics. Or maybe happiness entails getting raped by a cousin and being forced to have his baby or being forced, to the point of near death, to carry a brain-dead fetus to term.

The Annenberg Guide to the United States Constitution says, “The First Amendment’s free exercise clause allows a person to hold whatever religious beliefs he or she wants, and to exercise that belief by attending religious services, praying in public or in private, proselytizing or wearing religious clothing, such as yarmulkes or headscarves. Also included in the free exercise clause is the right not to believe in any religion, and the right not to participate in religious activities.” I don’t see anywhere that we “must” accept the belief that life starts at conception. “Second,” the Annenberg Guide continues, “the establishment clause prevents the government from creating a church, endorsing religion in general, or favoring one set of religious beliefs over another.” Although, so-called “right to life” advocates are trying (and have been successful) in many states, it is my hope that a “civil and educated society” to which the author refers will not force their religious beliefs on others.

Kenny Leader, Boulder

Attempted coup against GOP chair will fail

It is with sadness that I write concerning the splintering of the Colorado Republican Party by — guess who — Republicans! There are two sides to every story and a rebuttal to the attack on State GOP Chairman Williams begs to be made.

Of two votes taken by our local Republican Party, one passed, one failed and the difference in both was a single vote. Given the obvious lack of a mandate, I am appalled this was turned into a public spectacle, especially in the middle of a primary.

At our state assembly in March, Republicans passed a resolution, “opposing the subjection of minors to medical procedures with the aim of gender reassignment and any appropriation of taxpayer funds for such surgeries or transitioning hormonal therapies” and the vote showed overwhelming support.

Williams did exactly what he was authorized to do by the state Republican assembly, and the pearl-clutching is 100% manufactured.

Dave Williams is a different type of chairman than his completely useless predecessors of the past. He’s shown he’s not afraid to do all he can to reform our candidate nominating process so voters finally have a real choice in our elections. He poses a threat to the consultant class who enjoy a sweet gig convincing rich people that they deserve to be a U.S. Senator and showing them how to buy their way onto the ballot. That’s the reason for this attempted coup, which will ultimately fail.

David Brown, Longmont

Take a stroll on the Pearl Street Mall

What a glorious town we live in. Summer is in full swing and the Pearl Street Mall is looking wonderful. The flower beds, true works of art are full of unique wave patterns and gorgeous designs by our inspired planting team. The shops are full and restaurants busy and lots of tourists are mingling and admiring our town.

This week I walked mid-day, had lunch at The Kitchen, perused The Boulder Book Store, Island Farm, Peppercorn, Smith and Klein Gallery and Rebecca’s Apothecary … all locally owned wonderful establishments. I stopped to talk with travelers from NYC, Australia, England and Spain. After a few rough years, our Pearl Street Mall is happening. Take a stroll some summer day and recall why we love Boulder and our Pearl Street Mall is the heart of our city.

Donna Baase, Boulder