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Supreme Court justices should have a code of conduct

It seems as though the Supreme Court has taken over the government. Witness the 6 months it has taken them to decide the immunity of the previous president. Also, the reversal of the ban on bump stocks. It seems as though Justices Thomas and Alito have made lots of money from their terms. Aren’t most justices required to abide by certain rules of conduct?

Connie Herbst, Boulder

A ‘fingers crossed’ logo might be best for USPS

Within the last 10 months, I’ve experienced three personal concerns with our United States Postal Service (USPS). The first incident happened when the birthday card containing cash was mailed in “good faith” from my Denver, CO, address to the adopted Huntsville, AL, youth. The envelope was razor cut and the cash was stolen. Secondly, my Denver 30-day mail hold request was ignored four different days per my front porch video camera. Thirdly, my package mailed containing a gift to a 72-year-old widow from the Panama City Beach, FL, USPS clerk’s window to Dothan, Alabama, (about 87 miles north) was lost, after being approved by the postal clerk. Maybe the USPS “leadership” should quickly create a “Fingers Crossed” logo for all their property…

Mike Sawyer, Denver