With Cvent’s Salesforce integration, event activity for your contacts is automatically reflected in Salesforce. The Cvent Salesforce App lives natively within Salesforce and will empower your sales and field marketing teams to become key drivers of your event program’s success.

Increase Event Attendance – with the Right Attendees

Provide access to your events right in the system your teams work in every day – Salesforce. Using the Cvent Salesforce App, your teams can invite and register their prospects and customers directly to your Cvent events. By directing the most qualified contacts to your events, you can generate more business.

Our nomination feature allows you to stay in control by requiring an approval for certain events before an invitation or registration is sent out.

  • View attendee status right from a contact’s record
  • Modify or cancel a contact’s registration
Feature 1 Screenshot Image
Feature 2 Screenshot Image

Accelerate Your Sales Pipeline

Events provide rich, valuable data about your contacts. A contact’s attendee journey at past events can send strong signals about their interests and readiness to buy.

By linking your Salesforce campaigns with your Cvent events, campaign member statues will be updated automatically. This makes it easy for your sales team to view a contact’s event history and conduct more effective conversations with prospects and customers.

  • Create an event invitation list based on past attendee behavior
  • Create tasks automatically for time-sensitive follow-ups

Understand Event Impact and ROI

You need to know how successful your events are and what effect they have on your business. When your Cvent and Salesforce instances are integrated, you can confidently show your stakeholders the new leads and closed business that are coming from your events.

  • Connect your events to Opportunities, Campaigns, Activities, and other out of the box Salesforce reports
  • Easily create a dashboard in Salesforce that shows Closed Won Opps by event

Learn more about Cvent Integrations

From your CRM system, to your expense tracking software, to your marketing automation tools, Cvent’s full suite of out-of-the-box options allow you to quickly and easily integrate our event management platform with your tech stack. 

Need a custom integration?

Cvent can connect to virtually any web-based program using our API and Webhooks options. You can create a custom integration using your development experts or ours.