With Cvent’s Marketo integration, event activity and attendee behavior is automatically reflected in Marketo. Cvent’s Launchpoint integration will save you time by enabling you to create and leverage Marketo event programs so that you can more effectively manage event leads and data.

Feature 1 marketo

Capture your most important event data

Cvent’s Marketo integration is flexible — set up multiple configuration options within a single Cvent account or integrate with multiple Marketo accounts or workspaces. You can receive the following data from Cvent:

  • Event and session activity: website visits, registrations, participation, cancellations, no-shows, and regrets
  • Email statuses: sends, opens, bounces, unsubscribes, and opt-outs
  • Contact updates: changes, updates, and deletions
  • Custom data: opportunity to sync your organization's unique fields
Feature 2 marketo

Enhance your existing processes

It’s easy to incorporate Cvent event data into your existing program, scoring, and nurture workflows. Use trigger points to automatically update lead or custom object records, update associated campaigns, or add-to & remove-from lists.

Leverage Marketo contact data in Cvent through our bi-directional sync to create a dynamic registration experience through personalized, targeted e-mails and pre-populated forms. 

Feature 3 marketo

Drive critical business objectives

Easily understand and visualize your contact’s event interactions across platforms. With this data in hand, you can build more complete profiles for your high-value customers and create targeted nurture campaigns that accelerate your sales cycle.

This means stronger customer relationships, increased conversions, and so much more.

Learn more about Cvent integrations

From your CRM system, to your expense tracking software, to your marketing automation tools, Cvent’s full suite of out-of-the-box options allow you to quickly and easily integrate our event management platform with your tech stack. 

Need a custom integration?

Cvent can connect to virtually any web-based program using our API and Webhooks options. You can create a custom integration using your development experts or ours.