War in the Middle East

REUTERS/Amir Cohen

The Christian Science Monitor's coverage of the 2023 war between Hamas and Israel, and related articles.

In Egypt, Gazans sought to leave the war. But it’s not far behind.

Hamas believes it has won. Why it now wants to unburden itself of Gaza.

4 ATMs, 2 million people: Cash crunch compounds Gaza’s wartime woes

Many Israelis are resigned to war with Hezbollah. Are they prepared?

How Lebanese escape Hezbollah-Israel fight, a war beyond their control

‘This is not our war.’ Lebanese Christians caught between Hezbollah and Israel.

Why Israeli relief over hostages’ rescue from Gaza was short-lived

Once a seaside getaway, Gaza ‘safe zone’ now feels like a polluted prison

Sidelined in Gaza war, Hezbollah fighters yearn for victory over Israel

Amid isolation over Gaza, Israelis grapple with ‘becoming outcasts’

To avoid war, Israel and Hezbollah shift their red lines. But war heats up.

West Bank village, proudly self-reliant, now faces wartime hostility

ICC prosecutor angers Israel, Hamas, but will that impact the war?

Did Israeli leaders undermine military in Gaza? A rift becomes public.

For West Bank, an economy under siege is a Gaza ‘war dividend’