Murder & Mayhem

Delve into the chilling realm of crime, where murder, mystery and chaos reign, and the ultimate battle for justice that follows.

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woman escorted from court
The jury is selected in the Black Swan Murder Trial. Ashley Benefield is charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of her husband, Doug Benefield. Ashley claims she shot her husband in self-defense.
Karen Read appears briefly in court as the judge schedules a retrial for the high-profile murder case against her involving her Boston police officer boyfriend that ended in a mistrial earlier this month.
Michael Bates Jr.
Jury deliberations lasted a little over four hours in the Abused Wife or Murderer Trial where Marcia Thompson is facing trial for the shooting death of her husband, Terry Thompson.
donna adelson appears in court
Bald male judge issues a ruling from the bench.

Donna Adelson Back in Court

Donna Adelson, accused of first-degree murder in the death of FSU law professor Dan Markel, had a case management hearing. More

July 22, 2024

White cross says Mia + Sebastian
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Wade Wilson sits in court
attorney speaks to judge
A juror from the Karen Read trial is in fear for their personal safety and personal safety of their family if the names of the jury are made public. In response, the judge has extended the time that the names and identities of the jurors will remain sealed.
Jury selection is slated to begin in late July in the Black Swan Murder Trial where Ashley Benefield is accused in the shooting death of her husband, Doug. Benefield claims self-defense, while prosecutors say it was about a custody dispute.
A teen accused of killing her mother and her mother's boyfriend confessed to police that she killed her mother because she was upset the she didn't accept her transitioning and was not happy with her mother's 22-year-old boyfriend.
Man with tattoos on his face sits in court next to his attorney.
Convicted murderer Wade Wilson was in court today for a motions hearing to delay his sentencing. Wilson's attorneys say they need more time to prepare because they're still waiting for reports from their medical experts.
Jennifer and Tyler Dazey