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Clarity can be glimpsed through cosmic fog. Still, with the intuitive Moon squaring optimistic Jupiter, it may be hard to see any red flags through our rose-colored glasses. The Moon also misunderstands balanced Venus, bringing a contrast between what we think should happen in a perfect world and what we're actually feeling inside. Finally, the Moon will conjoin consistent Saturn at 4:31 pm EDT, grounding us and providing us with the mental fortitude to make long-term, stable decisions. Come back down to earth.
Accepting change can be challenging. When the ego-driven Sun is at odds with ever-evolving Pluto at 1:38 am EDT, we may dig in our heels and refuse to let go of a behavior, place, or person that we've outgrown. The intuitive Moon faces challenges from erratic Uranus and trickster Mercury, creating a storm of information that muddies our ability to focus and change. When the Moon moves into sensitive Pisces, a sense of peace might be easier to find. Let's not hold on too tightly.
All the world's a stage! The confident Sun shimmies into its home sign, Leo, at 3:44 am EDT, fueling passions, boosting charisma, and encouraging us to put our best foot forward as we showcase what we can do. The intuitive Moon then empathizes with abundant Jupiter, giving us an eye for idealism and an extra dose of positivity. When the Moon faces off with perfectionist Venus later, our emotions could be hidden to keep up appearances. Be open, even if life isn't picture perfect.
The fruits of our labor are ripening. The Full Moon in Capricorn at 6:17 am EDT illuminates where our energy has been channeled since the New Moon, especially when it comes to determination, boundaries, and self-discipline. Friendly Venus works with expansive Jupiter to enrich our mindsets with abundant opportunities. The confident Sun also collaborates with dreamy Neptune, elevating our intuition and creativity, right before fiery Mars and transformative Pluto team up to put motivation behind this inspiration. Make room for blessings!
Get in motion! Passionate Mars jumps into a team-up with creative Neptune to mix action and ideas, ideal for tackling all sorts of tasks. With the Moon and dedicated Saturn collaborating as well, we're more grounded and clear-headed. Mars marches from consistent Taurus to changeable Gemini at 4:43 pm EDT, where it will stay until September 4. This transit allows us more freedom and the ability to boldly change as we proclaim our thoughts and communicate with confidence. The fires of motivation are blazing!
Caution, roadblocks ahead! As the intuitive Moon struggles to work with fiery Mars, frustration with our passions may cause us to feel stuck. The Moon then squares confusing Neptune at 3:58 am EDT, making it hard to know what is really happening, potentially preventing positive plans from forming. Later, the Moon will slide into serious Capricorn, heightening our focus to figure things out. Still, the next struggle between the Moon and Venus may add more unexpected setbacks. Dig deep for patience and grace.
Our limitations are being overcome. The confident Sun's support of innovative Uranus at 10:00 am EDT is a lovely source of inspiration -- it's a good idea to write down any ideas. The intuitive Moon then collaborates with communicative Mercury, aligning our thoughts with our feelings and making them easier to talk about. Later on, Mercury will work with cautious Chiron, ensuring that we're able to make lasting positive changes in our minds and our methods of expressing ourselves. Level up the communication.
Let the good times roll! With the emotional Moon trining lovely Venus, our hearts lead us in a pleasantly social direction, encouraging our ability to manifest abundance as well as find peace with the people that we care about. The Moon then faces off with expansive Jupiter at 7:20 pm EDT, blowing emotional situations out of proportion, whether in good ways or bad. The best way to channel this energy would be to trust that our feelings will teach us what we need to know.
You're creating your stability. Thanks to the emotional Moon trining the confident Sun at 11:04 am EDT, healing moments with close friends or family members are abundant. It'll be easier to make solid plans that only a chosen few know about. However, the Moon then faces off with out-of-the-blue Uranus and passionate Mars, bringing a shock that may shake our foundations. We are capable of finding peace within ourselves as Luna collaborates with spiritual Neptune. Be the calm harbor in the storm.
We're walking a fine line. With the tangle between witty Mercury and serious Saturn, it can be difficult to find a balance between lightening the tension and being respectful of the gravity of a situation. The proud Sun pokes weary Chiron, adding pressure created by ego, boasting, or misguided confidence. When fiery Mars conjoins innovative Uranus at 10:05 am EDT, bottled tension could explode at any moment. Our self-expression may appear in shocking displays, but we can use this to enact beneficial changes.