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The Hartford Courant seeks to provide the news Connecticut needs, reported faithfully and fully, with respect for all and favor to none. We strive to be authoritative and insightful, to inform and to delight.

To accomplish this mission, we set for ourselves the following goals:

  • To be the indispensable, timely source of information on the economic, political, social, sports and cultural life of Connecticut, and in that pursuit to excel at community coverage, examining all subjects that touch readers.
  • To make the paper useful by providing readers with information relevant to their daily lives.
  • To deepen understanding of the news by rooting events in history, explaining their significance, exploring the ideas behind them and anticipating their consequences.
  • To raise issues aggressively and constructively, and to expose inefficiency, injustice and corruption in matters of public interest.
  • To extend the circle of public debate as widely as possible, by reflecting the diversity of Connecticut’s people and by seeking out voices that often are ignored.
  • To guard against arrogance and complacency, and to be open to criticism, remembering our responsibility as the state’s largest newspaper.
  • To value journalism that informs the heart as well as the mind.
  • To encourage creative journalistic styles, written and visual, that lend richness and variety to our pages.
  • To cover Hartford in a way that recognizes its dual role as a community and a metropolitan center.
  • To excel in covering matters that bring Connecticut to national prominence, and to recognize that the state’s interests go far beyond its borders.

We believe that by striving toward these goals with fairness, honesty and compassion, we will benefit the public life of the state and enrich the private lives of our readers.

Originally Published: