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Getting started as a crypto investor is difficult. There are so many conflicting opinions and news sources out there that you will not know what to think. Finding reliable sources to give you your crypto news and inform your trading decisions is an essential part of being a smart investor.  As with any investment, there are risks. That’s why it’s best to educate yourself and consult with a professional financial advisor about what investments are right for you. Once you know who to get your crypto tips from, you could be a “crypto VIP.”

The first places to go looking for valuable insight into cryptocurrency are authority sites. These tried and true favorites can be relied upon to report the facts. Trusted news sources have been reporting the financial news of the day long before crypto was even invented. Their reporting on the stock market is sound, and so is their reporting on decentralized finance. With well-informed journalists and high-level sources, these trusted news outlets will provide you with quotes from insiders and opinions based on historical facts. These sites report on stories that are backed by research and multiple sources, rather than rumors.

Social media is difficult to navigate when it comes to crypto, but one great thing about social media is that it will help you keep up to date on news from reliable sources. All news sites also have social media accounts, and following them or putting notifications on for when they post can keep you in the loop with crypto news 24/7. One of the reasons it is so hard to keep up with crypto market trends is that the blockchain experiences change all around the clock. Unlike the traditional stock market that opens and closes according to business hours, crypto is up and running at all hours. Keeping track of news on social media is an easy way to have the latest scoop at your fingertips at all times.

Sources that supply the facts are vital, but what if you want to stay ahead of the trends? This is where finding a reliable source of information gets tricky. You want to be well-informed and on the cutting edge of trends, but you do not want to get caught up in rumors. Looking at the people authority sites get their information from is one way to find people who are entrenched in the crypto world and may be unlikely to feed you false information. Crypto enthusiasts are not all reliable, but the experienced traders and investors that authority sites call on for opinions and quotes are at the top of their game. Following some of those people on social media, reading their columns or listening to their podcasts can help you understand trends before they hit the news cycle.

Crypto has long been a field shrouded in mystery and distrusted by authorities, but all of that may be starting to change. Bitcoin ETFs are pushing cryptocurrencies toward being SEC-approved, and certain countries have already approved Bitcoin as a currency. Some people are making real money by investing in the blockchain. Crypto is not just a game for tech developers and seasoned investors anymore. It is a chance for many more peopleto make money. Get your head in the game by doing your research and staying up to date with everything crypto by finding reliable sources.

If you’re considering any kind of investment, always consult a trusted professional financial advisor before getting started.

The news and editorial staffs of the Hartford Courant had no role in this post’s preparation.