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Hip-Hop Artist Teaches Mindfulness At Norfeldt Elementary School


Hip-hop artist T.J. Scott, who goes by the stage name JusTme, visited Norfeldt Elementary School in March to spend a day teaching mindfulness to students.

As Scott, who is from Fairfield, California, regaled the school’s second and third grade students with a story about how training a dog could save its life, he made a point of connecting that anecdote to school.

“That’s why you need education and you have to use the education and the training we are giving you,” Scott said. “Learning is being able to take in information and being able to decide if it’s useful information. If it is, you use it to your benefit.”

Scott’s visit was thanks to a grant from the Foundation for West Hartford Public Schools. He combines his words with his original hip-hop music, something he says young people today can connect to.

“Hip-hop has a sway on culture,” Scott said. “You can give them something to relate to. It’s giving them some substance.”

T.J. Scott, also known as JusTme, gives fist bumps as students leave his talk with them.
T.J. Scott, also known as JusTme, gives fist bumps as students leave his talk with them.

His lessons of mindfulness start in the classroom, but extend to each student’s personal lives, as he asks them to appreciate their parents and what they do for their family.

He hopes his lessons leave an impact that goes well beyond Norfeldt School.

“I hope they can use it not only at school, but for the rest of their lives,” Scott said. “I hope they gain a deeper sense of love for themselves.”

Scott spent time with every grade at Norfeldt during his day-long visit, but during his time with the second and third grade classes, he imparted some wisdom about how their learning is equal to their “money” and that school is their “work.”

“Your parents and your family are counting on you to get your paycheck when you come to work so that you can bring and add value to your household,” Scott said. “You add value to your household by showing your parents that you learned something and that you can contribute to the household.”

To do that, Scott offered them the three major parts that will build their foundation.

The first, he said, is “focus focus.”

“Focus focus is paying attention on purpose to the things you are supposed to pay attention to,” Scott said. “If you are not focused focused in life, you are distracted. Distracted is when you’re not paying attention on purpose. Nobody is distracted on accident… you are doing it on purpose.”

Coming second, he said, is repetition.

“It’s the key to getting your paycheck and your money,” Scott said, asking the students to recall that learning is their money. “Repetition is the key to learning. When you learn it, you earn it.”

And third, he said, is mindfulness.

“It’s the capstone,” Scott said. “Being mindful means being present, being aware, and using my thoughts and emotions for love and self-care.”

Students listen intently as T.J. Scott teaches three key parts of their personal foundation.
Students listen intently as T.J. Scott teaches three key parts of their personal foundation.

Before ending the session by playing one of his own songs, Scott left the students with one last piece of advice.

“I’m going to tell you this and I want you to remember it for the rest of your lives,” Scott said. “As long as your heart is beating and you’re breathing, your life is worth living and you are important. You have something here to do and it’s your job to find what that something is.”

After that, Scott applied some positive self-encouragement upon the attentive youngsters.

“It’s okay to be amazing,” Scott said, with students echoing him. “I am amazing. It’s okay to be great. I am great. When I work hard and set my mind to it I can do it. I can be my best. I can do my best. Because I am my best.”

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