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Feature Articles

The US-Israeli Regime of Despair

When the Media Serves as an Ideological State Apparatus to Genocide

Since attaining statehood, Israel has been a de facto protectorate of the Zionist wing of American ruling elites.  From 1946 to 2023, Israel was by far the largest recipient US aid, $300 billion (inflation-adjusted), with virtually all of its military assistance spent in the US, serving the buildup of the military-industrial complex (MIC) and financed by what is now in total a trillion dollars in government annual military outlays (Harris 2024). This form of assistance and massive subsidy to Israel is part of an international money laundering scheme by which taxpayers are bilked of huge money transfers to private corporations in the MIC.

It’s the Apartheid, Stupid!

The Scourging of Gaza: Diary of a Genocidal War

The International Court of Justice has made definitive what has been obvious for decades: It’s about the apartheid, stupid. In a sweeping ruling announced on Friday at the Hague, the Court ruled that Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories violates international law and should be ended. It determined that the occupation amounts to “annexation” of Palestinian lands and that all Israeli settlements should be evacuated and the land returned to Palestinians. It said that all Palestinians who had been forced into exile should be granted the right to return and that Israel must pay them reparations for its destructive actions. The court described Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories as a form of racial segregation and apartheid and called for the dismantling of the apartheid wall, checkpoints and other barriers to travel.

What is the EPA Hiding at the Landfill in Uniontown, Ohio?

Buried Secrets Revisited

THE TWILIGHT ZONE — Picture if you will the citizens of a small town in Northeast Ohio, facing a daunting toxic threat yet trapped in a maze of regulatory capture at the so-called Environmental Protection Agency. Not the citizens of East Palestine, though they too face a challenging quest for the truth about the environmental health threats they may face. But the citizens in and around Uniontown, Ohio have been trapped in such a quagmire for decades, subjected to a dystopian level of gaslighting from the powers that be in an effort to bury the truth regarding the ultra-hazardous poisons reportedly dumped at the town landfill. The Industrial Excess Landfill (IEL) in Uniontown closed in 1980 and was designated as an EPA Superfund site in 1984, listed as one of the most contaminated sites in the country. Akron area rubber companies were the biggest known polluters at the IEL, dumping millions of gallons of industrial waste and chemicals in the ‘60s and ‘70s. But local citizen eyewitnesses have long testified that the U.S. military was another covert client in the late ‘60s/early ‘70s. This includes the IEL’s former owner Charles Kittinger, who came forward in 2001 to speak of clandestine dumping of three metal eggs of nuclear weapons waste he was eerily warned not to speak of.

You Are Not Alone if You Are Out of Work

We are endlessly and repetitively treated to sermons on the wonders of capitalism. Everybody will be taken care of, with the proviso that you are willing to work. As I have had frequent cause to note, that a line has to be furiously propagated across every channel speaks to a lack of concrete reality. And as more people, especially young people, see that they have declining possibilities, more questioning inevitably arises. The only thing worse in capitalism to having a job, however unpleasant, is not having a job. Unemployment benefits are barely at starvation rates and end all too soon. Naturally, that is worse in the United States than most other advanced capitalist countries of the Global North. Six months is the limit set at a rate well less than half of what your wages were in the job you just lost. And given that six months is the average time necessary to secure new employment, that means around half of those collecting unemployment insurance will likely have a spell of no income at all.