Recent Articles

July 24, 2024
Joan Roelofs
NATO’s Civilian Bases 
Binoy Kampmark
Conventional Wisdom: The ICJ Ruling on Israeli Settlements
Emma Rae Lierley
Is the Food Industry Concealing Possible Destruction of the Tropics From the Public?
David Rosen
Mr. President, Pardon the Truth Seeker
Lawrence Reichard
My Mother Lived and Fought History’s Trenches
Tom Engelhardt
Remembrance of Wars Past
Eugene Doyle
It’s bigger than NATO and It’s Coming to the Pacific
Sudip Bhattacharya
Frantz Fanon Our Contemporary
John Feffer
AI May Kill Us All, But Not the Way You Think
Richard Rhames
We Live in a Time of Monsters
Sarah Hyden
The Infrastructure Act and the Taos Canyon Logging Project: Time For a Forest Revolution. 
Robert Koehler
‘Got Any Tennis Balls?’
Cesar Chelala
Messi Can Also Cry
July 23, 2024
Paul Street
Three Things Missing from the Big Biden Butt Kiss
Melvin Goodman
NATO Expansion: the Road to Cold War and War Itself
Sonali Kolhatkar
Who’s a Bigger Threat to Democracy—Immigrants, or Billionaires?
L. Michael Hager
Honoring Netanyahu; Dishonoring America
Dave Lindorff
79 Years Ago, the US tested the First Atomic Bomb
Richard Falk
An Open Letter to Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party
Thomas Knapp
Windows/CrowdStrike Outage: The Most Important Lesson
Jon Hochschartner
Trump’s Threat to Animals
Lawrence Wittner
Trump’s Reckless Infatuation with Nuclear Weapons
Evaggelos Vallianatos
After Biden
Peter Bach
Letter from London: Was it that, JD?
Letter of Indigenous Peoples, Peasants, Traditional Communities and Afro-Descendants In Latin America
Our Life Project Against Their Death Project
CounterPunch News Service
Farewell, Carol Christ: Long Live Peoples’ Park
July 22, 2024
Vijay Prashad
NATO Accelerates Its Conflict With China
Binoy Kampmark
NATO: 75 and Still Threatening
Henry Giroux
Welcome to the Mass Psychology of Violence American Style
Stephen F. Eisenman
Biden Should Say a Lot More
Ron Jacobs
Biden Out, Trump Raging: The Shitshow Continues
John P. Ruehl
How Powerful Are the Remaining Royals?
David McCall
How Conservatives Are Plotting to Gut Americans’ Labor Rights
Paul Street
Trumpism is Worse Than Merely “Illiberal”
Maria Paez Victor
Venezuela Contra Mundum
Ralph Nader
Congressional Day of Infamy – July 24, 2024!
Dean Baker
AI, Guaranteed Income, and the “Which Way Is Up?” Problem Afflicting Our Elites
Mel Gurtov
Gathering of the Clan: The Trump Criminal Enterprise at the RNC
Rivera Sun
We Need Political Nonviolence Now More Than Ever
Weekend Edition
July 19, 2024
Friday - Sunday
Jeffrey St. Clair
Politics on the Verge of Nervous Breakdown
Fawzia Afzal-Khan
US Academia and the Censoring of an Anti-Zionist Professor
Matthew Stevenson
Trump’s Day of the Jackal
Robert Hunziker
Fukushima Toxic Dumping
Bill Hatch
To a Starving Orphan Who Died Alone in Rubble 
Ramzy Baroud
When Supporting Israel is a Liability: Is Gaza Changing the West? 
Joseph Mangano
Re-Opening a Permanently Shut Nuclear Reactor is a Dangerous Gamble
Richard E. Rubenstein
Zionism: the End of an Illusion
Yoav Litvin
Israel: Where Genocide Meets Real Estate
Ashley Smith
The U.S. Hurtles Toward Political Crisis
David Yearsley
Hymn from Hell:  Greenwood Burns for Trump
Binoy Kampmark
Nuclear Lunacy Down Under
Eve Ottenberg
Congressional Fiasco: The House Votes to Bring Back the Draft
Ed Sanders
A Tribute to Happy Traum
Stephen F. Eisenman – W.J.T. Mitchell
Biden to Justices Alito and Thomas: “You’re Fired”
Kathleen Wallace
Joe Biden’s Symbolic Legacy